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(S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Printable Version

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(S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - siddhus - 09-20-2021

(S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich?
Complete the weekly Point Task to earn 3 TPE! All written responses must be at least 200 words. PT's may be submitted in another language, as long as you mention what language you are translating into, to make the job of the grader easier.

Do not claim this TPE until it has been graded and posted to the S30 claim thread. This task is due next Sunday, September 26th 2021, at 11:59 ET. Have fun and get writing!

Written option: You have just signed a contract with your new ISFL team, you check your bank balance and find out there is an extra 4 million in your bank account from that same contract. What do you do? Do you tell your GM, or do you go and spend the money? Why? If you keep the money what do you spend it on?

Graphic option: Create a graphic displaying what you would do if extra money was added to your bank account mistakenly. You can include images of what you would buy, image of a graphic of you talking to your GM, or anything else that you feel is relevant to the prompt.

Affiliate claims from SHL and PBE are accepted; link directly to your post and add a note if your username is different there. Make sure the week of the affliate PT matches with the week of this point task.

Written and graphic responses must be posted solely in this thread and not for additional media credit. Also, if you try to build your word count by being super repetitive and rambling on, you will not get full credit. If you are caught plagiarizing/stealing someone else’s work, you will be punished as HO sees fit, including the potential loss of TPE or money. Do your own work please. If you have a non-full PT pass and would like to use it this week, make sure to post in the thread. No need to post in the thread if you have a full PT Pass.
If you have ideas for future PTs, visit the link below, and your idea may be used next week!! - Submit Prompt Ideas here! - PT Passes list here!

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Capt_Blitzkrieg - 09-20-2021

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Big_Papi - 09-20-2021

My life has been hard. A constant struggle to do the right thing while playing with the shitty hands that life  has dealt me. And me being a man of faith and good virtue, I have developed a sort of code that I live by. And one of these codes is to take what life gives you. If you’re given lemons, make lemonade. So if I were to check my bank account balance one day to find that I have been given an extra 4 million dollars that was accidentally put into my account, there’s only one thing I can do. I would go straight to the Alamo Beer Brewery and buy as much beer as they will allow me to. I will then call up my ex-wife Lenore to tell her the great news! After she inevitably comes over and I inevitably have her wrestle my veiny Hussainy, I will kick her out and throw a huge party at my home which will finally be paid off! I would invite my whole team including the coaches and cheerleaders, have a full bar and pound of kush and a mountain of nose candy. And if anyone asked about the extra money I would claim I neons know what they are talking about. Oh and I wouldn’t tell the GM not would he be receiving an invitation to my party.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Dp-420 - 09-20-2021

If I noticed that there was $4,000,000 extra in my bank account after signing a rookie deal in the ISFL, I would love to say that I would keep it and spend it on trainings or whatever. However, being a man of integrity, I would probably bring it up to my GM that it looks like I got overpaid. That seems really boring and makes stretching this PT into 200 words really tough, but honesty is always the most important thing folks can have. You build a good reputation with honesty and with a good reputation you can go pretty far in life. Oh man im still just under 100 words away from finishing this PT. I like to think that being honest also makes others think more highly of you. Man maybe I should go the other way with this PT. When people think highly of you, less effort is required in order to get approved for a new job you may be interested in or maybe if you’re looking to become a GM, honesty and integrity are going to go along ways for you and your player and your future bank account. On second thought if you got caught, its only 4 mill, and you can get that back with a quick article. So maybe I should spend it.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Urq660 - 09-20-2021

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - ZootTX - 09-20-2021

SHL affiliate PT

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - .simo - 09-20-2021

The problem with four million extra dollars is that seems like a lot more than it really is. Sure you could sneak off to another country and probably live out your days well enough but it's not really like fuck you I do what I want money to live on and party. So with that in mind Big Dell with an extra four million would end up telling his general managers in a way because he would throw an absolute rager of a party and @Crunk and @Z-Whiz would end up invited so they would find out in a round about way that I had just blown four million of the budget on a big pile of alcohol and...icing sugar. If you know Wendell Sailor you know he loves icing sugar.

I'm not sure I would even stop at inviting just the Arizona Outlaws but with four million we go big. Hire a massive mansion out in the mountains somewhere and invite everyone in the International Simulation Football League that wants to show up. Why not. None of us might show up to play a game on the weekend but that also isn't really a problem for Big Dell to sort out. That is a problem for the head office of the league and the TV deal people.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - WildfireMicro - 09-20-2021

After signing her new extension contract with the Philadelphia Liberty, Tsuyu was planning on buying an extension to her house. However when she went to check her bank account while looking for construction companies she was shocked to see 4 million dollars more then she was expecting. She looked over her contract again to make sure wasn't missing something but she waa not. She was very sorely tempted to use the money to buy the extension she was truly dreaming of, but she knew that was what bad guys did. So she took a quick trip to the Liberty offices to ask for an explanation. Turns out it was an error from the team accountant who misread her contract.

 However afterwards the team was so grateful that she didn't just go and spend it all they they allowed her to keep half of it because they felt like they could afford it. Tsuyu was extremely grateful for that and went to go plan the extension on her house which is a koi pond. It will be nice for her to be able to just relax and have some tea in the pond. Plus she could also finally get an indoor pool with the leftover money and maybe also a hot tub.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - jzajenius36 - 09-20-2021

Oh you better believe Honky-Tonk is taking that money and living like a gattdarn king for a day. I mean if you’re able to spend it all at once then they can’t take it back, right? Ideally I’’m finding this error in my bank account early in the morning, let’s say on an off-day. You can normally find Honky, having just finished his lifting regiment, heading to the Casino and racetrack for a run at the breakfast buffet. After the 4th plate, it’s time to head to the ATM to grab some pocket change to bet on the ponies and play some blackjack. While taking out a couple hundo, a double take at the on-screen balance reveals a number that’s a biiiiiiit too high. Realizing the error, it’s time to take out a few more dollars. First – it’s off to the 4-star restaurant to have a more proper breakfast with some curated cocktails. Then it’s over to the shops for some casino formal-wear, with all the accessories. Now fitted and fed, it’s over to the roulette table. For better or worse Honky Tonk is going to let it ride on black until he’s made a billion out of the $4 million or its all gone. Regardless of what happens, Haywood is making a lot of new friends that day, along with many comped hotel stays. And yeah maybe a talking-to by the owner.

(233 words)

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - nlj04 - 09-20-2021

Well now that I see that there is extra cash of course I am not going to tell the GM of this mistake! Extra money? Maybe get a new house or get equipment or training. There are so many ways you could spend it! Now as long as they don't find out you might have to spend it pretty quickly so think of a way to spend the money quick or put it in a secret account maybe. Because that sure is a lot of extra cash that you don't want taken from you! I also might share some with a few players on the may never know. But most importantly a party! Yes it's New Orleans of course I am going to throw a massive party and become popular. This will be the craziest party in a long, long time. All the players will be invited and it will be open to everyone and I mean everyone. I want to make this wild and crazy and we shall stay up all night! This party will be at my newly purchased house that I used for 1 Million and than for another 1 Million I shall throw a wild party. Everyone in town will show up. Heck I don't know if it costs THAT much to throw a crazy party but I will make sure nobody forgets. Screw being rich enjoy yourself baby!