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*The (Extremely Late) Post Draft Interview - Printable Version

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*The (Extremely Late) Post Draft Interview - TheHammer43 - 07-11-2022

"With the eighteenth pick of the DSFL Draft the Dallas BirdDogs select... Bay Webb"

[Inteviewer] Bay how's it going? how are you feeling?

Bay: I'm feeling wonderful thank you for asking!

[Inteviewer] Bay you've just been selected by Dallas tell me what are your thoughts?

Bay: Well going into this draft I was just worried about being drafted in the first place, It didn't matter to me if I was eighteenth or sixty-fifth I'm just so happy to have been given this opportunity! 

[Inteviewer] Did you know that you were going to be a target for Dallas? 

Bay: Uhh I had spoken with a GM from Dallas and I try to really engage in all conversations I have with the GM's y'know it really helps spread the word that you care both about them and what they have to say and being involved like that can really show them that you're in it to win it.

[Inteviewer] What do you feel are your expectations going into the DSFL?

Bay: I think my expectations are one, showing up every day, y'know making sure you're doing your fair share and making that effort. Two as a rookie I feel that I have to try and take some of the weight off of the veteran's shoulders, now that may not be necessarily true but it's something I want to do for my team. And being a good teammate on and off the field.

[Inteviewer] Okay Bay last question, Now not everyone knows this but you're from Canada and played strictly Canadian football, does that give you any advantage in this league?

Bay: Well yes and no, Canadian football is a lot different from American Football I will admit, The areas where it is going to help me in my opinion is the American Football field is both shorter and thinner, playing in Canada you have to be fast, you have a lot more field to cover and responsibilities, you gotta have good endurance to be running around like that, so I think doing all that running I think will help me get around on the field a bit better. Disadvantages though, I'd have to say missing that one extra teammate, in Canadian football you have twelve men on the field per side, So there's not having that extra body to me is gonna be a bit different and I'm gonna miss having "The Rouge" in Canadian football, we all know how important having a lead is in football even if it's one point, anything can happen in a football game.

[Inteviewer] Well Bay thank you so much for your time and good luck in the DSFL.

Bay: Hey thanks man!

RE: The (Extremely Late) Post Draft Interview - br0_0ker - 07-11-2022