International Simulation Football League
*Booter's Badass Blog #1 - Printable Version

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*Booter's Badass Blog #1 - ajtigger - 08-05-2022

*Out of Character Notes before start of in-character piece

Since this is my first piece as Booter McGavin, I wanted to set expectations. Booter will be the polar opposite of my last player Zach Crossley. Booter will be brash and rude with the highest inflated ego you have ever seen. Please note that everything said by Booter is in jest, and I am still the same user as I was with Crossley. Basically please see Booter as a joke and not my actual feelings about players, teams, or the ISFL in general. I love you all and just want to have some good natured fun. Any concerns just hit me up and I will address them.

*In-character Piece

What up football fans. Welcome to Booter's Badass Blog #1. I'm hear to tell you about my time so far in the DSFL. As you all know, seriously could not possibly miss this news unless you live under a rock, I was picked up by the Minnesota Grey Ducks to close out the season. While the team didn't make the playoffs, I of course played great.

Before I get into my play, let me go over a few things that impacted my performance and kept me from being even better. Seriously that missed field goal is specifically because of two things. First, they gave me a jersey that just did not fit. I specifically told the equipment women my left arm is a quarter inch longer than my right arm. What jersey do I get? One with the same size sleeves, just totally unacceptable. Second, I asked for a pepsi, diet of course, and apparently they don't have those in the Minnesota locker room. Diet Pepsi is Booter's drink of choice and Booter needs it to perform. So as you can see the missed field goal is totally the fault of the organization and hopefully if they draft me in the upcoming DSFL draft these things can be addressed ahead of time.

Still despite these deplorable working conditions, my punting was on point. I mean seriously did you see my punting stats? I already have the farthest average punt in the DSFL and I only played one game baby. Tons of nerds with their "sample size" argument but all Booter knows is his name is at the top of the list. Booter is already king of the DSFL punters and he hasn't even been drafted yet. Which reminds me, draft Booter if you want the guaranteed rookie of the year and to win the DSFL title next year... BECAUSE BOOTER BOOMS BALLS.

That's right BABY!!!

Booter Out