International Simulation Football League
*Team Branding Review - Printable Version

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*Team Branding Review - icnamu - 02-24-2022

Team Branding Review

Hello Dot Football community! I am shamelessly stealing the idea of an article I just saw from user ‘gatormatthew’, thank you! This doesn’t count as plagiarism I think because I’ll probably have differing opinions and to be honest I didn’t even read his article all the way through because I wanted to stay unbiased.

I really like the league so far and am impressed with the sheer size and complexity of all these operations. There are so many active users and it looks like a big family. Teams are an important part of any sport culture and the branding is reflected in that. Visual complements to anything are an important part of how our mind process/views certain things (i.e. Album covers).

Now, there are 22 teams in total if I am looking at this correctly, split 14 and 8 between the two leagues. It’s a lot to keep up and if you put a gun to my head and asked me to recite all the teams, I could give you 4 or 5, maybe. I will try my hardest not to pick favorite teams just based on how cool their logos look.

Disclaimer: All these logos are awesome and user-created I assume? I really do love all of them and I think they are very, very good, so shout-out to everyone who worked on them. This article isn’t meant to be a diss at any of them, just my overly cynical opinions for money.


Arizona Outlaws ARI

First impressions: The color scheme is clean, and I like the difference in the top and bottom half of the words in the logo. Gives it a very shiny look. I like the implementation of the football in the logo, but I think it would be cool if the laces were gold as well? The football looks like a traditional pigskin but also matches the colors of the Outlaws, which is very cool. The ‘outlaw’ himself is very menacing and the shadows on his clothes are done very well. Looks very professional. The triangle shape and ‘horns’ on the ends of the words give it a very sharp and dangerous look, which is perfect for the branding itself. The gray cloak feels a bit out of place, and I think overall there’s a lot of colors on this logo that maybe don’t have to be there. The all white eyes make it very ghostly, if that makes sense? It could have been made a bit more life-like with some pupils, but overall I really do like this logo.

TL;DR - Very menacing, color scheme is subdued but CLEAN.

Rating: A

Austin Copperheads AUS

First impressions: Why is the snake cut off by the star on the left side of the logo but not the right? This is just bothering me a lot as it seems like the snake is not being restricted at all by the star except for just one side, so it doesn’t really match. I get the effect that is trying to be done, as if it's like coming out of one side of the star, but it wasn’t done well. Other than that though, this logo is amazing. The colors are, again, unique and stylish. Implementing that dark brown into a logo is hard, but the blue compliments it very well. I like the white on the snake a lot and I think that white should be an important part of Austin’s color scheme, because it fits well with the other colors. The snake is very menacing, which is good because if the eyes aren’t in the shape that they are, it might look like it’s yawning. The wording is very blocky, which is good because the snake feels bulky and clunky himself.

TL;DR - Fix the borders and cropping, everything else looks very clean

Rating: B+

Baltimore Hawks BAL

First Impressions: When I first heard the name, I thought, huh, sounds a lot like a team in the NFL. There is a different logo in the graphics folder that I found, but I’m going off the index because I believe that’s the most updated one considering it was also featured during the Ultimus. Congratulations Baltimore, by the way! The colors are boring, ish. The yellow is a bit muddly (idk if this is a word) and it should either be more bright or less bright. The lettering is good, I do like the style of the font. The logo looks simple and not menacing, but it just looks awkward. To be honest, I like the old logo I found, because the Hawk in there looks more majestic, which is what I think they should be going for. This logo seems to be pushing for an awkward mix for both menacing and majesty. The shape is good, I do like that, and it looks like it’s diving.

