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*Hank Winchester Is Born - timeconsumer - 08-24-2017

Early this morning in an Orange County hospital Angus Winchester's fiance, Emily, gave birth to their first child, Henry "Hank" Mason Winchester. At a whopping 18 pounds and 9 ounces the young Winchester appears to take after his father. Despite Winchester's high profile professional football life the pregnancy went unreported in the sports media, likely due to Emily living on the Winchester Ranch in a remote area of Mendocino County in northern California.

We were able to catch up with the new father by phone earlier today to get a gauge on his feelings on such a momentous day.

ESPN: Considering you were playing in Yellowknife last night, were you able to get back to California in time for your son to be born?

Winchester: Just barely. I got the news she was in labor and headed to the hospital about an hour after the game ended. I told coach and called my agent and I went straight to the airport. My agent was trying to get me a flight back to the states but there was nothing leaving Yellowknife at that time of night. When I showed up to the airport the GM was there and told me he's putting me on the team jet, they'd charter a different flight out in the morning. I wouldn't have made it on time without his help.

ESPN: Your son is, to put it bluntly, absolutely huge. 18.5 pounds is one of the biggest babies I've heard of. Did your fiance--

Winchester: Yes, it was a natural birth. She should win a medal, I don't know how she managed it. The doctor said most babies are between 6 and 10 pounds, and one this big is really rare, I'm proud of Emily and my son.

ESPN: So can we expect him to grow up to be a pro-bowl left tackle in the next 22 years? Maybe blocking for Mike Boss Jr?

Winchester: Hah! Hank's a Winchester so he's going to be a strong man no matter what, but I won't demand him to follow in his dad's footsteps. If he wants to play football I'll do my best to teach him, even if he wants to play on defense or as a tight end or a quarterback or whatever. But if football isn't his thing that's okay too, as long as he's grows up to be a hard-working and respectful man I'll be proud of him. And as long as he isn't an Outlaws fan.

ESPN: Is Hank going to be the first of several new Winchesters?

Winchester: After what Emily just went through I don't think I'm going to mention the subject for awhile. I'll let her bring up the idea of the next one.

ESPN: You two have been engaged since just before the start of season one. Is the wedding on the books yet or are you still holding off?

Winchester: It's coming up this offseason. We've delayed it for a bit because of the demands of football and with her pregnancy. But we're really excited for that day soon.

ESPN: With your football schedule do you think it will be hard on Emily to be alone with the new baby this much?

Winchester: Her mother is already here in town and will be staying with us for awhile to help her. And once the postseason is over I have the whole offseason to spend with them up on the ranch and help out as much as I can.

ESPN: We'll let you get back to your family, congratulations on fatherhood Angus and good luck in the playoffs.

Winchester: Thank you!

602 words

*Hank Winchester Is Born - kckolbe - 08-24-2017

It's BREEDING?! I'd say "keep it in your pants," but you don't even wear them.

*Hank Winchester Is Born - HENDRIX - 08-24-2017

The newborn Hank would immediately become the best OL on the Legion.

*Hank Winchester Is Born - ADwyer87 - 08-24-2017


*Hank Winchester Is Born - timeconsumer - 08-24-2017

(08-24-2017, 10:58 AM)ADwyer87 Wrote:18.5???????

18.5625 to be precise

*Hank Winchester Is Born - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 08-24-2017

(08-24-2017, 09:47 AM)HENDRIX Wrote:The newborn Hank would immediately become the best OL on the Legion.

How's his three point stance?

*Hank Winchester Is Born - Bzerkap - 08-24-2017

(08-24-2017, 09:12 AM)HalfEatenOnionBagel Wrote:How's his three point stance?
dick to leg ratio is quite even so I would say, it's stable

*Hank Winchester Is Born - White Cornerback - 08-24-2017

Do you want to pre book Hank's likeness in advance? I reckon he'll make an appearance by at least S20.

*Hank Winchester Is Born - 4D Chess - 08-24-2017

Hank will be wearing an Outlaw jersey by age 4. Guaranteed.

*Hank Winchester Is Born - timeconsumer - 08-24-2017

(08-24-2017, 01:37 PM)4D Chess Wrote:Hank will be wearing an Outlaw jersey by age 4. Guaranteed.

That's about average age for their players.