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*Dusty and The Coyotes are Out, but playing for Pride - dustywilson22 - 07-28-2022

Howdy and welcome back to Dusty Wilson's life as he continues to live his dream playing football. as the season continues It's also dwindling down and we get to see If the Coyotes can continue this turn around or will they miss out? Find out now as we talk all about It

**This Is the transcript of gameday for Dusty**

6AM -Dusty Is back doing his routine of stretching and practices his moves early in the morning- -David walks in after being woken by Dusty yet again- "Dusty I swear, you have been doing this for 10 weeks and I'm still so bothered by It." Dusty laughs, "Stop being bothered by It then." David looks back and rolls his eyes, "Win some games then." Dusty looks up, "Yeah were coming off a win and were looking to get some more tomorrow." David smiles, "I hope so man, Makes It easier to show you winning as a team for that draft stock." -Dusty and David continue to do their morning routines-

8AM -Dusty and David are seen eating breakfast- David looks over, "So Dusty I know It's not fully time and you don't want to focus on It right now, but are you ready to get drafted?" Dusty finishes his bite of egg whites, "Well Yeah I'm excited I've been waiting to fly my family out for a while so today after practice I'll be hanging with them to talk with them about things as well." David reminds Dusty, "Didn't Honolulu contact you as well which was your first bit of contact right?" "Yeah It was super cool to get to talk with such a successful team, which you know I don't care where I go. I'm just focused on the Coyotes right now." David smiles, "Definitely and the Coyotes appreciate you giving all your focus to them." -Dusty and David continue eating their breakfast after talking about ISFL draft info- 

10AM -Dusty arrives to practice early to meet up with Coach Frost- -Dusty walks up to Coach Frost office upstairs and walks into the door, but not before knocking- Coach Frost peeks up from his computer and responds, "Hey Dusty come on In, I'm just finishing up scouting notes." Dusty walks in and while closing the door begins to speak, "Hey coach you wanted me to come in and talk with you." Coach Frost huffs, "Yeah I did, I just wanted to check up on you and just see what you think about the season with us here at Kansas City." "Well Coach I enjoy It here and the season I'm sure isn't what we all expected, But I'm trying out there and working always in the film room or on the field." Coach Frost nods, "I agree, I was just wanting to ask you think you're going to play down next season when you're officially drafted or you think your ready for the big time?" Dusty grabs his chair a little and answers, "Well Coach I feel ready to play in the big time, But you know my love Is here In Kansas City." Coach Frost looks at Dusty, "Trust me Dusty I'd love to keep you here In Kansas City forever really If I could, but just remember don't let us hold you back in your career and stopping your growth. You can only be so good in the DSFL and I just want to make sure that no matter what you choose I'll always be there to support you." Dusty smiles, "Well coach I appreciate that a lot." Coach Frost nods, "Of course Dusty It's my duty to do right by my players as long as they do right by me. So I'm not going to hold you any longer go ahead and get dressed. Get ready for practice Dusty." "Yes sir, See you out there." -Dusty leaves shaking Coach Frost's hand and heading to the locker room to get dressed- 

11 AM -Dusty see's Queen and walks up to him- "Hey Queen I just wanted to say good win for us last game and let's make all these practice's count." Queen looks up from tying his shoes, "Definitely Dusty and I can't wait to keep watching film as I feel It makes me better every time I watch It." Dusty smirks, "I'm glad I could get you in there watching film just like me and Brandon." -Dusty walks away after giving Queen a fist bump- 

1PM -After a long practice today, because Coach Frost really wanted to get us feeling strong and great about all of our plays- -Dusty walks into the film and finds Queen and Brandon there before him- "You guys are really turning into film junkies more than me huh?" They both look back as Queen says, "Yeah Dusty we need to find a way to beat you somewhere." Brandon pitches in, "Hey I beat him sometimes on that line." Queen looks over, "how many times then?" Brandon thinks, "Good question Queen." Dusty and Queen laugh and Dusty takes a seat as he receives a call- "Hey Guys I know I just sat down but I need to take this- "Hello this Is Dusty." "Hey Dusty this is the scout of the Berlin Fire Salamanders, you have time to chat?" Dusty answers, "Hey I actually would have time later as I am watching film. Would that be okay?" "Definitely Dusty no rush, just let me know when you're ready to talk." -Dusty hangs up and walks back into the film room to watch film with Queen and Brandon- Queen asks, "Who was that?" "It was the Berlin Fire Salamanders." Queen and Brandon both look at him, "Berlin, wow man that's awesome, you're starting to gain more attention huh?" Dusty shrugs, "They saw my talent all along just had to wait till they could contact me." Queen looks around, "uh-huh, Well Dusty we watching film or not?" "Yeah man sorry, just start from that first play." -They would watch film for Dusty's usual hour as he was always the last one to leave- 

