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*R-R-t for Fantasy - Kotasa - 09-08-2021

I’ve always wanted to do these so I figured no better time than the present! Now am I the biggest brained user on the site? By no means, my brain has a few wrinkles in it but is smooth in other spots so keep that in mind as we go through these. As always it's a tier system and is in no particular order so let's dive in.

* - Picks labeled with a star are more of a gamble than other picks


Tier 1
ARI Charlemagne Cortez
COL Mattathias Caliban
SAR Mike Boss Jr.
Tier 2
PHI Ryan Negs*
YKW Colby Jack*
Tier 3
AUS Jackie Daytona
NYS Sam Howitzer
Potential Waiver Star(s)
BER Dexter Zaylren &  HON Joliet Christ Jr.

But why tho?

ARI Charlemagne Cortez - there is room for a step back from the reigning MVPs season due to the loss of some key players, Calvin Golladay and Thomas Passman while in regression were big helps for Cortez last season, I still believe the sky is the limit for Cortez with a duo of 1k+ WRs, a future HOF RB at 900 and his partner in crime at 1k+ along with an 800+ TE. Main concerns here will be with the OL as losing Golladay will hurt. Potential is there to repeat the performance he had last season and there is not many reasons he won't be able to.

COL Mattathias Caliban - We all know the yeti love to air out the football and this season should be no different, despite the long time yardage machine that Lim has been he has taken a bit of a step back in regression. Still he is 800+ and with Raphael Delacour and Cole Maxwell WR will be no issue. The Yeti made a splash in free agency by landing TE Buffalo hunter who will be taking the TE1 spot in Colorado. I expect Drip Dad to be a prime target on check downs as he is a receiving back, despite the memes fantasy is all about numbers and Caliban, in theory should put them up. 

SAR Mike Boss Jr. - Mike Boss has WEAPONS around him, Kingston despite being in regression is still great in almost every major sim stat, endurance being at 72 is a bit concerning in the later parts of games but aside from that the only bit that has regressed is his blocking stats. While not a team player he will still be the WR that helped lead the Fish to their second title last season, and with him is a nice up and comer in Salem Spence who will only improve as the season goes on. Despite having only two WRs Boss has two great TEs to throw to in HOFer James Angler and the WR convert in Mario Messi who had a bit of a breakout season last year. Tre’Darius J’Vathon should get some looks in the passing game in what I expect to be an offensive explosion. The OL is a bit concerning but in my opinion that bodes well for Boss' fantasy numbers as the running game may struggle down in Florida.

PHI Ryan Negs* - THATS RIGHT IT'S NEGS TIME BABY. I have two strong opinions about Negs the player, first he picked the wrong Giant's QB render and should've gone with Eli because the way he play reminds me of him. Second he should be a fantasy monster this upcoming season. Philly is starting to hit their stride, their core is S25 and younger which is all coming to a peak this season and the WR trio they have there should really open up the passing game for the now veteran QB, is that weird to say? Jake Fencik the recently converted kicker coming in to start playing with his hands and not his feet adds an extra 1k+ weapon for Negs to throw to and the longtime duo of Asui and Chambers should give more than enough fire power to this team to allow for Negs to air it out. Let's not forget about Borgo San Lorenzo who should surpass 900 TPE early in the season and this team could really spread the ball out through the air. As much as I love MVLonnie (goated btw) I expect the ball to travel through the skies in Philly. The only reason I have not put him in tier 1 is because the sim has not been kind to Philly or Negs but I believe he's a great option on paper.

YKW Colby Jack* - I think the Wraiths are going to be interesting this season. Kai (Sakura not Cobra) will still do Kai things I imagine unless Walker takes over that WR1 spot which he is more than capable of doing. Colby is still fine in passing stats post regression, though speed dropping may lead to more sacks. I just look at this Wraith's squad on the budget list and I have concerns, only 6 human offensive players are signed, one being OL, and I don't really know what the plan is offensively. In theory I think Jack could be one of the best QBs in the league this season but a lack of weapons, only having three in Reechs Walker and Sakura, makes me hesitant to put him in Tier 1 but with the skill of these 4 guys I also hesitate to put him in tier 2. At this point consider him a late round steal.

