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*New Sabercats Get Interviewed - Printable Version

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*New Sabercats Get Interviewed - Sebster - 07-18-2021

(These interviews were conducted on Discord so I'll be using their discord names)

Sebster: What's got you excited about the San Jose Sabercats?
SaviorHawkins: Well, what I am excited about is actually being their x factor and future for the team. I am excited to be handed the keys to the defense when I am done doing my services to my london royals as I owe london my best effort as while I had a great season as a CB for a new user, I want to be better and I know I can be better so this DSFL season is a revenge tour for me. So watch out for me in the awards again with me winning this time.
S: That's great to hear that you're still committed to the Royals and haven't looked past them yet! You and I are the foundations of a London to San Jose DB pipeline that is in the works. What do you think you can bring to the Sabercats as a player and as a locker room member?
SH: Well as a player, after the revenge tour starts, the training and grind does not stop. I am going to come into ISFL as a CB to not mess with. While ISFL WRs are very different from DSFL WRs, it doesn't mean I am not going to go ahead and make sure they know my name. I am not going to back down to no one and these WRs are going to learn that San Jose has gotten their savior. As a locker room member, I am just a guy who will just simply make people laugh.
S: Knowing you from the LON locker room, I can confirm that you are a guy who will make people laugh, that's a fact. What is your prediction for the Sabercats record this year?
SH: I don't do predictions, predictions are meaningless to me. Every season has a story for every team and when it comes to predicting what the future holds for saber, I can't and I refuse to as it takes away the charm of being in the moment with the team. So no I will not give you a prediction as I will let the season give you the answer to your question.
S: Unique answer but I like it, gotta live in the moment and not worry about the past or the future. What do you hope to accomplish in the ISFL now that you are here?
SH: All I want to accomplish now that I am in ISFL is simply be the most irreplaceable player in the ISFL. I want to be a player that every team needs and will do anything to keep or get. I want to be a player where my impact will matter and be the difference to a team's future. Awards are nice and all but being a true MVP of a team is all I ever want.
S: It's great to see that you haven't changed and the clout of making it to the pros hasn't got to your head yet. That's exactly what I was expecting you to say. Can you give me a fun fact about your player?
SH: Well a fun fact about me is that if you know any Spanish at all, you would know that my nickname "El Salvador" is actually just my name repeated. LOL so yea my nickname is just my repeated twice so if you read this Savior "El Salvador" Hawkins is really just Savior "The Savior" Hawkins. Also I am trying to learn Italian as well.
S: Hell yeah love to hear that. Sounds like you might be taking the Kobe approach and learning to talk smack to your opponents in every language?
SH: Pretty much lol.
S: Describe your player’s crib to me. What’s your favorite amenity or feature?
SH: My player’s crib is like a simple mansion that is next to the beach to reflect as well as has its football field for me to train.
S: I feel you, must be nice to have your private practice field. Speaking of fields, which teammate are you most excited to get on the gridiron with?
SH: I mean I hope to face my friends like Dustin and Bradley as that is going to be fun. Hope to face Kiara as well as that is going to be a fun time to stop the running attack. As well as face every top received for each team. I want the smoke for sure and I am ready for it.
S: I can confirm, it's a blast going up against old teammates head to head to settle any arguments from practice about who was better. What was the first big purchase you made after inking that fat rookie contract?
SH: I do not know yet. If I do, it will likely be something that actually brings values like helping the community out with new football gear, rebuilding stadiums, and things like that as nothing brings me more joy than seeing everyone smile as that to me is the best payment ever.
S: A kind and charitable soul. A savior on and off the field. Truly someone to look up to ladies and gentlemen. Couple questions left here, you only have one life preserver, but both Matty and CK fell off your boat and are drowning on opposite sides. Who do you throw the life preserver to?
SH: I mean… I guess I will save CK cause CK has talked to me the most LOL sorry matty.
S: I heard you have been working on season 2 of your netflix series. How did season 1 go for you and what can we expect from season 2?
SH: Well season one is something I have a love and hate about. While I ultimately hate that Season one had this sad pause to it in my real life and it wasn't the way I wanted it to be. Season two will be different as the theme is about emotions as you will be seeing Savior be more aggressive in everything in his life like training, games, and teammates and we will see if Savior can keep his emotions in check.
S: Last question here, I know you had a pretty adamant stance on this last time but I need to know if your feelings have changed at all. Does pineapple belong on pizza?
SH: Yes it does belong on a pizza. While I wouldn’t eat it, it has earned my respect and it deserves to be there. As otherwise, no pizza place would give it a chance. If a pizza place gives it a chance, it deserves to be there.
S: Well said! Well that's all that I have for you. Thanks again for taking the time to answer these!