3PM -Dusty arrived at home to get showered up again and get dressed as his family had just landed in Kansas City- David sipping his drink, "Hey Dusty you're family is on their way here, they should be here in about 5 minutes." Dusty excitingly, "Awesome David, I can't wait to see them." -Dusty's family would arrive in the next 5 minutes and he would hug his mom and his dad- -They would catch up and eventually choose where to eat- 

5PM -Dusty and his family would arrive at the restaurant- -They are seated and Dusty's dad eventually ask him a question- "So son you've had a killer season, Is what I've heard, are you ready for the Draft?" Dusty looks up after taking a sip of his drink, "Oh definitely I'm ready to find my new home, but at the same time you know I love It here with the Coyotes." His dad huffs, "Dusty you know you need to always focus on the future and don't attatch yourself to things as many things chance all the time. Especially in sports." Dusty nods, "I know Dad, I just enjoy being on one team and not moving too much." Dad nods as well, "I understand that son, I prefer to be settled down as well, I'm sure you'll find your forever place. Just enjoy your DSFL experiences." -They continue to enjoy their dinner and eventually Dusty would pay the bill for their dinner tonight- 

6:30 PM -They walk out to the car and Dusty realizes his parents can't come to his games but offers for the next- "Hey mom and Dad would you guys maybe like to be flew out again for one of our home games?" His mom and Dad get excited and both answer, "Absolutely son, you know we'd love to see you playing out there on the field just like old times." Dusty loves their reaction, "That's great mom and Dad It won't be tomorrow though, It'll be in a few more days, so If you want me to pay for your guys hotel rooms so you can just stay here I can do that." They both look at each other and answer, "We'd love to just get us a room set up and we'll stay here till your game." -Dusty calls his agent to get a room set up and Dusty hands his parents a card and tells them- "Whatever you guys need you buy it. You guys deserve all of It." -They hug and Dusty says bye to his parents till they can meet up again- 

8PM -Dusty Is finally at his apartment for the night as he arrived back home at 7:00- David notices Dusty's phone ringing, "Hey maybe It's the Fire salamanders." Dusty looks over, "I wouldn't think so he told me to call him when I'm ready to chat I believe." -Dusty eventually answers the Phone- "Hey This Is Dusty." "Hey Dusty this is Negs the scout of the Philadelphia Liberty as I know It's late, but I'd love to chat with you as long as you have the time." -Dusty and Negs would talk over his goals and just finding common things Dusty enjoyed. Even asking Dusty what he thinks of Philadelphia- -David would walk back into the living room where Dusty had fell asleep on the phone- -David picked It up and answered- "Hey This Is Dusty's agent David, Dusty was super tired tonight and he kind of fell asleep." Negs responded, "Oh no worries We'll pick it back up tomorrow goodnight." "Goodnight sir." 

-David would go back to bed as he would need the rest just as much as Dusty would for tomorrow- 

8AM -Dusty would awake and realize he was on the couch- -He would eventually go into the kitchen to get himself some water where he'd find David up already- "Oh there's our guys who fell asleep on the phone with a scout." "I fell asleep on him?!?!?!?" "You sure did Dusty, he didn't mind though he knew It was late, so he fully understood as he knows how hard you guys work." Dusty sighs, "Well I'm glad he understands, Let me call him back this morning." -Dusty calls Negs back- Negs answers and says, "Hey Dusty glad you're awake, were you ready to continue chatting it up?" "Definitely I'm sorry I fell asleep." "No worries man, let's just talk about where we left off at." "Sounds great." -They would continue their conversation from last night till eventually Negs had asked all his questions and thanked Dusty for all his time." Dusty would say, "Well maybe I fall to you guys in the Draft." Negs would laugh and respond, "Maybe! We dont have a first round pick so probably not sadly, but as a scout I'm hoping we have a chance at you." -Dusty would hang up- 

-Dusty would hang up and receive yet another call, but this time It was from the Colorado Yetis- "Hey This Is Dusty how can I help you?" "This Is Swanky the scout of the Colorado Yeti's, would you maybe have time to talk?" Dusty would answer back, "Definitely man, Let's talk." -Dusty would have to talk his head off yet again with another scout, but this one went great as well and enjoyed himself- 
"Well Dusty, I think that pretty much checks all the technical boxes I wanted to hit. Best of luck in the Draft and maybe we'll pick you." "Hey If I'm there I wouldn't hesitate haha." -Dusty would hang up after both him and Swanky would laugh- 
-David would walk back into the living room- "Wow Dusty you're really catching some traction from these scouts now aren't you." "Definitely man I literally just hanged up with Philadelphia and Colorado was right there ready to talk." "Well at least you know how wanted you are in this upcoming draft." Dusty chuckles, "Yeah trust me, I know now." -Dusty and David would fix themselves up some breakfast- 