AUS Jackie Daytona - One of the few starting QBs not affected by regression that's also capped Daytona should in theory be a solid pick but the weapons around him, along with the dominant presence of Watts and Jim the Vampire, make me question his fantasy numbers. Austin runs the ball and plays good defense, they do both those things well. Passing will be questionable, a retiring videl-san, a rising but not quiet there Bayley Cowabunga, and a rookie who dominated in the DSFL but may struggle to adjust in Cliff Burton makes it so I can't quite put the veteran QB in Tier 1. While the player himself is great in his own right, the weapons around him are cause for concern. Though if you need your QB I wouldn't expect many negative plays from Daytona this season. 

NYS Sam Howitzer - This is one of those, the player is good and has a great pass catcher BUT scenarios. NYS loves to run the football, and you can see why. An All-Pro full-back combined with one of the most efficient backs in the league in Captain Rogers makes me a bit worried about which direction NYS will go this season. Last season we saw them air it out and it was good enough for the second seed in the conference, but when they get down to the goal line they love to run that football and you can see why. They're good at it! So it's a big yardage vs TD thing that keeps Howitzer from a top tier spot for me. I think the potential is there for some solid volume but less TDs which is king in fantasy, proceed with caution.

BER Dexter Zaylren &  HON Joliet Christ Jr.
Both of these guys are here for different reasons, Zaylren has three great pass catchers around him and is adding a solid 4th option in Gronku, with King regressing he should be the guy to lead it. However without being capped build path will be key for him, I think he has very high upside but could end up in a situation where he falls flat if the build path isn't great. Joilet Christ is a different story and I worry about Cobra Kai, we'll get to him later, stealing the show. Thought Joilet was efficent last season it wasn't quite the volume you'd like to see out of your fantasy QB. With only 1 Capped receiver in Eleven Kendrick-Watts, a questionable OL, and the rest of the weapons besides the two mentioned with a ways to go it's tough to put him in the "You should take this guy" tiers, but keep an eye on him if one of my other suggestions doesn't pan out.

Running Backs
Tier 1
HON Cobra Kai
Tier 1.5
AUS Zoe Watts
ARI Deadly Memes / Tatsu Nakumura non-feature back in tier 2
Tier 2
NOLA Mike Rotchburns
SJS Jamar Lackson
SAR Tre’Darius J’Vathon
Tier 3
CHI Madison Hayes*
YKW Jay Cue Jr.*
COL Drip Dad
NYS Captain Rogers*
Potential waiver star
BER Danny King Jr.

But why tho?
Tier 1
OCO GOAT TANK - Goat Tank should be an absolute workhorse for the Otters this coming season, Ramza is pretty deep into his regression at 800 TPE, with 2 weapons who haven't broken 900 TPE, though the Onion Man should this season. This leaves the door wide open for Goat Tank to run over the league, GT got a ton of crap for rough efficiency last season but it's fantasy. Who cares about efficiency, if my man is leading the league in rushing yards and touchdowns I don't care if he's doing it on 1.2 YPC he's still getting numbers. I think you can argue him for first overall pick in any group.
HON Cobra Kai - Hey you know what happened to Kai last season? He got the same scrutiny that GT got for efficiency! It's back to the same Argument but you know what Kai has that a lot of RBs don't? Receiving ability, Kai was nutty last season. Did you know he had the 20th most scrimmage yards in a season! Nearly 1,900 yards and 17 TDs is very close to Tatsu Nakamura's MVP season, with a bit better efficiency I think Kai could've easily gotten that trophy. In terms of pure volume Kai should be equally impressive as he was last season.

