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Rookie Contracts - Printable Version

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Rookie Contracts - Yurt6 - 08-31-2017

It has come to my attention that numerous prospects are planning on holding out if a team they don't like drafts them. In the current system, this is fine because they would leave their team after a short period anyway.

I propose having a minimum rookie contract (2-3 years probably would be best) so that prospects can't just up and leave a team just because they want to play somewhere else. Without minimum contracts, bad teams will just keep getting worse, because they can't build through the draft, and they generally aren't desirable enough to sway impact free agents. I'm not saying it needs to be like the MLB where you're a restricted free agent for 6 years, but I do think having at least a 2 (maybe even 3) year default rookie contract would help make building through the draft a viable option.

Another possibility would be to add in some sort of draft pick or cap compensation for a team that loses a rookie who holds out or leaves after only one year, so that they aren't just left in the dust. I think that the minimum contract would be preferable to this.

Rookie Contracts - kckolbe - 08-31-2017

Some form of compensatory pick system for holdouts/lost FAs isn't a horrible idea.

Rookie Contracts - Deusolis - 08-31-2017

For GMs (and FAs negotiating) it might make sense to have a standard rookie scale contract system just for the sake of cap management

Rookie Contracts - kcheng686 - 08-31-2017


Maybe be like 80+ end of first round comp pick

70+ end of second.

69 and under end of third round comp

Rookie Contracts - kcheng686 - 08-31-2017


Maybe be like 80+ end of first round comp pick

70+ end of second.

69 and under end of third round comp.

Sorry about double post.

Mobile sucks

Rookie Contracts - Admin - 08-31-2017

This won't be an issue with the DSFL. This is happening because players are spending major time with a team and then being entered into the draft. With the DSFL this will never happen since every player will play in the DSFL before being drafted to the NSFL.

Rookie Contracts - Yurt6 - 08-31-2017

(08-31-2017, 09:12 PM)Ballerstorm Wrote:This won't be an issue with the DSFL. This is happening because players are spending major time with a team and then being entered into the draft. With the DSFL this will never happen since every player will play in the DSFL before being drafted to the NSFL.

Got it, didn't realize there would be two separate drafts

Rookie Contracts - kckolbe - 08-31-2017

(08-31-2017, 06:54 PM)kcheng686 Wrote:Yeah.

Maybe be like 80+ end of first round comp pick

70+ end of second.

69 and under end of third round comp

I would move all of those down about two rounds. After all, the goal isn't to be just as good, since any FA you lose has to get paid by the new team, just to mitigate the damage.

Rookie Contracts - Daybe - 08-31-2017

i do believe one of the best aspects of the rookie contracts is that the rookies have the freedom to negotiate their contracts. that being said, i believe a 1 or 2 year minimum for contracts would help solve this issue