Sebster: What's got you excited about the San Jose Sabercats?
Van: The logo being very thunder cats-like and I like the colour/theme of the SJSC. The 1st time I saw an ISFL game was the S14 final vs Philly which they won and thought they had a great design.
S: I am also a huge fan of the SJS branding! I don’t usually like green teams, but it seems like the green and gold go really well together. What do you think you can bring to the Sabercats as a player and as a locker room member?
V: A decent amount of the players don't like me considering I hated my last career and let NOLA players channel the hatred they had for SJS through my media lol.  So whilst I am helping Pythons win it all I probably will be silent but once I officially become a sabercat I will bring an active lad who wants to help encourage the team like I do for every sim league team I'm on. lso technically fi any Cat player wants to write a media shit talking the other teams and hide I don't mind landing on that grenade
S: Hahahaha, well I definitely don't hold any grudges against you and I'm sure the rest of the locker room feels the same way. What is your prediction for the Sabercats record this year?
V: I’m 3 seasons behind in terms of following ISFL teams so I've no idea if they are rebuilding or this is the prime season to gun the title, so i say as a cautious realist that they go 22-0 (Certain games count twice as wins cause other teams suck that much) but then lose the semis cause this sim engine hates good teams.
S: I do want to thank you for at least tempering your expectations a bit. 22-0 should be an easily attainable goal for us this season, I agree. What do you hope to accomplish in the ISFL once you get here?
V: Like I said to damn near every scout moving up, my running back career had an expectation of max earning and gunning for the hall of fame, pro bowls, going high in the draft and unfortunately I was stuck with the worst GM I’ve ever had in Mithy so that was never happening. Director and the rest of NOLA were cool dudes but fuck that guy lol. This time around I just heavily don't care nor have any hopes or expectations. Hall of fame in ISFL is a joke, pro bowl is always :thinking: (Like for example I made pro bowl this year in DSFL somehow lol) and awards/nominations can sometimes be the same so once I eventually move up I hope to just have fun. Winning and losing dont really mean much to me here anymore.
S: Oh yeah there's definitely been some drama around the Pro Bowl this season, shoutout Air Crou for stirring that up. Having fun is why we're all here after all, glad you have your sights set on that! Can you give me a fun fact about your player?
V: I’m 99% confident I'm still the only hungarian created player. Maybe that has changed now but there won't be many of us at least.
S: Describe your player’s crib to me. What’s your favorite amenity or feature?
V: Well lore wise Laszlo Forty-Two is in a cult. All of my characters have that gimmick so its a way to link my RP characters together. Since he features in about 5-6 leagues I guess it would be all the awards and championships he has won over his close to ending career that i have written. I would not say he has the personality of putting fine art or decorative stuff in his crib past, maybe his medals or trophies he is proud of winning on other teams or maybe pictures of his fav team mates like The Sanch or Tay Swizzle lol.
S: A cult! Well that's mysterious. What kind of cult-like activities does he participate in? Or am I not allowed to know that?
V: OOC it just depends on the character and whatever the goal i give them is. Some evil, some good, some silly, etc. May also depend on what reality they exist in like some D&D will do typical D&D stuff whilst for Lazzy and say Jose it's more sport based but thats where writing media becomes very easy for me.
S: Nice! That sounds like a good time. Have you picked up any fun endorsement deals yet? Maybe a fun movie appearance is coming soon?
V: Nah Lazzy isn't the type to do that, too focused on the job at hand. That'd be my PBE character that loves doing that. Jose just loves the attention (albeit I haven't written for him in ages).
S: Understandable, gotta keep the main task in your focus and stay grinding on the field. Which teammate are you most excited to get on the field with?
V: What's our main CB called? Cause I'll pick that guy. I've watched that very specific guy for literal seconds. and I'm honestly impressed. If he can bribe the HoF committee he'll be 1st ballot in everything.
S: Rickie Vaughn! He's a force to be reckoned with, and hopefully Juno and I will be able to complete the fearsome trio we have been building. What was the first big purchase you made after inking that fat rookie contract?
V: A new security system for his new San Jose crib to make sure people bugger off (oh and to make sure people don't steal stuff lol). That and probably new gym equipment for his private gym since y'know, the pandemic. Gotta keep in shape.
S: Definitely some good calls there. You only have one life preserver, but both Matty and CK fell off your boat and are drowning on opposite sides. Who do you throw the life preserver to?
V: CK instantly, without hesitation. CK is a bro, I really like him.
S: LOL RIP Matty. That's some fine reasoning though, someone has to be left out unfortunately. Now for the last, but probably most important question, does pineapple belong on pizza?
V: I have 2 answers for this age old question. 1. Fuck no, why the fuck are you placing citrus on a perfectly nice pizza you fucking dumb dumb. 2. It does not matter. The japanese do not like peppers on pizza whilst for us it's pineapple. I know some people who put tuna on pizza and whilst I like tuna it doesn't combo well for me. But that is the bauty of pizza, you can have whatever the fuck you personally like on a pizza and as long as you enjoy it who cares if others dont. Someone in the world has prolly put a donut on pizza and loved it. They're weird but if that's what they love, treat yo self.
S: A great answer, if people like it let them do them. Well that's all I had for you, and I really enjoyed getting to know you! I'll see you around the locker room!