TL;DR - Awkward mix between majestic and menacing, simple color scheme, good lettering, nice shape. (i like the old logo better)

Rating: C

Berlin Fire Salamanders BER

First Impressions: When I first saw the name I was wondering why they chose that, because it just seems like a very clunky name to say. It is long and doesn’t particularly roll off the tongue. I am not as versed in German culture as others may be, but Fire Salamanders does not evoke the same reaction as Copperheads or Outlaws, simply from the name. The logo, however, makes up for all of this. The lettering has the same opacity difference as the outlaws, which again, looks very cool. I think the word “fire”, however, is out of place and could be bigger or thicker and better designed. Or maybe make it a bit darker to match the color of the flames surrounding the logo. I appreciate that the colors match the flag of Germany, and this country makes sense because the NFL is very popular in Germany. I like the shape of the crest in the background, and the fire in the back is very well done. However, I feel like a smaller version of this logo that we see more does not capture how well this logo is done, which is unfortunate, but if it was really big on a helmet or shirt it would look very good.

TL;DR - Very good colors, shiny design, word ‘fire’ looks a bit out of place however

Rating: A

Chicago Butchers CHI

First Impressions: The name and logo are bloody and intimidating, but the colors just seem a bit dull. It’s a very dark logo but there needs to be some shine for it to stand out. I really like the black glove and wish that this part was expanded on because a black glove is very menacing. The logo doesn’t seem aligned well because the cleaver is clunky and draws away from the diamond shape. The blood on the lettering is well done and a good theme, but a sharper red could be used. The gray just seems so dull and I really think with a sharper silver or shadows instead of a blank gray that stays constant across the entire logo. I do like the design of the logo, and the overall concept is well-done, and it gives off a sharp look, as the lettering and logo has a lot of edges.

TL;DR - Dull coloring, everything else well done, nice bloody theme.

Rating:  C+

Colorado Yeti COL

First Impressions: This logo is simple and smart, and definitely pops out when it’s a smaller version. The cutoff of the legs at the bottom is very well done and similar to what Austin failed to do. There is a slight blue outline on the C, but it seems unnecessary honestly. The red, yellow and black is enough, and blue just seems a bit out of place. We don’t need all the primary colors in one color scheme. I really think they should have given the yeti red eyes, that would have fit with the color scheme and made the silhouette seem a little more intimidating. For a yeti as a mascot, you would think it would be arctic-themed at least, maybe more frosty colors, rather than the seemingly random red and yellow. The color scheme isn’t bad but I don’t know if it matches the team’s branding as well as it should.

TL;DR - Yeti should definitely have red eyes, colors are nice but maybe don’t match the “yeti” theme.

Rating: B-

Honolulu Hahalua HON

First Impressions: At first glance it looks like a bright, friendly logo, but the hahalua, whatever the hell that is, is making a really big frowny face, and looks like me on a Tuesday morning. I really think he or she should be smiling a little more, and also they need a name. I hope all of these team mascots have names, because that would be awesome. The blue and yellow is very bright and matches the location of the team as well as the vibe of the mascot. The flowers and ring around the hahalua itself are well placed. The vibrancy of this logo really makes it one of my favorites, but I do think the mascot could be a teensy bit more friendly looking. I’d like to pet the hahalua but I’m scared it’ll suplex me or something. Honolulu hahalua is such a tongue twister too, try saying that 3 times quickly. The logo looks very polished, however, and overall was done well.

TL;DR - Nice, vibrant colors, the hahalua is too mean looking though

Rating: B+

New Orleans Secondline NOLA

First Impressions: Very nice colors. I love the purple and that blue works so well, it reminds me of the hornets, and their colors are sick. The gold is perfect and matches the instrumental aspect of the logo as all the people in the silhouette are playing an instrument. I like the shape of the crest, as everything actually fits in it and it doesn’t look out of place. Every other logo I’ve reviewed so far except Colorado seems to not have a solid crest in place without the character in it popping out. I like the banner and the golden trumpets on the outside, and honestly everything looks neat and polished. The only thing I have a slight issue with is the font of the lettering. It looks a bit bland and I don’t think it quite matches the dignity that the rest of the logo carries. It’s a slight pet peeve, but I also think incorporating a gold outline around the words could make it pop more, or even making the fleur-de-lis at the bottom gold. The colors are honestly the best so far out of all the logos I’ve seen. I really am in love with this color scheme, and I think it would be even better if the gold was incorporated more throughout the logo. It all feels very smooth and precise, and not clunky because of how thin the lines and lettering are.