Tier 1.5
AUS Zoe Watts - By all accounts Watts was considered one of the best pure runners in dot football last season, at least by the SFWG, and was mad efficient on 4.8 YPC. 1800 total yards and 14 total touchdowns is a great fantasy back to have but why did I put her tier 1.5? The answer is the other guy on the Copperheads in Jim The Vampire, the back is up and coming on the TPE train and got a good amount of looks last season in the end zone. Despite a lower  YPC and overall yardage on the ground Jim took up a big receiving roll for the Copperheads getting him 44 touches in that department for 500 yards and 2 touchdowns. He also was a bit of a vulture netting 7 rushing TDs from Watts, Jim was a great backup and certainly helped Austin to plenty of wins last season, but in my opinion puts a bit of a dent on the Watts fantasy value. Still she is a safe bet after the top two guys go early in your draft.
ARI Deadly Memes / Tatsu Nakumura - Hey guess what folks! You have to guess which one is gonna be the better of these two! These guys has almost the exact same yardage totals last season, 1,691 for Tatsu and 1,628 for Deadly BUT Tatsu was the touchdown machine with 21 total scores where Deadly got 14 total scores. In theory it should be Deadly that is the prime back in the desert due to Tatsu's regression but only time will tell how AZ handles the loaded backfield, honestly I'm on the team and idk what is happening with it, either one of these guys should be a safe bet if AZ's offense is anything like last seasons you can't really go wrong. Tatsu did regress to below 900 but should be back past it early in the season. Go with your gut here, and if one goes you can get the other. For reference I put the other one that isn't the main star in tier 2.

Tier 2
NOLA Mike Rotchburns - Rotchburns in my opinion is pegged for a breakout season, though he hasn't shown that yet, only amassing over 1,000 yards once in his career, I expect NOLA to go very run heavy this season. They have an all human OL, even though one is IA, just signed a former OLOTY in Golladay and have a reigning one in Mellott, had Slothlisberger get yoked to move to guard, and did I mention they have a rookie QB starting? They have some young WRs who are still developing and will be good in a few seasons but I don't think they're there quite yet and one aging one in Ed Barker. This team is poised to feed the offense through Rotchburns and with Jones being a tad light on TPE I do not think the threat of a vulture persist for Rotchburns. He has shown throughout his career that his floor is about 800 yards and 7TDs which isn't amazing fantasy value, but this will be his make or break season.
SJS Jamar Lackson - This is a pick I think will pan out better later in the season rather than earlier, Lackson currently sits around 900 TPE and has most of his stats still capped with there being two exceptions, competitiveness which is less of a concern, but the bigger one for me is endurance. Lackson currently sits at 65 endurance post regression, which is only 15 TPE from getting above the 71 endurance threshold. This should be easily accomplished after week 1 if he continues to earn, concerns A. If he doesn't continue to earn Vermillion will take a lot more carries, and B. The first 4 games of the season will more than likely be played without the endurance threshold being met. Though SJS does look primed to run the ball with Panda coming up to start, and Lackson was one of the most efficient runners last season. He is a solid RB2 with RB1 upside later in the season.
SAR Tre’Darius J’Vathon - I know in MBJ's section I believe Sarasota will be passing a lot, and I do think they will, J'Vathon has a lot of upside to him as the feature back in the Fish offense, he is primed to get a majority of the touches over rookie RB Huntsman and even when not touting the ball has great receiving ability that will ensure he gets his touches one way or another. The WR convert may not be the focal point but will get the touches through the air to make up for it, I do worry about TD potential with Huntsman in the wings. However, with Dax Ichynose-Chan retired it opens the door for J'Vathon to take center stage.

