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*Could Medicinal Toblerone be a Hall of Famer? - Printable Version

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*Could Medicinal Toblerone be a Hall of Famer? - JuOSu - 01-30-2022

For anyone who doesn't know, Medicinal Toblerone is my own current player, a Defensive End who has been around for quite a while now. I originally created the player back in the old days of the old sim where a DE was really strong and got a lot of stats, with the goal of breaking the tackle for loss record, potentially going top ten in sacks as well. With the changes to the players in the sim, I don't think that goal is realistic but goals can change and over time I still feel like he has had a solid career. But how solid is it? It's very hard to gauge how successful my player has really been, given the changes in the sim. You can't really hold my accountable for not breaking records. If anything, getting somewhat close in certain stats should be seen as an even more impressive success given the changes in stats. 

But I am getting ahead of myself a little. A bit of background first. The Hall of Fame is certainly an important goal for my career. I have been lucky enough to have had quite a bit of success in this league with previous players, as well as in other leagues. My first player in this league, Julian O'Sullivan, won a Most Valuable Player award and entered the Hall of Fame. My second player, Stan Francisco, had a solid career but was nowhere near as successful really. I have also made a couple Hall of Fame players in the PBE. So the goal for Medicinal Toblerone was certainly to achieve that kind of success here again as well, especially after Stan Francisco didn't make it there.

My career started very successful early on in the old sim. In my first two seasons, I accumulated 29 tackles for loss. It would take me almost 6 seasons to double that number due to the changes in the sim, despite then being far higher in TPE in every season after. Certainly quite a disappointing thing, I will admit. Sacks have been fairly stable in this time, with a minimum of 4 each season and a maximum of 12 in a season. 

My biggest knock for voters will likely be the lack of big awards. I have certainly been overshadowed by some of the more dominant DEs that have shared time with me in my career. My biggest counter to this will be the consistency and the longevity, as I do plan to keep him going as long as I can and have a spot somewhere. And even without the DE of the year award, I have had some really solid seasons that have had me nominated for the award. 

After 10 weeks of this current season, I find myself with 65 tackles for loss, which puts me at 22nd all time currently. I need around 15 more to reach the top ten in this category, which I think is definitely doable. Given the changes from the first two seasons to the rest, it is without doubt that I could have easily reached top 3 in this category if we hadn't switched games or DE wasn't changed so dramatically. So if I can still reach the top ten despite this nerf, I think voters should definitely be impressed by this success. 

In sacks, I am currently at 69 (nice), which is even more than tackles for loss, though typically people can get more sacks than tackles for loss. This currently puts me 47th all time. Here as well, I am likely to climb the list a bit more before the end of my career. What has to be considered here as well is the fact that Linebackers get far more sacks than Defensive Ends nowadays. Among the Defensive Ends that played during my run, I imagine I will end up among the top 5 in sacks. I would be curious to see how many of the 47 people on the all time list were Linebackers and how many were Defensive Ends. 

I also have a decent amount of forced fumbles and recovered fumbles, as well as already having two safeties, something not that many people have achieved. 

It's always hard to know which pages on the wiki are up to date and which aren't anymore, since many seem to be outdated, but if my math is accurate, I would end up 6th all time in games played if I played two more seasons. If I played three more seasons, I would break the record. That would be an interesting option as well! I also just saw that the TPE page did get updated at some point, so I actually made it to 12th all time with most TPE ever earned, so that is a pretty fantastic accomplishment as well. Very happy with that.

According to information I could find, I also made the pro-bowl at least two times, but again hard to verify that.

I guess it is hard to predict where my numbers will end up. I am not entirely sure how many seasons I can really still go, but I am hoping for at least two or three more, which would put my all time numbers up a little further. I really don't know that I have my ticket punched yet, but I am hopeful that with a bit more of an impressive run to end my career that I can impress voters enough to be considered, especially considering the way Defensive Ends are rated now.

Overall, I am already quite happy with my career. The switch definitely hurt my career a ton, but I am still happy given the circumstances and there isn't really much I can do otherwise about that. 

I am unsure what my next player will be, though I have started to think about it. There is a part of me that would like to try to be a Running Back. But I also very much have always preferred being on the Defensive Side of the ball and I am certainly considering something like Cornerback, Safety or even returning to my original place of Linebacker to try and break my all-time tackle record back from my good friend @terriblehippo 

We shall see.