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*Dan Miller Speaks About the Recent Trades - Printable Version

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*Dan Miller Speaks About the Recent Trades - 7hawk77 - 08-16-2017

I figured I'd weigh in on what happened with the recent trade.

Obviously the last few weeks of losses really hurt, and the management had to make some tough decisions.

Bailey Cook obviously wanted out of the San Jose Sabercats. You don't want a guy stuck on a team he doesn't want to play for. It doesn't matter the circumstances. He was close with Hackett and when I heard that Hackett's contract renewals we're going sideways... I expected the worst.

Now I will say, that he is a very talented wide receiver and will continue to do well, and I don't blame him or hold animosity towards him. I mean really what's the point to be angry at a guy just trying to make himself happy?
Anyways, when he was in San Jose, he had Ethan Hunt throwing to him. Honestly I don't feel like the possession receiver melded well with Ethan's style of playing. I think a pocket passer will work really well with his play style and Orosz is just that. I would have much preferred to bring a pocket passer to the sabercats with our awesome offensive line, but it is what it is, and you play the hand you are dealt. We've got great talent with our mobile Quarterback, Offensive Line and Running backs so maybe we just pivot to a power run or something like that. On top of that we still have Shane Weston and traded for Smallwood which both are very talented receivers.

I'm honestly not that concered about our offense anyways. I think we can get it done without him. As I mentioned before, his play style didn't exactly jive with the offense so yeah this hurts, but we can survive it.

The bigger problem is we lost our core linebacker. Alexander Selich never developed in to the player we thought that he could be. A.C. Hackett quietly stepped up to take that role over. After some time, he took over as middle line backer.
As far as hanging out with him in the locker room, he was a pretty quiet guy. Just kinda showed up, put in hard work, put up results and went on his way.
As a defensive linemen, and having him as the middle line backer, he would be the safety net I could rely on if I couldn't stop a play. Without that, it's going to take some adjusting. Although, without a safety net, maybe I'll just have to play harder and better to make up for it.

The good news is we traded for a promising linebacker so I don't think we are negatively effected by this in the very long term, only the short term.

I don't think we have much of a chance at playoffs or ultimus cup anymore, but who knows what will happen in the future.

Anyways, let me talk more about the long term value that the sabercats organization gained.

What we gained:
Season 3
1st round draft pick.
3rd round draft pick.
Season 4
4th round draft pick.

It's also possible for the sabercats to lose a 6th round draft pick for the season 3 draft if Hackett doesn't resign, however I don't see that happening since he and Bailey Cook are basically a package deal and Bailey Cook's top choice seemed to be with the wraiths.

I'm glad that the management stepped up to get some value out of these players before we lost them for nothing in the off-season.

I wish Bailey Cook and A.C.Hackett the best up North.

In Conclusion, I support the Sabercats leadership and I'm glad to be a part of this team.

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