Tier 3
CHI Madison Hayes* - The Chicago RB should get a lot of volume this season in both the running and receiving game, Chicago has a new QB in town in Oles who will probably struggle due to the TPE not being quite there yet. Chicago has two young receivers and one aging so Madison will more than likely get the majority of the offense put on her. One advantage that Madison has over some other RBs is the fact Chicago fields four human OL, position skill is a fickle thing and should provide holes for the former gray duck to put up some decent numbers. HOWEVER big however here, from what I've seen Chicago is running Hayes as a Sproles type of player, which leads to great yardage totals, 1500 in S30, but really prevents the king of fantasy from showing up, touchdowns. With only 5 total TDs last year Madison is a gamble but could end up being Cobra Kai lite.
YKW Jay Cue Jr.* - Things start to get murky here but I think Cue has some great upside potential if the Wraiths do choose to take the air out of the football, as I said earlier the Wraiths offense on paper is a little unpredictable, only 6 offensive players are signed with a QB and 2 WRs I imagine that they will want to air it out. It wouldn't surprise me to see Cue more involved in the offense at this point and as the only RB on the roster he will certainly get the volume when it comes to rushing the ball. Worse comes to worst he gets a good amount of goal line touchdowns akin to Richard Gilbert a few seasons ago, 20+ TDs with less than 1k yards is good enough for me!
COL Drip Dad - "ThE yEtI dOn'T rUn ThE bAlL" yeah I know they haven't but that doesn't matter for the Water Father himself should be taking over the main role in the yeti offense with the departure of Richard Gilbert, Drip comes in as the main back about 400 TPE ahead of his backup but much like a lot of these later guys his upside is his receiving ability, Drip only had 500 total yards from scrimmage last season but should be able to get many more with the yeti air it out offense, if they set their RBs to catch and not block look out for Drip cause he might break out.
NYS Captain Rogers* - I think Rogers has the highest upside of the tier 3 backs if I'm being honest but like most of them he is a gamble. While only having about 1,000 total yards from scrimmage Rogers had the second most TDs of all RBs with 18!! The man is not the yardage monster he could be, despite having 5.1 YPC WOW! But when NYS gets to the goal line they love to run it in with Rogers and Busta, I don't see Prince taking many from Rogers since Rogers seems to be the vulture of the teams WRs BUT if NYS does go run heavy this season Prince could very well take that role. This guy could be the steal of the draft but I wouldn't take him too high.
Potential waiver star
BER Danny King Jr. - Despite 1,500 total yards and 14 TDs King Jr. is getting killed by regression, while still the lead back in Berlin he has a couple things holding me back from drafting him. A brand new up and coming QB, 3 amazing WRs for that QB, a new TE for that QB, and a vulture in Terry Yaki waiting to steal his TDs. King Jr. doesn't have the best set up for fantasy RBs BUT if Berlin does decide to feed him and one of my other picks isn't panning out he could be a solid waiver steal in the season.

Wide Receivers
Disclaimer: This is easily the murkiest of all positions in my opinion, a complete crap shoot of who will be good but some players have higher floors than others for various reasons
Tier 1
YKW Kai Sakura*
SAR Jackson Kingston
COL Raphael Delacour*
ARI Taro Raimon
Tier 2
BER Cmon Skiuuup & Tychondrius Hood
AUS Videl-San
NYS Tugg Speedman
YKW Mark Walker*
HON Eleven Kendrick-Watts
Tier 3
COL William Lim
ARI Darren Pama*
Potential Breakout Star(s)
PHI Jake Fencik, Killian Chambers, OR Tsuyu Asui

But why tho?