TL;DR - Best color scheme, gold could be used more, nice crest shape

Rating: A

New York Silverbacks NYS

First Impressions: Oh how I love these colors. I think I like them more than the secondline one, because this blue is so subtle and mixes so well with the black. Or is it green? It’s a mix honestly, but it is very well done. I think it’s a great color for the New York theme, and I love the font a lot. It’s very important-like, which matches an NY based team. The skyscrapers in the back are a good addition too, but honestly, the gold/yellow/whatever the hell that is feels a bit random. I really think the blue-green and black/gray should have just been the main colors, and honestly silver would have looked much better instead of gold. That’s my only gripe with this already phenomenal branding. The gorilla is awesome and also has those lifeless eyes like the Outlaws did. It’s a very good cartoon gorilla, and isn’t as menacing, but rather fierce. It looks like an apex predator, and honestly this team gives off those vibes. The silverbacks are a pretty cool name, but maybe they should have used some silver in their logo! The est. MMXL at the bottom is a very nice touch, as it’s in canon with the ISFL years, I assume? I don’t know what year we are in now or when this league started to be honest, so I’ll just trust that it matches to the year the team / league was created.

TL;DR - Awesome colors and well designed logo, but the gold feels a bit out of place, should have had silver instead.

Rating: A-

Orange County Otters OCO

First Impressions: This is a very simple logo, and and really uses the color orange well, as they even have it in their name. The otter himself doesn’t look like he wants to kill someone, which makes him look a bit majestic almost. I think the hahalua should have gone this route and made their logo look less aggressive. The white and orange are a simple, yet good looking color scheme, and the shape of the logo is well-defined, but it looks like a guitar pick to me honestly. The shadows are well done and the whiskers are friendly. It’s a very friendly logo, but it just seems a bit boring. Not every logo can or should be cool with unique colors. Simple logos ike this can be effective if done well.

TL;DR - Simple, clean, well-done, but nothing outstanding

Rating: B+

Philadelphia Liberty PHI

First Impressions - Taco bell? Really guys? Out of all the logos to base yours off of, it had to be taco bell? Not that I have anything against taco bell, it’s actually come up clutch many nights thanks to door dash. That baja blast has kept me refreshed for many late night gaming sessions. And those nacho fries are the best fries of all time barring cajun fries at Five Guys. But if I never saw a taco bell logo before, I would love the Liberty’s logo. I’m glad they stuck to the traditional American colors, but made them a bit more rustic and antique, making the red and blue softer and swapping gold for white. It feels easy on the eyes and looks appealing. There are 13 stars in the logo, which hopefully is on purpose as it matches the 13 states that America started with. Good allusion to a piece of our history there. I have no idea what those little like chamber pot looking things are on the side, the blue things. I feel like those should have been in the shape of a bell, not a urn. The font is alright, but it could have been more antique and old-timey, like the way they wrote on the constitution. The little dongle thing in the bell being a football was a nice touch, and honestly I have no idea what that is called. I like the top of the bell thingy being red, it blends well with the logo and it’s honestly very well done overall.

TL;DR - Very well done logo, colors are superb, but taco bell? really?

Rating: A-

San Jose Sabercats SJS

First Impressions: Those are some cool colors. I may be biased because I love the emerald green color, but I can honestly see the helmets and uniforms being really cool looking. The like, bronze color on the outside and on the sabercat itself is kind of dull, but I think that’s the look they were going for. A dark, brooding, logo. I like the stripe on the back of the sabercat, I think that’s a solid detail to add in there. The only problem I have with this is that the SJ in the back does not complete to SJS. It makes sense and would look symmetrical because there’s another slot for a letter, and S would be perfect because it stands for Sabercats. It doesn’t look bad now, but it looks a bit incomplete. They made each letter ⅓ the width of the circle, but they could have just made it half and left it at that and I’d think it would be fine. Overall, a well made logo but the missing S is bothering me. The colors are also a bit subdued, but I think that’s the theme.

