International Simulation Football League
*Dax Dangerfield Checks His Social Media - Printable Version

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*Dax Dangerfield Checks His Social Media - TheRocheLimit - 11-08-2021

It's a relatively quiet morning for Dax Dangerfield. He makes himself a quick cup of coffee and a bagel and is about to head out for an early morning run when his phone starts to blow up. It seems like everyone in his contact list is messaging him at the same time...

"Bro, can you believe it?"

"The nerve of that dude."

"You've gotta check that guy quick."


Not knowing what this is all about, Dax opens up Instagram and is greeted by even more messages. It takes him a minute to scroll through everything before he realizes what this is all about. A new interview with DeAndre King has gone viral. In it, King takes a number of shots at players, including Dax Dangerfield.

Dax takes a moment to compose himself, aims his phone's camera at himself, and goes live...

"You know, I woke up this morning in a good mood. A really good mood. And then my phone blows up. Apparently, some scrub named DeAndre King thought it would a good idea to call out his superiors. After I Googled him to figure out who he was I figured the next step would be to talk to him directly. Seeing as how I don't know this dude at all this is as direct as I can get. So here we go...

DeAndre, the so called "King", lemme tell you something. And you really need to listen. It doesn't matter what kind of nonsense you're talking right now because when we step out on that field and I'm lined up across from you I'm going to embarrass you. You want to come out here and run your mouth about me but after I lock you up you're gonna be real quiet. You call yourself the "King" but you're not royalty. If anything, you're the court jester. So from now on I'm going to call you DeAndre Clown. And after I'm done with you, clown, the whole world will see just how much of a joke you really are. Things are about to get real dangerous for you. Count on it."

Dax closes his phone, finishes his bagel, and goes out for his run.