Tier 1
YKW Kai Sakura* - A tier 1 player with the asterisk? If Kai is WR1 he is the top in the league imo, not a ton of mouths in YKW to steal touches, dude has been a monster past 3 seasons putting up MVP type numbers for a WR is hard but Kai does it season in season out. HOWEVER, this season is a bit different, I've heard rumblings of young Mark Walker potentially taking the WR1 spot from Kai this season, Walker is 200 TPE ahead and post regression Kai has lost some endurance, which is easily recouped. I could see Kai maintaining his WR1 status, Walker is a selfless dude and loves to see his teammates succeed, and Kai is well on his way to HOF. Dropping to 77 endurance from 90 is easily gainable throughout the season to put him back to where he was but this one's a risk.
SAR Jackson Kingston - Promised WR1, Promised primary target AND in a pass heavy scheme?? BUMSton no more! The WR who won back to back on two different teams is a great despite a loss of endurance similar to Sakura Kingston has the higher floor due to his contract promises. The Fish should be a very safe bet this season and despite acting like his render and getting plenty of yards with no TDs that should change due to the departure of Dorito boy. Skies the limit for the guy and could easily be the first WR off your board.
COL Raphael Delacour* - ON PAPER, Delacour I believe will be WR1. Lim is pretty deep in regression, he still could play WR1 but they have a better player on the roster and I imagine he will step into WR1. I could be wrong and Lim stays there for this season and Delacour takes over the following season, but if he does take over in this pass heavy team then you're getting a dude who's floor is 1,500 yards and 8 TDs. Pretty solid floor there if you ask me.
ARI Taro Raimon - All the talk was about Pama last season, and for fair reasons due to his insane YPC, but Raimon really wasn't far behind him in terms of pure volume stats and should have a similar floor this season. Even if you don't expect the AZ offense to be as good as last season, which you shouldn't since it was statistically the best ever so expecting similar results will lead to disappointment, Raimon still has a great floor as WR1 in a potent offense that should still continue to be explosive. 
Tier 2
BER Cmon Skiuuup & Tychondrius Hood - I have concerns about the rookie QB, but Zaylren comes in with a cool 880 TPE and should be over 900 easily in the season. Despite my concerns about the QB play, which is mostly related to INTs. These guys got a pretty solid floor in their own respects, Skiuuup had a bit of a down year last season with the run heavy Berlin squad but should bounce back to his breakout form and Hood should continue his great production. Though I have them both here as Skiuuup has the Primary receiver designation and Skiuup has WR1, it's a toss up which will perform better but they are both solid picks in this area.
AUS Videl-San - The clear WR1 in Austin with a great QB, while I don't expect Austin to be pass heavy this season they weren't last season either, yet Videl still was able to put up near 1,700 yards and 13TDs. In their final season I expect them to go on a tour around the league and put up NUMBERS. A great QB in Daytona will ensure that Videl gets their due and primary along with WR1 is a great floor.
NYS Tugg Speedman - Another yardage monster Speedman could easily end up a top 3 WR in fantasy points, but he suffers from the same problem as howitzer, NY loves to run at the goal line and that showed last season with Speedman being 4th in yards with 1,497 but only getting 6 touchdowns. He's a great pick later in your draft that could turn into an amazing one if NY lets Howitzer throw in the redzone this season. The Julio problem plagues Speedman's fantasy value despite his talent being on par with the tier 1 receivers.
YKW Mark Walker* - Walker's a gamble for the opposite of Sakura, if he's WR1 and you got him in the late round, then you must've moved to San Francisco 1848 since you just struck gold. Walker has more TPE than Sakura but as I said earlier he's a selfless dude and it wouldn't shock me if he lets Sakura take WR1 for one more season before becoming the main weapon next season. Despite being WR2 last season Walker put up an insane 1,200 yards and 8 TDs. That's still a pretty damn solid floor that if taken late has the highest upside of any WR.
HON Eleven Kendrick-Watts - The single season receptions record holder in tier 2?? EKW had an amazing season last year, 1500 yards and 10 TDs is no joke, but my earlier concerns remain about QB play with the OL HON fields. He is still a safe bet, WR1 and probably primary target unless Kai gets that, but Kai's receiving ability makes me concerned for EKW's production next season. Though he is a higher TPE player than last season and in theory should be better. TD numbers are a concern for the guy but again, safe pick but won't break the glass ceiling this season.
Tier 3
COL William Lim - I think Lim takes WR2 but I've even heard he might be WR3 from sources, not 100% sure about that and could be a smoke screen but in the pass heavy offense I think Lim is a safe bet if WRs are stretched thin.
ARI Darren Pama* - Listen, you can argue with me all you want for putting Pama in tier 3, "He had a better season than Raimon" I hear you say! As I stated earlier while AZ should still be explosive, but I expect them to take a step back from historic highs. Raimon has WR1 in AZ and while Pama has the talent of WR1 guys, with the return of Naka and Memes I expect the passing game to suffer a bit. Pama is the unfortunate receiver, haha get it, of this projected step back. BUT if he starts balling again he could easily crack into tier 1/2 territory.
Potential Breakout Star(s)
PHI Jake Fencik, Killian Chambers, OR Tsuyu Asui - Ok so I have Negs ranked high but none of the Philly trio in my list. What gives? Honestly, I have no idea who's WR1 or Primary in the city of brotherly love. Any one of these three could EASILY be Negs' favorite target and bust onto the scene as an easy Tier 1/2 caliber player. The question remains, who? So my advice, either take a shot in the dark late in your draft OR, if one of my other recommendations isn't panning out, drop them for whichever one of these guys takes over in Philly.