TL;DR - Subdued, soft colors, very dark. Missing S in the background.

Rating: B

Sarasota Sailfish SAR

First Impressions: There are the colors my 4 year old cousin would be obsessed with. It’s so bright and vibrant, but it does feel a bit silly for a football team. I’m glad the green isn’t too bright because I can’t take two neon colors in one logo. The white on the fish is good but I think the lettering itself could have also used some white in it. It looks a little all blended and hard to distinguish. White helps outline stuff and make it brighter, and I think the words on the logo could have used that. The font is good and so is the green stripe down the middle. There isn’t a crest at all which is my only problem, but I think it’s fine. An ocean or sea backdrop would have been cool, and made it stand out more on a helmet or jersey. The little green slashes are very effective however, and makes sure the logo doesn’t feel too isolated. And honestly, what the hell is a sailfish? Just go with swordfish next time.

TL;DR - Very vibrant colors, like a child designed it. Missing a background, and the color white in the lettering.

Rating: B-

Yellowknife Wraiths YKW

First Impressions: This logo feels a bit awkward and very, very simple. There is just a cloaked wraith, and nothing on top of that. No sickle, no magic wand, no nothing. The shield crest just feels awkward and slapped on for the sake of having a crest. I don’t think it was necessary, and honestly it feels time for a redesign. Having a cool mascot and putting light blue in a dark color scheme won’t save you from a weird shape. The black and white and blue color scheme however, is pretty cool, and honestly would look so dope on a jersey. I think if they got rid of the crest, this logo would look a lot more polished. It’s still a very cool logo as of now, especially when it’s a smaller image. The blue eyes are a nice touch but I do think this logo would look pretty scary and lifeless if it had just empty eyes. A total black and white color scheme would have been cooler. The blue eyes are kind of what I wanted the Yeti to do, but with red eyes there. This logo and branding has potential, but I think it should be reworked a little to make it even better.

TL;DR - Crest feels a bit awkward, the blue shouldn’t be there, empty eyes would look better and a simple black/white color scheme would be dope.

Rating: C+

DSFL Teams

Bondi Beach Buccaneers BBB

First Impressions: Take notes Sailfish and Wraiths, because this is how you combine a crest shield and obnoxious colors and make it look good. The green and gold are a nice color scheme, but the purple seems a biiiit awkward. A golden eye would be fine honestly. Or use more purple around the logo, just not the eye. I really do like the color of the skull here. This logo is very well done, and I like the flowy hair that this pirate has. The shape is all very well done, and I think this crest matches the pirate the best and is honestly the best use of a crest I’ve seen out of all these logos. I like how it looks like he has an eyepatch because he doesn’t have a flaming purple eye there. These skull logos seem to be either boom or bust, but I really think Bondi Beach did it well here. What’s up with all these obscure locations btw? Can’t we pick something like Miami and get done with it? We sure do love our alliteration apparently… 

TL;DR - Cool ass logo, nice colors, but purple is unnecessary. Very nice crest.

Rating: A

Dallas Birddogs DAL

First Impressions: The blue and gold really pop out, and I love the big D right in the middle. You can never go wrong with big Ds. What even is a bird dog? Is it a bird or a dog? I guess we’ll never know. And are there dogbirds? Birds trained to hunt dogs? The dog itself is very detailed, but looks solid enough when you look at it from afar, like a smaller size of the logo. I think it’s done very well and I love the use of the singular letter in the team’s branding. No other team has done something like this, and it’s a good idea. “Birddogs” just seem a bit underwhelming for a football team, but I can see them having a Bruins type uniform, which would look really good. And again, this dog definitely needs a name. Also, I think there should be a bird flying or in the mouth of the dog so that it looks like it’s hunting them.

