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*Way old scouting reports - Printable Version

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*Way old scouting reports - Menace0528 - 08-16-2021

Due to recent monetary issues within the league, I figure that now is the perfect time for me to make up for such issues by posting media I’ve been meaning to get to for months now! The media specifically are my scouting reports I have made over the past couple season, starting in I believe S26 or S27. None of the rosters or scouting done will be applicable to this season, so maybe it’s old news, but I figure that it would be nice to get more use out of these due to the work out in. 

First is my scouting report for Portland, made in I believe S26:

Carter Fox: their highest TPE DT (who i assume is the starting DT) is an interior rusher with maxed speed at 75, at 70 strength

Gritt Gurdur: high strength and low agility, power rusher (heaviest weight for DE) along with a 70 in speed that’s lower than the DT’s 75 speed

Xavier Walls: high strength and low agility as well, with a lighter weight (speed rusher). Slightly higher speed than Gurdur at 71

Linebackers: (i’m grouping them together because their stats seem to be all very similar) very high speed and strength (80 for both), with agility very low. Two of them as well have below 55 endurance, and two have 50 tackling

Daquan Madison: Probably a non-factor due to being the second DT in a 3-4 system that rarely uses more than one DT, it’s the same sort of deal of high strength low agility, but he also has pretty crappy speed. Only concern is he’s a nose tackle, which is pretty heavy

Thoughts: two tight end sets might be very helpful, especially for blocking purposes. I understand that our TE’s might not be the best at blocking, but the linebackers might be abysmal at block shedding due to lack of tackling and agility, plus their weight will help against the high strength players. After the linebackers, the main concern is the DT, which is usually the focal point of a 3-4 system. I’d suggest putting a mailer at center. The other mauler could potentially go where Gurdurr lines up, to be able to handle his high strength, plus he has the lower speed of the two DE’s. On the other side, i might suggest a balanced O-linemen for Walls, as putting a lighter athletic linemen might not work the Walls strength. I’m not sure about that. That would leave the athletic O-linemen as guards, and that does make me slightly nervous if the linebackers decide to rush through there, but if the linebackers don’t end up blitzing (and apparently teams can only blitz on passing plays), guards are usually left unblocked (there’s only three players on the defensive line, which usually means the center and tackles are blocked), and then you want a guard with a higher speed to be able to rush out and block linebackers and other players on running plays. This is all speculation though, so idk. An issue with a mauler on the outside, however, is due to the lack of speed, he might leave the runningback more unblocked during outside runs, but idk.

Defensive backs: All of them are capped, and all of them have abysmal tackling (between 35-50) and high speed

Thoughts: There is no way in hell we even consider doing vertical. I like the current game plan of west coast, as honestly our best bet is trying to get as much YAC as possible, and with no chance of any of our players getting separation on these DBs, west coast might be the best option. As well, if we are gonna run, running out of a spread formation might be interesting. Because with the more wide receivers we have out, the more CBs they have out, and because none of their CBs can tackle well, it might be interesting to run on a spread formation

Thoughts on our defensive formation: i’m a bit stuck on this one The O-linemen are all high strength and low speed, which might not be ideal for a 4-3 formation, as stronger O-linemen can match up well against multiple DTs, especially considering both of our DTs don’t have too high agility. It might be better to do a 3-4 formation, with faster LBs to be able to get around low speed O-linemen. The only issue is that our linebackers aren’t great blitzers, with their high speed being contrasted by lower tackling and agility. So honestly i’m not sure. 

Next is the scouting of Minnesota (I believe I specifically scouted their defense for this one):

Deandre Chuggs LB - Highest TPE LB at 108, Minimum hands, agility, and endurance, with close to minimum intelligence and tackling. High strength (71) and speed (70)

Brooks Bane LB - very similar stats, with minimum tackling, intelligence, endurance, agility, and hands. All points put into speed at 77 and strength at 67.

