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*Player's Tribune - tlk742 - 08-17-2017

It's Unreal - By Darren Smallwood

Two weeks worth of games have passed, I’ve now got two games worth of experience of Hunt throwing me the ball. I don’t think anyone is rooting against me, minus the defense when we’re on the field. No one off the field ever wanted nothing but the best, and similarly I want the best for them. After all, how I got here has been nothing short of unreal.

For those who don’t know, here’s a quick recap. Out of all the Yellowknife wide receivers not named Garden, I had the most upside and potential. When the top receiver in the league demanded to be traded because conditions aren’t ideal, I found myself and a few draft picks leaving Canada to go stateside again. It was a bit unreal, I won’t lie, and also a really dumb trade. Everyone hailed it as great for Yellowknife, but I know as a receiver, that the impact my position has on wins compared to just about any other position is relatively low.

When I left Yellowknife, the belief was that San Jose was where careers go to die. I can tell you, first hand that is not the case. The team may have some issues, and some kinks, but there is a group of guys who are ready to step up and take charge. In San Jose, we’re building something incredible and while it is not going to happen overnight, the moves are being made to put the team back on the map and make people want to play there.
“In San Jose, we’re building something incredible”
We got a young quarterback in Adams and great veteran in Hunt. We got Canton leading the backfield and Sharpei on the offensive line. Say nothing for the way that Dan Miller commands on the defense line. Every single one of them is hungry, like a Saber Cat prowling for food. They say you measure a person by not how well they handle successful situations, but how they handle adversity. I’m not leaving until either San Jose gets rid of me or I retire, and I don’t think many of the other team members that make this team great plan to either.

You know, I have an opportunity here that I didn’t have in Yellowknife. I can be a leader and help this team achieve its potential. I don’t think I saw this for the blessing it was when I first got signed, but now, I definitely do. Cook decided that he didn’t want to help the team, and rather would focus on helping himself. I get that, I do. But I am not in this solely for myself. I am here to make a difference, and one that is positive
I cannot do this on my own. I recognize that. I cannot make this team become the powerhouse it can be overnight, nor do I plan to. But I know that activity breeds activity, you don’t get active players by being active. People come for the league and stay for the people, I plan on being one of the reasons they stay.

“I cannot make this team become the powerhouse it can be overnight, nor do I plan to.”

What I am doing is this: I’m going to be a leader on the field and off the field. I’m going to make heads turn, and continue to put up 100 yard games. I’m going to stay active and I’m going to stay hungry.

The Cats are doing something that is going to set the league afire; we’re building a core group of young and hungry guys. We’re not jettisoning talent with upside for established veterans like the wraiths, we’re not banking on the offense not to put us in a bad position like the otters, we’re cutting the fat, we’re getting hungrier and we’re going win in the long run.

My mother always told me that if you want something to succeed you have to work towards it. You can’t just wave a magic wand and it will improve, you need to push yourself and try your best in order to have a chance at success. My colleagues and Yellowknife know that I brought that mentality with me every day that ended in a “y” and I plan to continue to do that here in San Jose. This team is going to something rookies don’t want to miss out on for years to come, not one they regret hearing about.

I’m not going to argue that we’re going to unseat the Outlaws tomorrow, we will not. But we’re going to make some moves, turn some heads and make people wish that the flashes we showed earlier this year were just that. We’re not going to go away, we’re going to come back with a roar, and I’m happy to be a part of the Green and Gold Pride.

812 words



*Player's Tribune - Noble - 08-17-2017

Great article! Best of luck in SJS man, excited to see how your career turns out Smile

*Player's Tribune - 7hawk77 - 08-17-2017


Haters gonna hate. Players gonna play.

*Player's Tribune - daBenchwarmer - 08-17-2017

man, really sorry I'm basically taking a shit on your career right now

*Player's Tribune - tlk742 - 08-17-2017

(08-17-2017, 01:48 PM)daBenchwarmer Wrote:man, really sorry I'm basically taking a shit on your career right now
You're not at all, I have the pleasure to work with another great quaterback. Also 111yards is not possible without you.

*Player's Tribune - Sweetwater - 08-17-2017

Smallwood and the SJS about to go America all over everybody's ass!

*Player's Tribune - Valtookan - 08-17-2017

SA TIJ CHI_Blues KCC POR NOR Had to use all those new ones.

Also, incredible write up dude!

*Player's Tribune - tlk742 - 08-17-2017

(08-17-2017, 06:34 PM)Valtookan Wrote:SA  TIJ  CHI_Blues  KCC  POR  NOR  Had to use all those new ones.

Also, incredible write up dude!
Thanks man. And yeah makes sense.