International Simulation Football League
(S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Printable Version

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(S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - siddhus - 08-16-2021

(S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of....
Complete the weekly Point Task to earn 3 TPE! All written responses must be at least 200 words. New for this season, PT's may be submitted in another language, as long as you mention what language you are translating into, to make the job of the grader easier.

Do not claim this TPE until it has been graded and posted to the S30 claim thread. This task is due next Sunday, August 22th 2021, at 11:59 ET. Have fun and get writing!

Written option: This week is the last week of the regular season of the 30th season of the ISFL. Wooooooo! This week, tell us what you think the meaning of success in this league is? Is it winning championships? Winning awards? Destroying that one team that you hate? Or just having fun with your team? There are so many ways to define success, what would you define it as.

Graphic option: Create a graphic depicting your team having success in whatever you consider the meaning of success to be.

Affiliate claims from SHL and PBE are accepted; link directly to your post and add a note if your username is different there. Make sure the week of the affliate PT matches with the week of this point task. If there are any questions on what counts as an affliate PT, contact anyone from the PPT team.

Written and graphic responses must be posted solely in this thread and not for additional media credit. Also, if you try to build your word count by being super repetitive and rambling on, you will not get full credit. If you are caught plagiarizing/stealing someone else’s work, you will be punished as HO sees fit, including the potential loss of TPE or money. Do your own work please. If you have a non-full PT pass and would like to use it this week, make sure to post in the thread. No need to post in the thread, with a full PT pass.
If you have ideas for future PTs, visit the link below, and your idea may be used next PT!! - Submit Prompt Ideas here! - PT Passes list here!

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Thor - 08-16-2021

To me and to my player Ken Oath and Heath Evans, finding success is about writing bland and boring PTs every week to earn a measly three TPE, putting in siginificantly more effort than predictions for sometimes less TPE. Success is about draining the fun out of the league and making it truly feel like you're having to work to get things done, because if it's still fun you're not successful yet. It's about building a great team, and then watching that team get beaten consistently due to nothing but luck. It's about realising that your sim testing is meaningless, and many championships have been won based off sim luck and general apathy towards the league.

If you're someone that is still having fun with the league and hasn't hit that point of burnout yet - don't worry, you too can be successful with only a large amount of time and resources to use! Missed a prediction or PT? Might as well retire and start over! Your player didn't win an award every season they were in the league? Better try your luck at PBE or something.

Don't worry about being successful, don't worry about your TPE or stats or W:L record. Just go hang out with people, have some fun and casually reach the HoF.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - yonggarius - 08-16-2021

Even though my player is going through a great career so far, it is my opinion that success in ISFL should be measured based on the user, not the player. Individual player success - like pro bowls, awards and stats- are mostly a product of luck and circumstances. Even championship wins are largely dependent on luck, as good GMing and good team building can only take you so far without luck in the playoffs, especially with this new sim.

User success, on the other hand, has almost no link with luck. The only "luck" you can possibly have regarding being a successful user- namely being a welcomed presence in the community, making friends and contributing to the betterment of community- is to be drafted into the "right" team culture at first. Even then, I saw quite a few cases of a few good users transforming a dead or toxic locker room culture into something a lot better.

ISFL has diversified a lot over the years, in multiple aspects. And that means a lot of divergence in how people define success, too. But for me, the most successful users in ISFL would always be the ones who are respected the most within the community because of their contributions, not the ones behind the most successful players. Although, I have to say, those two kind of user tend to overlap in quite a few cases. (232)

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - OrbitingDeath - 08-16-2021

For the Honolulu Hahalua, a championship is something that yet has to be obtained, but winning isn’t everything. The whole locker room experience, being with friends and joking around is far more important. In a league with 14 teams, there are 13 teams without a championship in the end, so the odds of winning are low. But the excitement the locker room can bring, that is the true meaning of success. When the Hahalua started the tradition of our caps lock gamedays, to bring the hype (brought to you by our special hypeman Hex ) , it brought a whole new layer of comradery to the team. Despite our success on the field being limited, I wouldn’t change this team for anything in the world. If that isn’t success, then I don’t know what is. We had people come and go for the past years, but the ones sticking to the team, that’s what makes them great. And yet, there is no hatred or ill behaviour towards these that are leaving, Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. It might be a cheesy disney quote, but i certainly feel this way about the Hahalua. And if we grow together as a team and win the championship one day, that would definitely be a great bonus, but this team is a success with or without that ring.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - .emfaith - 08-16-2021

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - .simo - 08-16-2021


RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - unconfident - 08-16-2021

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - SchoolboyShue - 08-16-2021


RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - teddyoojo - 08-16-2021

Ok, so for me success in this league is pretty similar to the reasons why im still involved in this league at all.
One of the biggest successes for me in the ISFL is the fact that theres a bunch of people i like talking to (and that hopefully like talking to me aswell). The main appeal is definitely the interaction between the people in this league that are awesome!
So for me, one aspect of success are the interpersonal relationships within this league. And I've had some great success there meeting some great people that i talk to on pretty much a daily basis, so what more could you want out of a league like this.
Then again, another part of success in this league is definitely my own players success. Unfortunately, i have not had the greatest successes yet with my player, while I have won an Ultimus championship with sarasota, i have not yet managed to win an individual award. also my previous draft positions have felt rather lackluster, and could be interpreted as a lack of success. However, winning the ultimini was i guess the pinnacle of success as seen by a lot of players in this league, so id say i have been overall rather successful so far!
213 words

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Crunk - 08-16-2021

PBE Affiliate