International Simulation Football League
*Why you should(n’t) draft me! - Printable Version

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*Why you should(n’t) draft me! - thevoicelesscreator - 10-02-2021

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these personal posts. A lot has changed! Long story short, my mid-life crisis came early. A couple of personal breakdowns later, and I think things are finally getting better. I swapped careers, and now have a brand-new outlook on a life I didn’t even think was a possibility less than a year ago. I feel much happier, and I’m thankful for everyone who has been a part of that journey.

Although I did recreate, I’ll be very upfront. Franklin the Turtle is a meme. I love the meme, and I’ll probably keep Franklin around until he isn’t useful, but I’m not at all serious about this go-around. I’ve been busying myself with bettering my life, and Franklin will be here, doing turtle things. I intend on earning where I can (AC, Training, PT/Predictions if I have the time), but honestly, I’ll probably update once or twice a season. I will NOT be buying equipment.

And that leads me to my next point. I won’t be max earning. My investment in the league has come to the point where it starts and stops with my friends within the league. This is purely a social destination for me now, and I’m okay with that. I have 0 interest left in simming, war rooming, or any aspects of running the league. I miss those days where I did – but I don’t miss the person I was when I did it.

I probably won’t have any crazy contract requests, and my low effort earning means I can take minimum contracts most of my career. As for culture – I post LGBTQ memes, and cat pictures. These are what make me happy now. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk

295 Words - <3 u Graders

RE: Why you should(n’t) draft me! - IceBear32 - 10-03-2021

Franklin is perfect Turtle! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise