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*Second interview with a reporter (who totally isnt stalking him) - Printable Version

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*Second interview with a reporter (who totally isnt stalking him) - Alikh - 07-04-2022

After the middling success of interviewing London Royal’s safety Aleksandr Milescu, sports beat reporter of London’s 5th most read paper, the Dailey Reeder decided to hunt down the football player once again.  It took a few weeks, and more than one dinner of questionable meat origin, but once again he ran into Milescu just sitting down to eat at a local London kebab joint.

“So we meet again!,”  The reporter said, sliding into the booth opposite of Milescu.

“Uh…yeah,”  The safety replied, rolling his eyes a bit.  “So what’s up… looking for another interview?”

The reporter’s pad was already out on the table.  “If you wouldn’t mind!”

“Sure, why not,”  Milescu replied.  “Not like anyone else is currently lining up to talk to me right now.  So how are things at the…  the uh….”  He trailed off.

“The Dailey Reeder?”  The reporter jumped in.  “Same as ever, I suppose.  Still number six in London!”

“Is that a good or bad thing?”

The reporter flashed a smile, half happy, half sad.  “I guess it could go either way.  London has a lot of papers.  But being the sixth most read also doesn’t leave many readers.  But forget about that!  I’m here to interview you!  Not the other way around!”

Milescu laughed.  “Sure, sure.  Whenever you’re ready then.”

“So, the draft.  That had to be a big one, right?  Walk me through that night.  You weren’t really on anyone’s radar it seemed, especially for the first round.  I think I saw you as a third rounder on only one analyst’s draft predictions?  No offense, of course.”

Milescu raised an eyebrow with a bit of judgement in his eye, but answered.  “Well, yes.  I had my hopes, but like you said, none of the analysts had me going in the first.  I found that a little odd personally, based on how many ISFL team interviews and workouts I had, and how it seemed like they were going for me.  But I guess that’s not always info the analysts have available to them.  But yeah, realistically I was thinking I’d go second round since I seemed to kinda be flying under the radar.  Fingers crossed for a first round pick of course, but wasn’t holding out for it.”
“And then your name was called.”

“Yup!  Was watching the first rounder picks go by, not really paying attention to what team was on the clock because I wasn’t going to go in those picks.  Then pick 8 came up, Philly was on the clock.  I was thinking ‘ok, were getting halfway through the first here, still a few picks left, itd be pretty cool if I could somehow sneak in here.  Friend of mine watching the draft saw the Philly logo shoved me- ‘hey maybe youll go here!’”

“Oh, had you talked about a desire to be drafted by the Liberty before that day?”

“Somewhat.  I had a few team interviews and workouts that I thought went really well and meanwhile a few teams who’s culture seemed like a place I’d really love to land.  Those two pieces both came together for the Liberty, so they were definitely number one on my list.  But obviously I have no power over when I end up as draftee.  So yea, I’m looking at the first round halfway over, and Philadelphia on the clock.  And the it happens – they call my name.  Eighth pick overall, headed to Philadelphia.  I couldn’t believe it!  I was jumping all over the room, drinks were spilling, food knocked over, it was a great moment.”

“Sounds like you made a great impression in Philadelphia, then.  How connected to the team were you before the draft?”

“I’m still pretty new to the league here overall so I don’t have a ton of connections to any teams yet.  There’s obviously some London alum in Philadelphia which I’m sure helped, but its not like they’re the only team and Royals currently play for.  If I had to guess, I think- or at least hope – that I am pretty good at making first impressions.  Like I said, Liberty was one of the team’s who I thought scouting went great with.  In fact they actually sent more than one scout to feel me out!”

“So now it’s a few weeks after the draft.  Contracts are being talked, ISFL rosters being finalized, teams are deciding what to do with their new rookies.  You’re playing this year in London again.  What’s the feeling like going in the first round, and then being sent back down?”

“I’m fine with it.  Philadelphia was upfront about their needs whenever I met with them.  There isn’t an immediate place in their defense for me, but that’s pretty common place with most draftees looking towards the ISFL.  I love London so its not like I’m being sent into exile in some garbage tier DSFL team.  Another season to keep getting faster on the ball, quicker at reads, more conditioning, all of it.  I’m going to be ready when Philly calls me up, and until then its all London, all day.”