-Dusty would enjoy the rest of his day catching up on some more film on his opposition for their double header of games coming up which would be against Bondi Beach and Norfolk, which Norfolk they actually beat last time- -There would be high hope for this week as If they could win both these games they would help raise their playoffs odds- -Norfolk Seawolves they would lose 28-14.  All hope wasn't lost as they had one more game against Bondi Beach, but yet again their hope was lost as they would be beat down, but attempt a late comeback only to lose 34-31- 

-Dusty's day would start out just the same yet again as he would wake up at 6 am and eat breakfast with David and he would travel to practice at 11 AM- 

11 AM -In the locker room Dusty got dressed slower than usual as he really thought about how they won't make the playoffs most likely for this season- Dusty asks Brandon, "Can you believe we won't make playoffs most likely now?" "It definitely hurts Dusty, I'm just scared of what Coach Frost will say." -Both bite their teeth together wondering what he would say- -As they all went out to the field Coach Frost called them all into a huddle- 
"Hey guys as you know losing both those games this week was definitely heartbreaking for all of us as we all went into those games with the mindset we were walking out with wins. We lost both games, but now we just need to make sure we play with pride and give our all in these remaining games of this season. It's time to ruin teams seasons to the best of our ability now!" Everyone responded "Yes sir!" Coach Frost answered, "Alright boys let's get into our sets and go over what worked and what didn't during those games." 

-Practice went about as good as It could with every deep in their feelings about most likely not going to playoffs after not winning those games- 

3PM -Dusty would arrive back at home after practice and just wanting to take a nap- -Before he could close his eyes though he got another call- "Hey this Is Dusty, I'm super tired today and.." "Hey Dusty this is Vax the Scout who called for the Berlin Fire Salamanders last time, If you're too tired I can try and call again another time." "Hey, Hey, Hey, I'm ready right now I'd rather talk now as I wouldn't want to fall asleep on you." "Sounds great let's get started Dusty." -Dusty would finally get to chat it up with the Fire Salamanders as they were the first team to contact him this week and he finally was able to get to give his answers for them and be interviewed by their scout- -The conversation would consist of the same questions that every scout was asking, but answered still answered all of them with the same answers but answered in different ways- -Finally the conversation would be over- "Well Alright Dusty Awesome. I think that is about all the questions I had for you, I appreciate you taking the time to finally chat with me and I apologize for not calling sooner." "No worries and maybe I fall in your guys lap on Draft Day." -Dusty hangs up the phone- -David can be seen looking at him from the kitchen- "You going to nap?" -Dusty grabs his blanket and responds- "Yep sure am." -Dusty would nap the rest of the day really only to wake up to make sure he ate for the last time of the day- 

-The next day would be another day off from practice as It would be their last game of the week and It would be against the Dallas Birddogs who were another struggling team- -A win here against them would help raise the whole team's morale as any win makes that record look better on paper and with Dusty's parents also being there to watch their son play It was a special moment for Dusty and his family- -The game would start out with Kansas City striking first, but the game would stay close for a good bit of the game till deep scoring touchdowns would help open the game up all the way as KCC would win 45-28 against the Birddogs- 

After the game Dusty would go and hug his family as they would take a picture together after getting to see their son play. His dad would say "You really have gotten better from college huh?" "you know It dad and with my eyes set on breaking the pancake record, Can't wait to do it." Dusty would hug his parents as he had to go to the locker room to get dressed. 

Coach Frost would tell everyone to listen up, "Hey fellas I just want to say I appreciate you guys really playing a great game out there as we know It wasn't the best out there on the field we were against, but for those fans a win Is a win and they paid money to watch you guys play. I think they got their money's worth after that one. Great job guys and as we look to next week let's not let another win get to our heads. Got It?" Everyone answers, "Yes sir!" Coach Frost calls everyone over, "put your hands and on 3 says Coyotes." Everyone together, "1.., 2.., 3... COYOTES!!!!" -Everyone celebrates with the music as they all get dressed from their amazing win today-

He's now been scouted by Honolulu, Colorado, Berlin, and Philadelphia. We will have to wait till we get closer to draft to see more teams maybe interview him for the Draft. 
After the win this would let Kansas City be 4-9 and with only 1 game left to go in the season. Dusty has 1 more game to break the pancakes in a season record. Will Dusty do It? Or will he fall just a bit short, but still put up great stats for a rookie Offensive Lineman in the DSFL.
We shall see and as Dusty and the Coyotes look to their last game of their season against the Tijuana Luchadores can they also get an upset? So many questions to be asked and all will be answered next week. See you then DSFL fans!

RE: Dusty and The Coyotes are Out, but playing for Pride - firstfray - 07-28-2022

I’m just imagining Dusty giving Queen Elizabeth a fist bump lmao