Liamcoolguy Gabjonson: higher agility than others at 60, with low strength and slightly higher endurance. Speed at 78, with basically all other stats being 60 or below

Frostsux Le’map (GM Bot): Speed at 70, Strength at 58, all other stats near or at minimum

Thoughts: Their LBs kinda suck. In addition, they’re all suited to rush the passer, as they all have high speed and higher strength, with nothing really else. Short passes to the inside would probably work against this group. In addition, having a lot of the short middle targets go to TE’s or RB’s might be very useful

James Gath CB - One of the only defensive players that might be a legitimate threat to the offense (as he’s the only capped player on the defense). One of those players who’s focus is intercepting the ball, as nearly all of the points are in speed and hands. If Gath is going to be the main cornerback to cover Schumi, we need to avoid any playbook that passes a lot to the WR2, as Gath’s focus on speed, combined with much higher hands than Schumi, means we probably want to avoid passing to him (this is all assuming that Gath is covering Schumi, which i don’t know how likely that actually is)

Anton Bruckner CB: All of the points have been put into speed and endurance, which again would cover Schumi, who has basically all his points into speed

Every other CB: Focus is on speed, hands, and agility

Thoughts: they’re all fast, with high hands and agility. However, they don’t really have any sort of tackling or strength, which further convinces me that passing to RBs and TEs should be a priority. As well, they’re most likely to be on the outside, so passing to the inside as well seems like a good option.

John Price S: 209 TPE, Most points put into speed at 75, with some put into strength and hands, and a little bit into agility. A very neutral player tbh, not really anything outstanding about him. Not someone I’d be afraid of throwing towards, but like nothing to take advantage of. He’d probably be good at stopping passes or the run

Tim Soulja S: Most of the points have been put into speed, with some into intellegence. Definitely not as good at something like stopping the run

Thoughts: Nothing outstanding tbh. They’re fine ig. They’re probably better than the LBs tho, so maybe short middle or medium middle rather than long passes, but like I wouldn’t be afraid to throw deep against them. As well, only two of the CBs are really good, so if they have match CB with WR, then having three WRs out at a time, even if it’s a bot WR, might be useful

Daniel O’leary DT: A balanced DT with no outstanding stats. His highest stats are speed and tackling at 70. Speed is only at 60

Andrew Warthol DE: Speed at 80, strength at 72, endurance and competitiveness at 55, and everything else at minimum. A mauler would probably absolutely destroy him, but idk if a mauler could handle the speed

Mills Wallace DE: Speed at 70, strength at 77, low everything else

Fat Boija (GM bot) DT: Speed at 74, strength at 78, minimum for everything else

Thoughts: with Mills being the highest in strength while having only 70 speed, id absolutely suggest using a balanced or mauler O-lineman on him. As well, a balanced could probably handle Daniel O-leary. Idk if runs up the gut are the way to go, but I definitely think with the lower endurance, a smashmouth approach might work.

Next I will be posting the Bondi Beach Buccaneers defensive scouting I did, same season as the others:

Don Bradman LB: likely to blitz (they blitz extremely heavily), their only user LB with 67 TPE, very low speed at 59, with their highest stat being strength at 63. Honestly with that low speed, he’ll probably be absolutely useless on coverage, which is probably why they blitz so often

Let Charson (GM bot) LB: all of the points have been put into speed at 74, with a small bit put into tackling. My best guess is that the plan is for Charson to drop into coverage while Bradman blitzs

Thoughts: their LBs suck, with the highest being at 70 and the second highest being at 67, so i’d say middle of the field might be a good place to attack, especially if the sim decides to run a blitz that blitzes Charson and leaves Bradman in coverage. In addition, I’m much less concerned about the 100 blitz percentage knowing that it’ll either be a 59 speed LB blitzing the passer or, if Charson happens to blitz,  dropping into coverage without the help of an LB actually good at coverage. I guess this ignore blitzes by CBs and safeties, but those are less common

Cayson Nzeocha CB: High speed at 85, strength and agility at 55, and mediocre stats in every other category. Honestly our weakness seems to be high speed CBs, as we saw with Minn (with it seeming like every pass to a WR was an incompletion or interception). One of their better players on defense

Henny Tingzpahcbol CB: Literally all of the points put into speed at 87, every other stat at the minimum. Asui is a higher strength WR, which might be useful against a 35 strength CB

Dacey Kream CB: Lowest speed CB of the bunch of 74, all other stats fairly low

Thoughts: Okay so this idea is a little bit insane, and idk if it would work at all, but what if we put Taipan Pete as a WR3 or TE2. He’s got okay speed at 73, but what really appeals to me is the high strength. At 66 strength, he might be great for YAC vs. these much weaker CBs. The only drawback is the 40 hands. Okay so maybe a 40 hands receiver would be a god awful idea, so maybe targeting the RB with more passes would be better than putting in Pete as a WR. The other thing I would have to note is that all of them have very bad endurance, meaning that maybe later on Schumi or Asui could break off some big plays.