Sebster: What's got you excited about the San Jose Sabercats?
Tomen: Having the rookie season is always exciting as well as having a few familiar faces on the team! With a few key players getting hit by regression it will prolly be rough to replicate the record of the last season but I am down to challenge it!
S: Nice to hear that you're up for a challenge! You should hopefully be a staple on the line for years to come. What do you think you can bring to the Sabercats as a player and as a locker room member?
T: Hmm I would like to think that my player can be a slight upgrade over the former DT2 player Chad Simpson and just be another big body whose primary purpose will be to clog running lanes. From the locker room perspective I like to think that I am a easy going person that is friendly with everyone and able to provide some conversations here and there. I see myself rarely as a conversation starter but instead more like someone who chimes in from time to time. I also have a bit of experience with this being my 3rd player ( 1st one was a bust the 2nd one a HoFer). I will try to earn as much TPE as possible to help the team out as best as I can!
S: I've seen your name around so I knew you were a bit of a veteran. We're always glad to have some experience in the locker room for help! What is your prediction for the Sabercats record this year?
T: Hmm that's a tough one I'd say considering that we have the 4th least amount of TPE. 6-10 which would mean we fall just shy of the previous season.
S: Yeah that is a much more realistic answer than what I've been getting from other teammates. Optimism is nice but you need to be grounded sometimes, and we are definitely building for a brighter future right now. What do you hope to accomplish in the ISFL once you get here?
T: The ultimate goal is to set a career record either in Sacks or TFL. Secondary goal would be reaching the HoF and the third one would be to finally get the elusive Ultimus win.
S: Yes! We're hoping that you and all the new Sabercats will help bring home some hardware and bring a championship to San Jose! Can you give me a fun fact about your player?
T: He once had aspirations to be an WR Hall of Famer until he fell in love with all you can eat asian food.
S: You know, there's not much in this league that I can relate to, but that is extremely relatable.

Sebster: What's got you excited about the San Jose Sabercats?
Ulrichhamond: I'm surprised y'all drafted me i wasn't expecting to get picked up. I think my future could be right here.
S: We agree with you on that! That's why we brought you in here. What do you think you can bring to the Sabercats as a player and as a locker room member?
U: As a player I would say me being a team player, offense or defense. But I would want to be a help either way and as a locker room addiction just being a team guy.
S: Sounds awesome, you sound like a real team before self kind of guy which is great around here. What is your prediction for the Sabercats record this year?
U: I'm not sure if I can predict a exact number but if we play hard we'll win a lot of games this season.
S: Love it, definitely need that kind of mentality in the ISFL. You need to play hard if you want to keep up with the big boys.