TL;DR - Bright, colorful design, nice incorporation of the D. The dog is well designed but needs  a name.

Rating: B

Kansas City Coyotes KCC

First Impressions: The logo in the index and the logo in the drive folder are a bit different, because one has a white outline and the other does not. The logo needs that border because it seems too light/transparent without it. It’s lacking the solid feeling, but I do like the shape of it. If I’m being honest, I don’t really understand why the coyote is howling at the sun. It seems more logical for it to be howling at a moon, and I think a silver or a silver-blue moon would loo really good with this purple. Purple and gold is just a basic color scheme, I like the color of the mountains, but if it was snow tipped, it would look more complete. The shape of the coyote looks good, but some fangs and a bit more aggression in his expression could have been used. The big sun in the background needs a more solid and darker outline, along with the whole entire logo itself. I think the sun could be enlarged to fit the entire logo, and that way it seems like it’s bigger and all encompassing. It would also keep the shape of a logo to a simple circle.

TL;DR - Sun should be a moon, as silver and purple would be way cooler. Very simple but clean design. The coyote should be more menacing, mountains should be snow tipped.

Rating: B

London Royals LON

First Impressions: I like this logo and branding a lot, I think London is the capital of snobbery in the world, and this branding feels like the ultimate snob team. No offense, but it’s just a very good theme to build off of. It fits with the Monarchy in the UK, and is ultimately, a very good name. I like this one a lot, and the colors are also very majestic. The lion seems stern, but not like he’s about to bite your head off. The crown and design are very regal, and I appreciate them not adding any more colors. Some teams have trouble adding too many colors, but keeping it as a simple black and gold was probably for the best. But it’s a subdued, lighter gold, and a lighter black as well, mixed in with some gray. It’s a soft, yet powerful look. I like that the lion stays within the confines of the circular crest. The lettering and sideways name works well, and it looks like it could be a coin almost. If on the other side, there was an EST. MMXL or whatever, I think that could also look good. Or maybe just the word Royals to make it look more symmetric. This design is fine as well.

TL;DR - Good color scheme, minimalistic, very well designed lion, branding matches the city.

Rating: A

Minnesota Grey Ducks MIN

First Impressions: I’m going to go off the logo in the index, and I checked a game stream and that logo seems to be the correct one, so I’ll go off that instead of the outdated one in the logos folder I found. I really do like the colors here, silver and blue always work well. It gives off a very frosty look, and Minnesota is a frosty place. The Grey Ducks seem like a silly name, but the logo is very, very well done. The duck has the perfect amount of meanness to him, without looking like a nightmarish dragon. The giant M in the background is nice, I like when teams use singular letters like that, like with what Dallas did. I just wish it blended a bit better together. The blue of the M is the same color of the beak, and that makes it look a little too congruent for my liking. Overall, this is a very simplistic but good logo. I like the colors a lot.

TL;DR - Color scheme is probably the best out of all the teams so far, and I like the M in the background. Duck looks very intimidating. Wish the M and the beak didn’t blend so easily.

Rating: A

Norfolk Seawolves NOR

First Impressions: The Seawolves have a very soft design, with barely any thick outlines in the logo, which give it a very incomplete look almost. Minnesota did a great job with their outlines and giving it a polished look. I don’t like the look of the logo itself, it seems dull and with poor shadowing. The frothy waves are a good addition, however, and I like the design of having a submarine or whatever it is as a team mascot. When I heard seawolves, I totally expected something animal based, ngl. The radar in the back is a cool addition, but it kind of gets lost, and I think the radar lines could be a bit more outlined to make it stand out. The color scheme is boring, and seems to just have blue and gray.

