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*Marc Spector Disappears - Printable Version

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*Marc Spector Disappears - RedCydranth - 08-24-2017

Last night after the game in Yellowknife, Marc Spector went back to the hotel with the rest of his team. During a team meeting, teammate Angus Winchester's phone went off and he received the news that his fiance was in labor and was soon going to birth a small buffalo child. After watching Angus frantically call airline after airline, the coach and team unanimously decided to let Angus use the team plane to get home and the rest of the team would wait for a later flight.

Marc seemed a little anxious though, about that decision. Although he voted in favor of allowing Winchester use of the OtterJet, it looked like he had much more on his mind. Fellow team mate Robert Phelps took notice and approached him to see what was bugging Spector. He did not divulge what specifically he was upset over, but that he has to be somewhere. After several moments of deliberation, he proclaimed to the team that he would find his own way back to Orange County.

The Otters next game would be in two weeks, as during week 15 they have their bye. Despite coach Bavitz's pleas, Marc cinched up his coat, strapped on his hefty duffel bag and walked out into the Yellowknife night and disappeared into the light snowfall.

The following day he was spotted in a small diner in Fort McMurray, Alberta. His coat had a small bloodstain on it. An Edmonton Journal reporter, and avid Wraiths fan, spotted Spector and approached him. News had not yet spread that he walked out on his team. She asked him how he had got to Fort McMurray but he refused to answer her questions because "She was clearly working for Sol." She questioned his sanity before he got up, dropped an American 20 dollar bill and left the diner. She claims she tried to persue him but he "simply disappeared."

He was next seen at a Cabela's in Regina, Saskatchewan. He appeared to be purchasing about 4 packages of tent spikes, but not a tent, despite multiple efforts by the cashier to get him to buy one. When asked, the cashier told us that he insisted that the spikes were not for holding down a tent. The cashier claimed he tried to joke around with Marc by asking if he was going to slay some vampires then. Without a chuckle, apparently Spector replied "These are made of heavy duty aluminum alloy. You need a sturdy wood, like Ash or Cherry for vampires."

The next sighting of Spector was in Billings, Montana. He was carrying his duffel bag and a large amount of fur. He was seen going into a seedy looking bar at around 2 PM. Resident Harold McGill, a huge fan of the NSFL spotted him going into the bar called "The Reno Club". Harold tells us of what he saw. "I saw him carrying a bunch of stuff, like furs and teeth and a few pieces of jewelry it looked like. You know the sorta stuff you see over at the Moose Lodge across the way or an Indian Museum or whatever. He had a real serious look on his face too. Like he was on a mission from God! I tell ya, I wouldn't wanna cross a man when he has that face on, nope, no sir. He went into The Reno Club, a place that usually got cops there called 4 or 5 times a week. You know? He was in there for about 15 minutes. I was sitting over here minding my Storage Business when I see him walk out the back, without all that stuff, but he had this big ol' shiny gold thing though. Strange looking thing, couldn't tell you what it was, but it sure looked expensive. He still looked fierce as a cougar too. I dunno what he did after that though."

Spector was gone for another couple days before he arrived in Santa Ana, California at the Otters facility. When his team mates asked what he did and how he got home, all he replied with was "I survived. I did what I set out to do. Let's focus on beating Arizona." His team mates may have accepted that as an answer, but we here at Spectrum Media wanted answers. So, after practice today, we hunted him down as he left the facility. Here is a transcript of the conversation.

Spector: "You, you've been following me. Why?"

Henderson: "You've been running amok. We want to know what is going on."

Spector: "Nothing. Tell my father to back the [expletive deleted] off."

Henderson: "Your father did not send me. I'm the reporter assigned to-"

Spector: "Yeah, I know who you are Biff. I'm not stupid. I don't like you. You're a failure from Stanford who couldn't crack it at a real station gig, so you're working for my dad's company doing fluff pieces for the sports section. But secretly he has you assigned to the Otters to watch over me. You can feign ignorance, but I know my father and you're just a stooge. Go away."

Henderson: "I assure you, I only want answers. Just give me what I want and I'll go away."

Spector: "What could you possibly want? Ask me a real question."

Henderson: "Why did you-"

Spector: "I told Bavitz. I had things to do and waiting for the OtterJet to come back or flying coach in United wasn't in my cards."

Henderson: "So you braved the winter and headed to Fort McMurray?"

Spector: "Fort McMurray was only a pit stop. That bloody annoying whore of a reporter spotted me, I told her off. I hope she gets anal raped by a caribou."

Henderson: "Wow, that was harsh. Why did you buy those stakes in Regina?"

Spector: "For this."

Spector opened his duffel bag and procured a weapon from it.

Spector: "It's a Class C projectile launcher. It fires aluminum stakes at 175 miles per hour, and will kill most anything that threatens me, including annoying fat reject reporters. I used it for self defense. The woodlands of Saskatchewan and Montana are rife with violent threats."

Henderson: "Wow. Did you encounter that many bears and mountain lions in your travels?"

Spector: "One bear. And other things. Things I won't discuss."

Henderson: "Um, okay. I won't press you on that while you're holding that in my direction, heh. What was that gold thing you left the bar with in Billings?"

Spector: "It was an artifact I require for a collection I am assembling. The details of that are classified."

Henderson: "Alright. You have a hobby collecting strange things. No harm in that. How did you get from Montana to here so fast?"

Spector: "It's called a car, Biff. I rented a car. Your investigation failed to see that one, didn't it? You thought I walked all the way here, over the mountains? In like 2 days? You're an idiot."

Henderson: "But you walked all over Canada, and did that in 2 days as well."

Spector: "Again, false. You only assumed I walked because I was never seen with a vehicle, and walked everywhere in those cities. I know when I'm being followed Biff, and how to evade you media types."

Henderson: "So, you wanted to be seen in those places?"

Spector: "Yes. I don't want my team thinking I went off the grid and am dead in some pine grove in the Northwest Territories being eaten by wolverines or drown in The Great Slave Lake. So I made myself visible to you media types knowing my father would have you tracking me."

Henderson: "You're something Marc. I suppose that answers-"

Spector: "Fine. Goodbye, cockswain."

Henderson: "Wait! Who is Sol? The waitress said-"

Marc kept walking and I feared for my life because he was still holding onto that strange modified harpoon gun. Well, I got some answers, I guess. But I have the feeling there was far more to the journey than impatience for a flight and shooting wildlife with tent stakes. Somehow I get the feeling that the item he picked up in Billings was part of it as well. Maybe I will go there and investigate that bar. It could lead to some clues as to what it was. But Otter fans, be glad he's seemingly unscathed and ready for the playoffs.

For Spectrum Media, this is Biff Henderson.

(1,400 words)

*Marc Spector Disappears - timeconsumer - 08-24-2017

I have no idea what I just read.

*Marc Spector Disappears - RedCydranth - 08-24-2017

(08-24-2017, 04:51 PM)timeconsumer Wrote:I have no idea what I just read.

It's ok, go work out some more. Your fiance just gave birth to your spotter.