“So London is the focus this year, got it.  What’s it like being back for another year?  You have a fresh group of rookies, so you’re something of a veteran in London now, right?”
“Its been a great experience seeing the draft from the other side now.  Last year I was picked by London after they got a few weeks of preview of me on waiver, and now this year I got to sit back and see who we picked up.  A bunch of fresh faces, sure, but they're all eager to get going and record some wins.  Its going to be a great season on the field and doing what I can to help prep them for their own ISFL scouting experiences to come.”

“Anything different in the locker room this year versus last?  How is the team coming together?”

Milescu raised an eyebrow again.  “Are you asking about quarterback thing?”

“Well, yes.  The elephant in the room is of course the quarterback controversy that London faced this offseason.  We all know the tale from the front office, but let’s look inside the locker room- how did it affect the team?”

“I’d be lying if I said there was zero effect, but at the same time it was all offseason.  Things are always a bit chaotic in those weeks and you never know for sure what the final roster is going to look like week one.  No one is guaranteed anything in the league, so there are always surprises.  But at the end of the day I think it all worked out.  We have our new QB, she’s got the backing and support of the full locker room, and the offense is ready to do their part just like we are ours.”

“Ok, ok, new line of questioning.  Sorry, I had to ask.  Word on the qb situation is what every reader is going to look for first.  Totally off topic now.  What’s with you and Kebab places?  This is the second time I’ve found you at one!”

The safety chucked.  “I mean, sure kebabs are great.  But…..are you sure about your sample size here?  You found me last time by chance, and if I had to guess, you’ve been scoping out kebab joints for a few weeks now.  I haven’t been at one in all that time have I?”

The reporter thought for a second.  “Well, I guess you do have me there.  I figured you for a creature of habit, and, well it worked eventually!  So if you aren’t a kebab nut, what is it?  What is the go to must have food for Aleksandr Milescu?”

“Crabs,” he replied.  “It’d have to be crabs.  And I’m not talking these snow crab or king crab legs you get in restaurants wherever.  Caught somewhere on the other side of the world, frozen, and then heated up and plopped on your plate for some obscene price.  I’m talking real crabs.  Blue Crabs.  USA, Maryland, Blue crabs.”

“Can’t say I’ve had them.  What’s the difference?”  The reporter asked.

“Whats the difference???  They’re barely even the same food!  With a blue crab you’re eating the whole body- legs, gut, all of it.  Give me a bushel of blue crabs over any other type of meat land or sea.”

“I imagine you’re pretty happy to be headed back to the states then when you’re called up to the ISFL then?  Philadelphia isn’t too far from where you’re talking about…Maryland, right?”

“Not far at all in the scheme of things,”  Milescu replied.  “World of difference food wise, but still close enough to head down to the water and get some crabs right off the boats now and then.  I will definitely be feasting when I get back home!”

“Have you gotten a much of a chance to spend time with the Liberty this offseason?  I assume you went back home to visit family and whatnot, but did you stop by Philadelphia at all?”

“I did!  Once we were done with all the postseason stuff that needs taken care of I did head back home for a few weeks.  Took a trip up to Philadelphia while I was there and got a chance to meet the front office staff, some of the player’s who were still around, see the facilities, run through a few light drills, things like that.”

“What did you think?  Did anything stand out to you while you were there?”

“The stadium is amazing.  I can’t wait to suit up and play in on that field with all the seats full of fans.  It’s going to be one hell of an experience for sure!”

“I just realized!” The reporter said, looking up from the pad he was taking notes one.  “Once you head to the ISFL that’ll probably be the last time I get to interview you!”

Milescu laughed.  “I mean, there is the phone and internet.  But yeah, I imagine there isn’t much business a London sports reporter has in the US.  But hey, if you ever want to move, I’m sure there is a 5th place paper in Philadelphia too!”

This time it was the reporter’s turn to raise an eyebrow and shoot an unimpressed look at Milescu.  “Thanks.  Ill keep my resume and portfolio ready to go.  That is pretty much all the questions I did have for you today though.  Anything else you want add?”

The safety thought for a second.  “Need any B roll generic sports platitudes?  It was a team win.  They had us in the first half.  Coach really got us fired up at halftime.  The other team always comes ready to play, any win over them is a tough one.  Think that will hold you over until the next time you “run into” me at a kebab place?”

1809 words

RE: Second interview with a reporter (who totally isnt stalking him) - Twenty6 - 07-04-2022