TL;DR - Boring color scheme, unpolished logo

Rating: D+

Portland Pythons POR

First Impressions: First off, I really like the shape of the crest that Portland is taking here. The star fits very well with this snake design, and the little diagonal star gives it a look of a compass. I’m glad there’s an actual football in the logo, and I honestly think more teams should incorporate a football or something football related in their branding. The green and brown/black is a very good combo simply because that shade of green can carry itself. The silver works very well, and overall, whoever picked these colors did a great job. The snake doesn’t look radioactive. It’s grip on the football is a nice touch and the look it gives is as if it’s going to run you over. I honestly can’t decide which one of the snake teams has a better branding, but both are mean as heck.

TL;DR - Very good color scheme, love the crest behind the snake, love the incorporation of the football

Rating: A

Tijuana Luchadores TIJ

First Impressions: I like the color scheme and using green and red, since those are Mexico’s colors, it feels very natural. I love how dark it looks, and the menacing aspect of the mascot himself. He looks ready to beat people up, and the lifeless eyes, once again work very well in his favor. I like how one side is lighter than the other, it looks very polished and like there’s a light shining on the logo from the left. The name shouldn’t be in white however. I think the name would look better if it had red letters, and continued the trend of decreased brightness on the right side. I like the shape of the crest, the design is charp at the bottom and the lettering is blocky, but the man himself is pretty curvy, I really do like how simple the design is. I just wished the colors popped out a bit more, it seems a bit dull, and a bit dark in a smaller size file.

TL;DR - Good colors, matches the city, very well designed logo, just a bit dim, not vibrant enough.

Rating: A-


Arizona Outlaws: A
Austin Copperheads: B+
Baltimore Hawks: C
Berlin Salamanders: A
Chicago Butchers: C+
Colorado Yeti: B-
Honolulu Hahalua: B+
New Orleans Secondline: A
New York Silverbacks: A-
Orange County Otters: B+
Philadelphia Liberty: A-
San Jose Sabercats: B
Sarasota Sailfish: B-
Yellowknife Wraiths: C+

Bondi Beach Buccaneers: A
Dallas Birddogs: B
Kansas City Coyotes: B
London Royals: A
Minnesota Grey Ducks: A
Norfolk Seawolves: D+
Portland Pythons: A
Tijuana Luchadores: A-

These brandings rankings are intended to be for fun, all these logos are amazing and 100000x better than anything I could do. I just tried to be as overly critical as I could. I can’t determine the best branding, since no team was worthy of an A+, but the Grey Ducks were probably the closest.

I doubt any of you read the article in full, but if you did, thank you! Icnamu out.

RE: Team Branding Review - Raven - 02-24-2022

(02-24-2022, 11:12 AM)icnamu Wrote: I’d like to pet the hahalua but I’m scared it’ll suplex me or something.

I love this line so much lol

Very solid piece of media!

RE: Team Branding Review - icnamu - 02-24-2022

(02-24-2022, 11:16 AM)Raven Wrote:
(02-24-2022, 11:12 AM)icnamu Wrote: I’d like to pet the hahalua but I’m scared it’ll suplex me or something.

I love this line so much lol

Very solid piece of media!

Thank you! And it gets boring writing to myself for an hour so I made a few quips

RE: Team Branding Review - Sebster - 02-24-2022

london > dallas as it should be

RE: Team Branding Review - rapideagle - 02-24-2022

This was a great read! Also haha Norfolk stinky

RE: Team Branding Review - icnamu - 02-24-2022

(02-24-2022, 11:43 AM)rapideagle Wrote: This was a great read! Also haha Norfolk stinky
Thanks! and no comment Confused

RE: *Team Branding Review - LancedJack - 02-24-2022

Of all the possible takes, this was one

RE: *Team Branding Review - Baron1898 - 02-24-2022

Two separate branding review articles and neither have acknowledged the perfection that is the Wraiths branding. At least this one is kinder to the Hahalua.

RE: *Team Branding Review - ZootTX - 02-24-2022

Why would a Wraith have a magic wand?

RE: *Team Branding Review - LordEscanor - 02-24-2022

“Taco Bell”

Smh it’s clearly the Liberty Bell