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*Cant Believe I'm writing about this - TheHammer43 - 08-07-2022

Legit never thought I'd be writing about my pets but look at me now mom! Well, I've had my cats Bubbles And Gizmo for a few months now and they're nothing short of the word "Crack Heads" They're both tabbies and pretty dope pets, except when they try and run away on me! My girlfriend adopted these two bros from a shelter in London Ontario and to be completely honest I was one hundred percent against it, mainly because I live in Ontario which alone is expensive. I was just worried I wouldn't be able to afford them! But so far so good! I've been able to maintain myself and my "wifey" and afford to get the cats enough stuff that they're happy. That going said I couldn't believe how against having animals I was and it was almost instant love with these two! The only problem now is I have this never-ending anxiety that they're gonna escape and if you've ever had the wonderful experience of chasing after a cat it's almost impossible to catch them because well they're dicks, they can run super fast and jump places you cant. So I've been taking super precautionary measures to insure that they don't run away on me! 

   May be wondering "Why did you name them Bubbles and Gizmo" well my girlfriend wanted to name them the most basic names since they are her cats but I just couldn't do it, So we came to an agreement that I could name at least one and I convinced her to name Gizmo something that wasn't like "Harry" or "Milo" I watch a lot of "Trailer Park Boys" and you gotta name your cat after "Bubbles" guy loves kitties and its a perfect fit, except on paper I named him "Lord Bubbington" which is fitting. Gizmo... what a dick for a cat lmao He's an interesting cat, Like I understand cats don't give a shit in the first place but this cat legit doesn't give one! I'm not entirely sure why my old lady named him Gizmo but he just looks like a Gizmo to me so it works. On paper he's gotta have a fancy name to probably something like "Sir Gizster" 

   This is what a day looks like for my pets I'm assuming, The wife and I get home from our night shift and they hear the "Ring" camera sound go off when we get to the front door and the BOLT for the front door, which in itself is a heartattack and a half! The wife feeds them after harassing us with meows! They slam down the very expensive and very fancy food that the old lady gets for them and then its time to let the games begin, its race time! Bubs and Giz run around the house like its track and field day while also doing parkcore off of me while I'm trying to have a quick cat nap on the couch. And from there its more and more chasing each other around the house till one of them runs out of breath, couple breaks here and there to clean themselves and then they join us for sleep time for night shift! woo frikkin hoo!

  Trying to get any attention from these two can be a real pain! You pick them up and try and give em a hug or even a little snuggle and they'll extend their arms so you can get close to them, it's kinda cute but its also the equivalent to getting shut down by the really pretty girl at the bar, why wont you just let me love you. They let you love them when they want it not you. On the rare occasion that you do get to give them some loving it's a euphoric feeling, like "thank you for allowing me this moment" It is really nice having someone greet you at the door with precious lil meows! If I Dont have children it'll be fine. they can be my children

   If I had to pick an animal to be for one day I'd probably pick being a cat, It used to be something like a Grizzly bear because I'd be pretty bad ass and could mess stuff up but now that I think about it I think I'd rather be a cat, just lay around all day and get those random spurts of energy out of nowhere! On average these cats sleep like a whole day of work away! Kinda jealous, I wish I could sleep all day, have someone feed me, pet me? and clean my poop. Probably kicks ass

I'm not sure if I'm the only one or not who gives their cats nicknames that are variations of their real names but like you never actually call them their real names anymore and it probably ends up confusing your cat more but the list is as follows
  • Bubs/Giz
  • Bubby/Gizzy
  • BubbyWubby/GizzyWizzy
  • BubbyWubbyBoBubbyBannafannafofubby/I don't even have to write it out you get it
  • Lord Bubbington/Sir Gizster
  • This one goes a little of course but my TPB fans will get it.
  • ShitRock/The Scorpion
  • Seargant Meownstein/Purr Monster
  • or just plain ol' Fur Babes for both of em

But yeah those are my new cats! Probably had them since June and boy oh boy its been a ride! But I wouldn't change it because I know life just wouldn't be the same anymore without em! They give me way to much damn anxiety though and I'm gonna end up in a mental hospital if I keep it up at this rate! But if you seen these cute lil bastards you'd be worried they were gonna run away too, Another problem I run into is if you lose one, you might as well have lost both because they're brothers and you don't want to see one of them upset cause their brother went missing.
anyways Thanks for coming up with this media idea it's nice to see something off topic for once!

RE: Cant Believe I'm writing about this - Jaywe88 - 08-07-2022

Naming a cat J-Roc would be my life’s goal

RE: Cant Believe I'm writing about this - TheHammer43 - 08-07-2022

(08-07-2022, 10:15 AM)Jaywe88 Wrote: Naming a cat J-Roc would be my life’s goal
 After seeing this comment I'm debating giving you the keys to my house.