Sebster: What's got you excited about the San Jose Sabercats?
SliclakzRB: The LR And The Coaches
S: Those are the most exciting parts of the league in my opinion. A good/bad LR can really make or break your experience here. What have you enjoyed most about our LR so far?
SRB: The players are a great group of people, you can ask the coaches any questions about the league. It's just a great community in San Jose.
SRB: I Think My Player Can Be The Running Back Of The Future In San Jose, As A Locker Room Member I Think I Am On The Quiet Side Compared To Other People I May Say Something Like 2-4 Times A Week. But I'm Working On Being More Of A Presence In The Locker Room.
S: That's awesome! Don't feel any pressure to get super active immediately. Just pop in whenever you can. We're spread out around the world so there's always someone to talk to! What is your prediction for the Sabercats record this year?
SRB: I Think They Can Go 11-5 This Season.
S: Hell yeah, I love the optimism. What do you hope to accomplish in the ISFL once you get here?
SRB: To Run 1000+ Yards every season, Win A Couple Rings And Become A Legend In The ISFL.
S: That's what we're here for. To go down in league history. To leave our mark. Glad we have the same outlook! Can you give me a fun fact about your player?
SRB: DeAndre Was A Former Basketball Star But Decided To Play Football, He Wanted To Become A Player In The ISFL.
S: Following in the path of Jimmy Graham with the basketball to offensive weapon route! Describe your player’s crib to me. What’s your favorite amenity or feature?
SRB: He Has His Playstation And Has Pictures Of His Idols Who Are Davante Adams And Derrick Henry.
S: In terms of idols those are pretty solid guys to look to follow. Have you picked up any fun endorsement deals yet? Maybe a fun movie appearance is coming soon?
SRB: I Do Have A Sponsorship With Jeep, I May Be In Space Jam 2 Who Knows.
S: I've been looking forward to seeing Bron on the big screen, hopefully we get to see you up there too! Which teammate are you most excited to get on the field with?
SRB: Josiah Ckampell the offensive captain of San Jose, a great player and is a big leader on the team.
S: I agree, he's a great locker room presence to have and an awesome person on and off the field. What was the first big purchase you made after inking that fat rookie contract?
SRB: I Bought A House With A Football Field.
S: Love it for those times where you need to practice but can't get to our facilities! You only have one life preserver, but both Matty and CK fell off your boat and are drowning on opposite sides. Who do you throw the life preserver to?
SRB: That's A Tough One, I'll Say CK Cause I Have Talked To CK More Than Matty, Next Time I'll Bring A Second One Just Incase.
S: Good call on planning for the future. Now the last question, but probably the most important. Does pineapple belong on pizza?
SRB: No It Does Not, Tried It Once And Tasted Disgusting. It Does Not Belong On Pizza, If You Say Otherwise You Have Strange Taste Buds
S: My man! Good answer. I completely agree with you there. Well that's all I had for you, thanks for stopping by and letting me ask some questions!
SRB: Alright, Have A Good Day!

(3603 words)

RE: New Sabercats Get Interviewed - Frick_Nasty - 07-18-2021

At @mithrandir next time

RE: New Sabercats Get Interviewed - Exilate - 07-18-2021

this is the farthest thing from it chief

RE: New Sabercats Get Interviewed - SwankyPants31 - 07-18-2021

What is with all the toxic garbage being thrown around these last few days? This is pathetic. Guess that removes any doubt of who was dragging on Mith so hard in the confidential article.

RE: New Sabercats Get Interviewed - GuitarMaster116 - 07-18-2021

Kind of weird you say Mith is the worst GM in the league when you had him blocked way before he was your GM Van, so it’s not like you actually know what kind of GM he is. To me he is an excellent person and excellent friend. 

I have always tried to be nice to you Van and turn a blind eye to some of your remarks, but dude this shit needs to stop. You need some help if you really still hold a grudge against Mith just because he didn’t draft you when he was Tijuana GM. 

Grow up, move on. You told me you wanted a new start with your new player, well how about you show people that and let go of these petty things that happened in the past and just look towards the future instead of trying to drag down a person who I and many others think is a great user in this league.

RE: *New Sabercats Get Interviewed - Pat - 07-19-2021

Dude. It's time to just move on. They didn't draft your RB to Tijuana. You felt that was a slight and took it personally. Fair enough. But come on dude, that was over half a year ago. Quit holding onto that stuff and using it as a springboard to sling toxic insults towards another user.

RE: New Sabercats Get Interviewed - C9Van - 07-19-2021

(07-18-2021, 07:57 PM)SwankyPants31 Wrote: What is with all the toxic garbage being thrown around these last few days? This is pathetic. Guess that removes any doubt of who was dragging on Mith so hard in the confidential article.

Shockingly wasn't me. I think I put something like KEKW or something a long those lines for the teams I don't like. Didn't mention anyone by name excluding myself as going IA and whoever I thought was getting HoF. I wasn't kidding when I said this league made my answers look positive.

Also, LOL I forgot I did this. Was a fun read Seb Smile

RE: *New Sabercats Get Interviewed - pauadrian - 07-19-2021

Damn Van, thought you had turned a new leaf Sad