Tight Ends

Tier 1
SAR Mario Messi
COL Buffalo Hunter
BAL Makoa Mahiʻai
Tier 2
YKW Zee Rechs
PHI  Borgo San Lorenzo
OCO Zack Dinozzo*
Potential Breakout Star
NOLA Adam C. Spencer

But why tho?

Tier 1
SAR Mario Messi - I have Messi projected as TEOTY this season, as the kids say no cap. Messi had an ok season last year, similar stats to Angler with 470 yards and 6 TDs it was respectable but nothing like TEOTY numbers. Looking at the budget sheet coupled with the pass heavy offense I think Messi really breaks out this season, I think he'll get some looks on the outside and in the slot in a lot of formations and with 1k TPE to his name the WR convert should be an absolute monster for the Fish this season. He's my guy this season and I'm very high on him.
COL Buffalo Hunter - The former Sabercat ended up leaving for a few reasons, but one was a lack of targets and in the pass heavy Colorado team I don't think a lack of target will be an issue for the tight end. Yeti love to air it out, he's the only TE on the roster, he's set to have a solid season despite being a lower TPE than some other TEs on this list.
BAL Makoa Mahiʻai - Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me to see Makoa line up as WR2 in a lot of formations, with the 4 T4 OL bots they have Baltimore won't need to have him block often and he's the second highest TPE receiving weapon on the team. He had a great season last year, Baltimore is only improving every season and Makoa is no different.
Tier 2
YKW Zee Rechs - Reechs retired but he's got one more season left as a zombified corpse that the sages of YKW resurrected to make one more run with the old core.  Again a lack of weapons should in theory help Reechs target share in the north there are concerns with being sub 700 TPE but at the very least he'll get looks.
PHI  Borgo San Lorenzo - The reigning TEOTY, in tier 2? Yes! Like I said in WR section they've got 3 1k+ WRs in Philly, Lorenzo is due for a pretty large regression in stats, he lined up in a lot of WR looks last season and with Fencik playing with his hands and not his feet I don't see Lorenzo playing as large of a role. He's not a bad bet later, but won't put up the numbers he did last season.
OCO Zack Dinozzo* - The second year TE had a great outing his first season, but OCO is getting older. This could work to Zack's benefit though! Despite Ramza regressing so has the corpse of Garfield, I imagine Dinozzo will get looks in WR3 sets but concerns about Ramza's play last season leading into this could hurt Dinozzo's numbers.
Potential Breakout Star
NOLA Adam C. Spencer - Now on paper Spencer is one of the best TEs in the league, but concerns with the QB position and my belief that NOLA will ground and pound, HOWEVER the upside with Spencer is he could get WR1/ Primary receiver designation which will be a huge boost to his stock. I love the idea of him being an elite TE as he should be 

