International Simulation Football League
*Glenn Stockton Interview - Printable Version

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*Glenn Stockton Interview - Beck - 02-13-2022

(Please split payment 60% @DutchFF | 40% @"Gbeck765")

Beck — 
Hello everyone! It is double media time again and you all know what that means! Interview season ! I am trying to assemble a star studded list time around again and today I have one for sure. This guy is a member of my beloved Norfolk Sea Wolves this season as a waiver claim and a prospect for the upcoming draft. None other than Glenn Stockton!

Glenn welcome to the Interview. You are my first this double media season and I could not be more excited. I'll start out simply. How have you enjoyed this season since you have joined?

Dutch2552 — 
You know its been a dream come true for me, ever since I started playing football competitively my dream was to play in the pro football and when I got contacted earlier in the season about being a waiver add for the Seawolves, I was  grateful not only for getting a shot in the DSFL but also that all my hardwork is paying off, so after 3 weeks of being with the seawolves I am still on cloud nine about the opportunity I am getting and enjoying every second of my time here on and off the field

Beck — 
That is awesome to hear! We have been so over joyed to have you in our locker room and on our team. You Have been everything we could have hoped for an more in your short time here. Let's talk some about your on the field production. As someone who joined kind of mid season,  you have been really impressive on the field. It feels as though you get a sack every game! How has the success on the field been for you and what is it like being a terror to the quarter back?

Dutch2552 — 
I will be honest, there is part of me that wants to contribute more for the team and that's what i'm working hard to do, I want to help this team win and be a menace to opposing quarterbacks. That being said, I might start having to paying rent with how much I'm living in the opponents backfield and I will continue to be a terror back there

Beck — 
You have been a monster on the practice field and in the weight room as well! We have all noticed how you've worked on your skills and been increasing that speed lately too! It's never easy living rent free in opposing teams heads but I am glad you are doing it for us and not against us lol. They're gonna have to change your name from Glen Stockton to Glen Sackaton if this keeps up! (OK maybe a  bad joke lol). The season is winding down soon which means the DSFL draft will be coming before you know it. If teams have yet to reach out I know that they absolutely will be to scout you. For any potential general manager reading this interview, what would you like for them to know about you?

Dutch2552 — 
I'd want them to know that, I'll bring a high level of play and I wont ever stop becoming better, I want to stay humble and chase other players that are better than me. I strive to be the best player and teammate in all situations.  Wherever and whenever I get picked in the upcoming draft, I wont disappoint and will bring my A game to that team and there's the extra bonus that the GM will be able to say they drafted one of the greats.

Beck — 
You sound like a future hall of famer to me!
I love the attitude you have. Are there any players that you looked up to or pattern your game after?

Dutch2552 — 
I think drafting a hall of famer will look pretty good on your resume beck

Dutch2552 — 
as for who I look up to, Melvin Murder Moose is that the top of that list, he is everything I want to be in a linebacker, a terror on the field that opposing QBs have to keep in mind constantly for years now, his play and peak is something that I want to experience myself as a linebacker and I will strive to be that linebacker. Since I joined the Seawolves, Nathan Claflin has been a huge role model for me as well, every day he shows up puts in 110% in practice and the weight room and when its game day he plainly balls out and I can't tell you how impactful it has been for me to be so close to not only  a linebacker of that caliber but a locker-room leader like that in my career so quickly and I hope take what I learn from him onward throughout my career

Beck — 
Melvin Murder Moose and Nathan Claflin are amazing individuals to look up to and pattern your game after. Melvin has been a close mentor of mine since I took my general manager role over and Nate has worked his way into a probably hall of fame nod in Norfolk as well. Depending on how the draft shakes out, you could be the next in  line of great line backers out of norfolk!
Have you had very many other teams reach out in scouting yet? It's still kind of early but always curious to see how early teams get started on this type of thing

Dutch2552 — 
Nah, only been reached out by the Sea Wolves when I was signed by them, other than that haven't heard from any others GMs at this time

if you don't mind me flipping this interview for a sec and asking you a question, as a vet and member of a DSFL front office, do you have any sage advice for me and other DSFL prospects heading into the draft?

Beck — 
I love it, and am super happy to answer questions any and every time I get the chance! Especially now that I am in a leadership role as general Manager. So my advice for you would be to ignore any team that wants to scout you that isn't Norfolk. (Just kidding of course!) Seriously though my advice would be to do your best when it comes to earning tpe and being active in the locker room. The DSFL is really for learning and being prepared for the ISFL so use the time you are in the DSFL to ask as many questions as you can and learn as much as you can. Also, never take things too seriously. The sim is so unpredictable that you can never fully tell if your team will be good or even your user!

Dutch2552 — 
Thank you, I'll take the ignore other GMs advice to heart (just kidding other GMs out there), but yeah i'm happy to have been picked up by the Seawolves everyone in the locker room and front office and even the alumni have been incredibly helpful in the time I've spent here so far

Beck — 
I am super glad to hear that!
We love having you around and are definetly anxious to see how things fall in the draft for everyone. I know you haven't been around super long, but do you have any advice for fellow rookies next season that you would like to share? Maybe folks who got a later start similar to yourself?

Dutch2552 — 
Don't be afraid to ask questions, at first it feels super overwhelming with all this new information and tasks which gives it a rough learning curve for new rookies, but all the rookie mentors and front office members are super welcoming and more than happy to help and answer questions, so if the question is 'when is the first game' to 'how do I buy equipment' don't be afraid to ask a mentor, they'll be more than happy to help. On top of that just have fun, its a game. Enjoy the time in the locker room and meeting others.

Beck — 
I think that is some amazing advice that will help a lot of new folks if they read this! Well that is about all I have for you for this interview. As we come to a close I like to always ask this open ended question last, although we may have kind of already touched on it some. Is there anything you would like to say to the rest of the league? Maybe other general managers or maybe a warning to teams that would dare pass on you in the draft? The floor is yours my friend.

Dutch2552 — 
First off, thank you for this interview, its was a pleasure.
lastly, this goes out to the other GMs, I'm just getting started, y'all aint ready for the terror imma unleash y'alls QBs, so if you want to avoid it you better not pass on me come draft day.

Beck — 
I love it! Thanks again so much for all of your time through out today. I had a great time today doing this and am excited to follow you and your career!
Always feel free to reach out if you have questions to me. Have a great night!

Dutch2552 — 
I hope that you have a good night as well!