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*Do you need a Defensive End for S37? - Printable Version

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*Do you need a Defensive End for S37? - JuOSu - 06-19-2022

So my player Medicinal Toblerone has played for the New Orleans Second Line his entire career and will also play there in S36 but realistically, he won't be able to play there in S37 as they have better options. My player will be regressing a lot next season and I won't be very high TPE anymore, but I would still like to find a spot to start somewhere in the league, both for the games started record and maybe to increase certain career stats a tiny bit further.

I will be honest, I probably won't be great anymore on the field, so I doubt I will be blown away by 12 different offers, but I think I offer teams unique skills that might still make me an interesting choice for your defensive end position for that season. Below, I will detail those and tell you what you might be able to get in me as a player and as a user.

1) Let's talk about the player first. If my math doesn't lie to me, Medicinal Toblerone will end up being somewhere around 200 TPE after regression, but with activity and equipment and all I should be able to push him towards 300 TPE fairly easily still. I would still be fully engaged and ready to max earn until the trade deadline or whenever it is best to recreate here. I am a speed DE and have had a fairly decent career.

2) As a user, I will be happy to join your discord locker room and I am basically always around so I am happy to contribute and engage people. I have a lot of experience in these leagues so may be able to be a decent enough mentor for younger or newer guys too.

3) As a GM in another league and a player in 3 other leagues, I know a lot of people and would be happy to contribute scouting notes or comment on people in the draft that I know, so I could be a valuable piece of information for you.

4) As a user, with my players I am very very loyal. My past two players have both played their entire careers with one team. My first player played on two teams. So basically I have played on two different teams in around 30 seasons of having players. After this one last season with Medicinal Toblerone, I plan to recreate and once again max earn and make a great player. I again plan to stick with the same team my whole career, but unlike with my last two players, I am very open to going to any team, not just NOLA. After spending so much time here with them, I am very much ready to tackle a new challenge and try a new team out. Signing me to your team with Toblerone will only make me want to spend time with your team on my next player, plus it gives you an inside line on scouting me and being able to see how I am for an entire season already, before I recreate.

5) As an article writer, I point towards my series of articles that were top 10 articles for the New Orleans Second Line, where I highlight statistics in NOLA history and who is in the top 10 for each statistical category. If you sign Toblerone, I would be happy to create such an article for your team and shine a light on the history of your team. Alternatively, I am happy to write any statistical analysis article that you would enjoy about your team or have ideas for if it's feasible.

So yeah! My player may be low TPE but before you put an IA there or whatever, why not give me a shot and sign me for a year then and get all those above mentioned benefits for your team.

I believe Guitar Master is working on a thing where GMs may be able to talk to me early, so if that will happen, I would love to hear from GMs and discuss whether I might be a good fit for your team.

RE: Do you need a Defensive End for S37? - mithrandir - 06-19-2022

10/10 would recommend Juosu.

RE: Do you need a Defensive End for S37? - Crodyman - 06-19-2022

Legend for hire

RE: *Do you need a Defensive End for S37? - Jaywe88 - 06-20-2022

I’ll miss his smile around the Locker Room next season, very savory pickup