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*Pre-draft interview Zephyr GreyWolf - Printable Version

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*Pre-draft interview Zephyr GreyWolf - taterswc - 08-31-2021

Jenny: Hello, I am Jenny Reid a reporter for WZZT Vancouver, and I am sitting down with Zephyr GreyWolf a prospect in the upcoming DSFL draft. Zephyr, thank you for taking the time to sit down and talk with me. I am sure you had a lot of reporters trying to get an interview with you.
Zephyr: Woof( I am happy to be here. Several reporters did reach out but also brought up questions like leashes and cages. My human had recommended you so when you reached out, I was excited to accept.)
Jenny: Oh? Who is your human?
Zephyr: Woof (Makrus Jager the hockey player. He has done interviews with you in the past)
Jenny: Oh…. him. I have sat down and talked with him before. When you say he is your human does that mean you are his pet?
Zephyr: Woof (I am not pet. If anything, he is the pet.)
Jenny: I believe that. On to the topic at hand though how are you feeling about the upcoming DSFL draft.
Zephyr: Woof (I am excited for the draft. I look forward to having a team to call home while in the DSFL. The Norfolk Seawolves picked me up for the end of their season but that was just temporary. They are a good group though so I would be happy to go back there. I have also spoken to a few other GM’s in the league. Everyone seems really nice and welcoming. It’s just a matter of who will choose me.)
Jenny: Do you have a preference on which team drafts you?
Zephyr: Woof (Not really. So far everyone has been great, so I feel like there is no wrong team to be drafted too. My main concerns are the location of the team. I want to be able to hunt and run through forests on my off days. Having large forested area near where I will be spending most my time is a must.)
Jenny: I can see how a forest would be important. Are factors like temperature and issue. I am not familiar with all environment’s wolves live in.
Zephyr: Woof (Temperature isn’t much of an issue. I can do well in cold or warm climates. I will have to negotiate for proper grooming if the climate is exceptionally hot.)
Jenny: Speaking of negotiation what kind of contract negotiations are you looking for? Are you more interested in dollar amount of amenities?
Zephyr: Woof (Well that all depends. As a rookie I expect to receive a standard rookie contract, but I will negotiate for specific needs. Such as a groomer and game side water dish but with flowing water because that’s how I like it. And of course, a human representative to run basic errands for me. Walking into a store always seems to scare a bunch of humans. I also would like to negotiate bonuses in the form of deer. No matter how far I get from the forest I sill love the taste of juicy juicy deer.)
Jenny: Those seem like reasonable negotiations. Do you expect to go high in the draft?
Zephyr: Woof (I am not really sure how high I will go. I got an early start to my season so I have the experience advantage over some of my classmates but that only goes so far. Teams want players that have the potential to establish a brand and really bring in some money. High earners look favorable in draft. There is also positional consideration. Teams aren’t going to draft a player if they don’t need to fill that role on their team.)
Jenny: And what role do you fill?
Zephyr: Woof (I am a defensive tackle. My goal is to put pressure on the quarterback and ideally sack him for a loss. Being a wolf there are features about me that lend me to certain tasks. I don’t have opposable thumbs, so quarterback isn’t a good fit for me. Kicking also isn’t really a good fit based on how my knees bend. So my options are to utilize my speed and strength. I like to hit people so that lead to selecting defensive tackle. I am not opposed to playing any position that lets me get in there and hit someone. Since biting is against the rules. I am really just hungry to play and have fun.)
Jenny: Versatile and hungry. I am sure you will go high in the draft with that attitude. Well that about wraps up our interview. Is there anything you would like to say to your fans or upcoming teammates before we go?
Zephyr: Woof (I want to thank the fans that support me. I will do my best to make you proud next season. To my future teammates, I am excited to see what we can build. To the competition, you better watch out because I am coming and I won’t stop.)
Jenny: once again that was Zephyr GreyWolf and I am Jenny Reid with WZZT Vancouver. Goodnight

( 834 words)