Offensive Line
Guess what is also a crap shoot, OL! but I will do my best! My reason for all these is position and TPE

Tier 1
NYS Bob Roberts
NOLA Adam Mellott
YKW Bruce Buckley
Tier 2
SJS Jaja Ding Dong
SAR Stumpy Jones
BER Clark Boyd
Potential Breakout Star
PHI Franklin Alexander

Tier 1
YKW Blago Kokot
CHI Sam Sidekick
ARI Cade York
Tier 2
SAR Jacob Small*
AUS Jean-Jacques Leroy
ISFL Matthew McDairmid*
Potential Breakout Star
Don't use your waiver on a kicker dude
COL Lux Opal

But why tho?

Tier 1
YKW Blago Kokot - IF the Wraiths offense struggle, which it could, Blago Kokot will be a point machine. Kickers fantasy value is all based on FGs as opposed to XPs, though those XPs do help a lot. Worst case, Kokot kicks a bunch of XPs and you get a great floor. Best case, if the Wraiths struggle then he kicks a bunch of long FGs and you get more points, win win really.
CHI Sam Sidekick - Chicago with a young QB might struggle offensively, Sidekick has been great throughout his career and should continue to do so this season. I think he's a safe bet for a lot of FGs this year.
ARI Cade York - Arguably the best floor of the group York only took 27 field goals last season, tied for lowest in the league. HOWEVER he went 67/67 on XPs, 16 more attempts and 17 more makes than the next closest. AZ doesn't let York kick often but his floor is a safe bet.
Tier 2
SAR Jacob Small* - I think you could argue Small is a tier 1 player but having 4 tier 1 kickers is weird and I don't wanna do that so I'll just throw an asterisks on him. Small had the second most XPs attempted and made last season and attempted the third most field goals, I expect Sarasota to not kick as many FGs this season so I put him down a bit, though the reason I expect that is because his floor is higher due to XPs. Small is a safe bet for your kicking needs.
AUS Jean-Jacques Leroy - Leroy's season was a fluke last season, 10 missed field goals is kinda crazy if you think about it, I expect them to bounce back strong this season and at the very worst Austin should score solidly and Leroy didn't miss a single XP.
Free Agent* - Matthew McDairmid* - Alright so Matty I love you I hope you are doing well, honestly I would put him in A tier if he was on a team but he isn't right now. I don't think I ever would've put a FA on these rankings but here we are, Matty signing somewhere immediately puts him in the Tier 1 category but if he doesn't then lmao why did you draft a FA. I needed to include one of the best K/Ps we've seen in a while on this list so if he signs while you're drafting you could get a steal.
Potential Breakout Star
Don't use your waiver on a kicker dude
COL Lux Opal - Lux was in the KOTY race until she shanked 3 in a single game that threw her right out of it. Though she should continue to be solid for the Yeti and if the Yeti offensive explosion works she is a safe pick, could swap her with Matty no problem on this list in the chance Matty does not sign.

Defense/Special Teams
This is always a crap shoot it's sim luck but will just go off TPE like OL
Tier 1
COL Colorado
ARI Arizona
PHI Philadelphia
Tier 2
SAR Sarasota
NYS New York
BER Berlin
Breakout Team
AUS Austin

RE: R-R-t for Fantasy - 124715 - 09-09-2021

Very cool!

RE: R-R-t for Fantasy - King Jellyfish - 09-09-2021

I like that TE list

RE: R-R-t for Fantasy - Pat - 09-09-2021

I see no scientific method in this list. Therefore, it is bad.

RE: R-R-t for Fantasy - TheRocheLimit - 09-09-2021

Love the writeups in this. Nice work!

RE: R-R-t for Fantasy - dude_man - 09-10-2021

No Cade Williams? Sham list! 0/10

RE: R-R-t for Fantasy - Jo3fish5 - 09-11-2021