Chathack'rius Smith IV S: Their only user safety at 148 TPE, with most of the points put into speed, endurance, hands, and competitiveness

Thoughts: Well, i guess there’s no real fear of a safety blitz, considering I doubt smith could do any sort of block shedding. He has an insanely low tackling stat as well, at 35. Tbh, I wonder what setting the passing preference to the medium inside would be like in the sim. It would attack the linebacker(s), while allowing for it to be deep enough to give our receivers a chance to  make a play against the lower endurance DBs.

Jake Hayes DT: Their only user DT at 57 TPE. Didn’t really decide to focus on stat, just kinda spreading it all around. They only have two stats above 60 (tackling and strength at 65), and their speed is at 50.

Mongo DE: their only user DE at 187 TPE. High speed (78), tackling, and strength (both at 70). Really the only concern in terms of the defensive line. Has minimum agility

Thoughts: They have basically no defensive line outside of Mongo. I’m not usually a fan of runs up the
middle, but this feels like the most opportune time for it. I mean, it reduces the effectiveness of Mongo (DE’s can’t really do much about inside runs), it’s doubtful a 50 speed DT could do much, and the linebackers are either a high speed LB who probably wouldn’t be able to tackle him or a low speed LB who probably wouldn’t be able to catch him.

Final thoughts on the defense: Smashmouth seems to be the way to go. It allows for runs up the
middle, a TE to block the consistent blitz during running plays, and it’s also not too bad to throw out of.

Finally, I will be posting the one scouting report I made in the ISFL, of Honolulu (this was made S27, which means the other ones were S26):

Heinrich Kackpoo LB: Their highest TPE LB at 1099, Maxed everywhere except for competitiveness. He seems to have focused more on stats than on traits, as his only traits are competitor and speed rusher. The pass rusher LB build does have a somewhat low endurance max at 80, but the competitor trait probably makes up for that. My only real note is that he’s not one of the stronger LBs, but he makes up for it with everything else.

Guy Fields LB: 730 TPE. A coverage LB, but the way he spent his points is something you’d be more likely to see in a versatile LB. For example, his agility and strength are the same at 80, but usually you’d see a coverage LB have higher agility than strength. He has a lower competitiveness, but it’s the same deal as Heinrich, with competitor making up for that. With tackling only at 75, and agility and strength at 80, he definitely won’t be nearly as good at block shedding as Kackpoo, so it’s much less of a concern of him blitzing. I definitely think we could take advantage of his lack of tackling and lower agility and strength by passing to Clark Boyd more in the middle of the field. Boyd has higher strength and hands, in addition to matching him in speed and agility, so he’d be a good matchup against Fields.

Holden Summers LB: 403 TPE. Before I get into his stats, I just first wanted to bring up that he’s an IA LB, and the reason that’s notable is because most of his stats are at 71, because in the old sim he got a boost at 71, but now it’s kinda unnecessary. He has near max speed at 89, with basically every other stat being at 71 (except for INT at 64 and competitiveness at 55). While he does have extremely high speed, I do highly doubt he’ll be able to sack the QB, due to not being able to really shed blocks because of his 71 agility, strength, and tackling. The only real concern I have is that he might be able to stop the run well because of his speed, but while he would be able to get to the RB, idk if he could actually stop him because of his lower stats. In additon, due to no points being put into hands, I do doubt that we have to worry about any sort of INTs from him.

