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*CA Chess postseason press conference! - 4D Chess - 08-28-2017

Ask the Co-GM and wide receiver of the Arizona Outlaws anything at all! Nothing is off limits

How does it feel to be in charge now, Mr. Co-manager?

Honestly, I am not 100% sure you can call me "in charge" of the Outlaws lol. AD and Er do an absolutely incredible amount of work for the team and I'm more of a guy to bounce ideas off and to play Devil's Advocate. I think I will be more helpful in the scouting/draft process as well as the free agency process. But as far as in-game strategic decisions I defer to AD and Er's expertise. I also think part of the job of a GM is to keep activity up in the Locker Room and I think we've done a pretty damn good job of that. It helps that the Outlaws are such a chill, hard working group. We get our shit done and win ballgames. It's a sweet gig!

Is it true you're having an affair with this ice cream sandwich?
Yes, the rumors are true. I'm only doing it because the end of shrimp fest was last weekend.

Would you say what happened with Carmel was a trick or an illusion?
It was clearly a trick because a trick is something a whore does for money and an illusion takes skill. The Gibson affair was pretty crazy honestly, but also really hilarious. At the end of the day it got handled but as it was going on the NSFL Media section was just blowing up with articles about him. I really wish he would become active again to see the mess he created lmfao.

San Jose seemed like they were having a fire sale mid season. What do you think of A Nu Start for them?
They definitely had a fire sale, and they needed it. Bringing tlk aboard really was a turning point in that franchise. Without him this rebuild wouldn't be as full scale as it needs to be. They seem poised to start coming back, I don't know if they'll compete right away in S3 but S4 and beyond they have a strong foundation.

Have you gotten any trade offers for the #1 pick?
As of right now we have not. Don't really have anything further to say on that matter. It would take a LOT to get us to part with that pick and AD bamboozled the hell out of Las Vegas to make that deal, and we will not be bamboozled back by anyone. I guarantee that.

Why didn't you claim Benson Bayley?
To be honest I really, really wanted to claim him. The issue was he came around just a little too late in the season where he wouldn't have time to develop into someone who could see the field. At the end of the day it wasn't worth spending the money for a player that wouldn't see the field in literally only 4 games of action. I can assure you that we'll be monitoring his progress up until the draft. I am very Pro-Bayley.

How confident are you moving into the playoffs?
I'm real confident. The Otters game nearly game me a heart attack but we pulled it out, a few of my fellow Outlaws had some doubts but I think we actually controlled that game despite an all around "meh" performance. Hats off to the Otters, maybe next year dudes.

What positions are you looking at with the first overall pick?
:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: will not be answering that question at this time. Need to maintain secrecy.

What is a guy that you wish was on Arizona?
Hmm, I won't even factor in the players we have now and just say a guy I admire: Maddox. The dude is a beast at the Tight End position and I think he's really writing the book on how to be a successful Tight End in this league. Tckachuk is so great and an integral part of the team though, don't get me wrong. I just think Maddox is sort of a visionary at his position. But I doubt he'll wind up in Arizona any time soon and that's fine. I like our team going forward.

What scares you the most about the playoffs?
The uncertainty of it. You can have one bad game and then our wonderful regular season effectively means nothing. But win or lose the Outlaws have had a great season, and if I'm being frank I really doubt that we'll lose in the Ultimus. We are a really cohesive unit and activity has remained high. AD and Er are cooking up some fire strategies. We'll be relaxing on the beach in no time.

How do you feel knowing that Checkers outperformed you in every metric other than touchdowns? How does it feel knowing he has two fewer than you there but over 400 more yards than you? How does it feel knowing he put up as many yards on a new team than it took you all season to get?
Hahaha great questions, you're really grilling me here. Smallwood got more yards than me, yes, but he also played on two teams that are at home watching the Golf Channel and not playing in the Ultimus -- so I'll take what I can get. Additionally, the Sabrecats lost all of their games with Smallwood, correct? So they were playing from behind and airing it out to try and catch up, whereas the Outlaws are playing from in front almost always and so we're running out more clock and using more formations where a third wide out is not required. Also, I'm a red zone threat and so I would argue I did my job effectively (not astoundingly) the entire season. I'm growing, and the Outlaws boast the best WR corps in the league if you ask me. Evans, Jackson, and I will be contributing to a winning team for a long time. But, Smallwood can have his yards!

What is your favorite color?
Red or orange. I really liked the Red Power Ranger as a kid and it's kind of always stuck. My first and favorite job was with a company with a really nice orange logo, and it's a sentimental thing to me now.

Is there money in the banana stand?

*CA Chess postseason press conference! - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 08-28-2017

(08-28-2017, 03:23 PM)4D Chess Wrote:Ask the Co-GM and wide receiver of the Arizona Outlaws anything at all! Nothing is off limits

How does it feel to be in charge now, Mr. Co-manager?

Is it true you're having an affair with this ice cream sandwich?

Would you say what happened with Carmel was a trick or an illusion?

San Jose seemed like they were having a fire sale mid season. What do you think of A Nu Start for them?

What sound does a chicken make?

*CA Chess postseason press conference! - kckolbe - 08-28-2017

Have you gotten any trade offers for the #1 pick?

*CA Chess postseason press conference! - Bayley - 08-28-2017

Why didn't you claim Benson Bayley?

How confident are you moving into the playoffs?

What positions are you looking at with the first overall pick?

What is a guy that you wish was on Arizona?

What scares you the most about the playoffs?

*CA Chess postseason press conference! - tlk742 - 08-28-2017

How do you feel knowing that Checkers outperformed you in every metric other than touchdowns? How does it feel knowing he has two fewer than you there but over 400 more yards than you? How does it feel knowing he put up as many yards on a new team than it took you all season to get?

What is your favorite color?

Is there money in the banana stand?

*CA Chess postseason press conference! - 4D Chess - 08-29-2017

Answered to here! Big thank you to everyone who asked questions, I'll repay the favor at your next presser.

*CA Chess postseason press conference! - kckolbe - 08-29-2017

We just had two very close conference finals. What were your thoughts on the Hawks vs Wraiths? How about your game vs the Otters?

*CA Chess postseason press conference! - 4D Chess - 09-09-2017

This is ready to be graded! 1,045 words.

Sorry I didn't get to your question in time Kc