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*Matthew Mara's Rocky Road - Printable Version

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*Matthew Mara's Rocky Road - High Stick King - 06-06-2022

Matthew Mara's Rocky Road
By Jackie Denardo

Back at the start of 2046, Matthew Mara was considered one of the most promising wide receiver to ever put on a college uniform. He was breaking his own collegiate records and was on a path of stardom that few before him had experienced. By the end of that year his college football career was over as well as any chance of being drafted. A tragic car accident, in the fall of 2046, ended Matthew's NCAA career which found the fallen star facing multiple years of painful and agonizing surgery on both hands. A difficult journey that led Mara down a path of faith and somber reflection.

How one wrong turn didn't stop Mara from finding his way.

[Image: SYucdl6.png]
Matthew Mara graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2048. [ Click for larger version ]

Matthew Mara chose to attend Liberty University in 2043 despite a limited role in his freshman season. The team had an abundance of seniors who were clogging up the depth chart and forced Mara to sit on the bench for most of the season. In the summer after Mara's freshman season, a new quarterback named Luke McPoyle joined the team. The two became instant friends and turned into one of the most dynamic duos in the NCAA for over two seasons.

-- First let me thank you for granting me this interview. One of the things I noticed when I was doing my research is how you brought up your friendships and how much they have helped you over the years. Is this something you continue to rely on?

"Good to be here. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for my friends. That offseason before I met Luke (McPoyle) I was miserable. I wasn't seeing any playing time and I couldn't really bond with any of my mostly older teammates no matter how hard I tried. Once he showed up it was like the sun was shining down on me and everything just started to click. The seniors all graduated and left the starting WR position open and with the knowledge that my friend was going to be my quarterback gave me all the confidence in the world. Without Luke I don't think I would have even become a starter in university. Yeah, friendship is extremely important to me back then, after my accident and then through my recovery and now into my return to the field."

-- Before we get to your astonishing comeback, would you mind if we discussed the car accident that left you with crippling injuries to both of your hands?

"The accident is not something I like to think about but it is important to face your demons so I am always willing to share my story with others. It has definitely left an impact on my life and had I not been involved in it, I think I would be a much different man today."

-- The accident we are referring to happened on Friday October 19th, 2046. There isn't a lot of detail as to how it happened. What was the cause of the accident? The only thing I found was a blurb about the driver being distracted. Is that what happened?

"I thank God every single day that I don't have any memory of what happened. My last memory was eating lunch at a cafe. Then the next moment I am waking up with a tube down my throat. Everything else... [motions to his head] blank. The only reason I know what happened is from reading the report from the police who were at the scene. It said that the driver was distracted by the action of eating a bowl of cereal while operating a motor vehicle. At which point the offending party crossed into oncoming traffic, striking the vehicle I was travelling in."

-- A... a bowl of cereal? You can't be serious?

"Yeah, unfortunately that is apparently the cause of the accident. What is on the record."

-- Well I am stunned. I read that the driver who hit you also walked away without any injuries and wasn't charged with anything? Is that true? How does that make you feel? Does it not make you angry?

"I think... I mean I was... I was angry at some point but the emotion that I remember the most from that time was confusion. It took me a long time to understand what had happened. The first few weeks were a very confusing time for me and I had trouble accepting reality. Hating the person who did this wasn't even on my radar. Over the years I've learn to accept what has happened and forgive him for the accident. Once I fully embraced The Lord, there was no room for hatred in my heart. I had to let it all go."

-- Just so the readers fully understand what you went through. How many surgeries have you had on your hands?

"Let's see [he begins touching different parts of his hand while recounting]. On this hand, my left, I had four and on this one (right) I had three. So seven in total but it was the rehab that was really the most difficult part. It took me years before I was able to do something as simple as button up my shirt by myself. It was very difficult but it has made me a stronger person."

-- Your courage and determination is admirable. I don't know if many people could go through everything you have and be so forgiving. You mentioned embracing your religion. Liberty University is a private Evangelical school. Was your faith strong before joining the University and was that the reason you chose to go there?

"My family attended church every Sunday and I dreamt of becoming a priest when I was a kid. It wasn't until my high-school coach put me on the football team that I changed path and pursued sports instead rather than the priesthood. I had football scholarships from nearly every school but I chose Liberty University because I could follow football as well as my faith. It was the best of both worlds and I was able to get my BA in theology which allowed me to attend Seminary school in Dallas once my football career ended and get my Masters."

-- So then priesthood was the only other choice for you after football? It wasn't a difficult decision?

"No, there was only one place for me to turn and that was to my Lord. I knew that there is a reason for everything and that I was obviously meant to pursuit my faith after losing the ability to use my hands. It was a sign. He got me through this, without Him I would hate to think where I would be right now."

-- What then made you decide to leave the priesthood so abruptly after joining? Was it the game that called to you to make a comeback?

"I returned to my hometown of Philadelphia and ran into an old high-school flame who convinced me that I made the wrong decision. After a long discussion I abruptly hung up my robe and attempted to re-kindle that long lost relationship. Ultimately that didn't work out. So I decided that the best way to win her back was to return to my glory days on the field and prove to her that I am worthy. So I am once again putting on my cleats and ready to give it another go."

-- What you are saying is that "love" is what is driving your return?

"Yes! Absolutely. I am doing this for the woman of my dreams. She will have to notice me."

-- How are the hands, if you don't mind me asking? Do you think you will be able to catch the ball well enough to return?

"With The Lord on my side and Sweet Dee in my heart, I have doubt that I'll be able to achieve that which is un-achievable."

-- Finally, to bring this back to where we started. Are there any friends you would like to specifically thank?

"Yes, thank you. First I would like to thank Modern Nazgûl (@Vulfzilla). He put the idea in my head to start my career back up when we met up at a Christmas party last year. I wasn't ready back then but it was a little nugget that began to grow after that moment.

Next I would like to thank my fellow rookie Nova Montagne (@OrbitingDeath). She has spent a lot of time helping me get back into game form by throwing passes to me while I ran my routes. I wish her the best of luck in the draft.

Lastly I want to thank @Gordon Bombay and @Sebster for picking me up off of waivers and letting me participate in important games down the stretch. I was able to get my first DSFL touchdown thanks to them and the players of the Royals. Go London Royals go!"

RE: Matthew Mara's Rocky Road - OrbitingDeath - 06-06-2022

Love reading this backstory HSK Smile All the best in the upcoming draft, hoping our paths will cross so we can work on these routes some more.

RE: Matthew Mara's Rocky Road - Vulfzilla - 06-06-2022

its always sunny in honolulu

RE: Matthew Mara's Rocky Road - Sebster - 06-06-2022