International Simulation Football League
*First Few Games - Printable Version

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*First Few Games - TheHammer43 - 07-10-2022

Well here we are, The first four games of the season have gone by. Yes, it has been a rough first leg of this race but it won't discourage me. No, it makes me "hungrier" I only want to be on that field quicker. Nothing and I mean nothing could get me to leave this team, the only thing that's making me is the ISFL draft and I got a while to prove that I'm even remotely prepared for that. Dallas has been nothing but amazing to me, the GM'S have been very helpful and supportive, even with my thousands and thousands of questions a week, and my teammates are always cheering for me and I'm always cheering for them, I know our time together is short and down the road, we're bound to become opponents but I'll take these friendships I've made with me everywhere I go. Win Or Lose Thank you Dallas for giving me a chance, you'll always have a place rent-free in my head.

     These first four games have been really humbling, it's taught me that no matter how much you want it, there are about fifteen to twenty others that want it equally if not more than you do and the only thing that can separate you from them is work, that means being here day in and day out just looking for opportunities to get better and being there for you teammates.  Another thing that these first four games have taught me is that hard work pays off. I've been doing what I need to do and because of that I've managed to record a sack in all four games this season, now that's just a little personal victory for myself, but what I really want is wins, And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to do that for these guys like I said earlier I'm aware that my time in the development league is short but team loyalty means a lot to me and seeing the hard work my teammates are putting in just drives me to do the same. No one wants to be the guy slacking. 

     All it took was four games to learn that I can't take every loss so seriously. Teams are gonna have losing streaks, and teams are gonna have winning streaks, what matters is that you're enjoying yourself and having fun with those involved. I get so engaged in these games and it can be a real emotional impact because of all the dedication everyone has, once game day rolls around and the locker room fills up you gotta take a step back and soak in all the emotion in the room, there's not a single person in that locker room that doesn't want to win(At least I hope) and it can make you feel like garbage if you're not "doing your job."  No one is perfect though and at the end of the day, you have to take every loss with a grain of salt and enjoy the wins while you can. Cause the BirdDogs are coming for ya baby, it might not be right now or tomorrow but we're coming and everyone who underestimates us, we got a little something in store for you.

    And that's what I take with me from those first few games, Stay Humble, Don't Sweat a Loss, and HAVE FUN! Make some friends along the way and most importantly GO BIRDDOGS!!!

Thanks for taking the time to read this if you made it this far!