Thoughts: I absolutely predict they will consistently blitz, due to Kackpoo being great at blitzing and Summers’s probably not being great in coverage. The focus on blitzing, combined with none of them having INT over 80 and only one actually having a build that is meant for coverage, makes me thing that we might want to avoid longer passes. In addition, we can afford to pass in the middle more, as it’s likely there will only be one linebacker in coverage due to the other(s) blitzing. I would personally suggest more passes to our TE in the middle, as the combination of only one LB in coverage plus having a TE that matches up well against him makes me think that would work well

Jim Waters CB: 964 TPE. Near maxed in most areas, The main exception to this being tackling. It’s fairly common to see CBs have lower tackling, but tackling is really his only stat under 70 (his tackling is at 60). Because tackling is so low, combined with a strength stat of 75 and an agility of 85 (high, but not maxed), I’d imagine we don’t have to be concerned about him blitzing. This also makes me think that we should try shorter or medium passes, or really any sort of playbook that’s less about long passes and more about YAC, especially considering with a speed of 95 I doubt we’d get enough separation to try those longer passes

Ray-Ray Jackson CB: 657 TPE. Maxed hands and intelligence, near maxed speed (94), minimum tackling and very low agility. Due to all of our wide receivers having 80 or more agility, our wide receivers would match up well against him, both in catching passes and breaking tackles.

Cadillac Harris CB: 535 TPE. Has 71 or 70 in most stats, except for speed (93). CB3s rarely have an impact on the game, so i won’t write much about him other than that his stats aren’t great.

Thoughts: My thought is that all of them have low tackling, so we might want to try doing shorter or medium passes to give our WRs and TEs more of a chance to break tackles. As well, only Waters has a trait, and he only has the perceptive trait, so the lack of traits is definitely interesting

Shane Dawkins S: 1225 TPE. Center fielder who is either maxed or 1 point away from maxed in every stat. The center fielder archetype itself has inherently bad tackling and strength, so to take advantage of the archetype, we might want to take the same tactic as we did with the LBs and CBs, which is rather than doing 50/50 balls, trying instead of do shorter or medium passes that force them to tackle instead

Davriel Lavigne S: 733 TPE. Maxed strength, speed, and hands, with lower agility at 73 and abysmal tackling at 59. Same as Dawkins.

There’s a third safety, but typically a third safety is rarely useless, so i doubt I need to scout him.

Thoughts: They have fairly low strength and tackling, which we could definitely take advantage of as they might be worse at taking down the ball carrier. As well, we don’t have to be concerned with the safeties blitzing, as both of them would be pretty bad at that.

Keʻokeʻo Kāne-Maikaʻi DE: 1120 TPE. Speed rusher who’s maxed everywhere except for competitiveness (80). His max speed is 80, which is still fast, but honestly not great in terms of speed. Our main concern is his agility, as he has 95 agility. We would probably want to put Byron Dolls on him, as having our best O-lineman on their best D-line player is ideal, plus an athletic linemen would match up against him better.

Asher Montain DE: 845 TPE. Power rusher with maxed strength, speed, intelligence, and hands (not sure why for that last one). He’s a higher strength/lower speed DE with 77 agility. Ideally, we’d put Taylor Cooper on him, as a mailer would match up well against him.

Bane Kaʻanāʻanā DT: 483 TPE. Very high strength, low speed (70, which is the max for an all-purpose DT). Low competitiveness, and only 70 endurance. This is their best DT, and at only 483 TPE, this is something we can take advantage of. Due to the quality of their DE’s combined with their DT not being very good, i’d suggest we do a lot of inside runs, especially considering he has low competitiveness and only okay endurance.

Momona Keiki-Kāne DT: 343 TPE. My guess is they are running a 3-4 (as they have good blitzing LBs and bad DTs), so i doubt he’ll get much playing time. Minimum speed at 50, low competitiveness, lower agility, high strength and tackling. Because of such a low speed, we don’t need to be concerned at all with him sacking the QB. He might be okay at stopping the run, but I doubt he’ll get much playing time.

Thoughts: They are very vulnerable to inside runs because of them not having good DTs. I would definitely avoid outside runs however, as they have good DEs. However, their DEs are also more suited for rushing the passer than stopping the run.

Thanks to anyone who actually bothered reading these old scouting reports. I had put a lot of work into them back when i made them, and i’m glad there’s finally another use for them!

(3514 words)

RE: Way old scouting reports - BOOM™ - 08-18-2021

Interesting look into the scouting process. Thanks for posting.