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*Dusty lands back in Kansas City - Printable Version

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*Dusty lands back in Kansas City - dustywilson22 - 08-26-2022

(Hey guys welcome back to another story article of Dusty's career, apologies If It has taken longer than usual as I do try to get these to keep you guys up to date)
So Dusty has just signed his contract with Yellowknife, but just as everyone though Dusty would be asked to take another season down as really Yellowknife wasn't in no big need for him currently and letting him develop would be the better option. Dusty even agreed with this just as his agent did and they signed the contract to guarantee him a spot on the Wraiths for the future. As they got on their flight back though news had broken out of Soevil being forced to step down from his position as GM of KCC. Kansas City needs a new Gm before the season! We'll see how It all works out for now let's get back to Dusty's daily.

**Transcript of past week's events**

8 AM -Dusty and David have finally arrived back into Kansas City as when they got into the airport you felt less cold than In Yellowknife- -Dusty and David had a ride back to their apartment and got their items off the conveyer belt- Dusty asks David, "You know I tried to sleep off this whole Gm thing, just sucks we lose our gm before the season." David while on the phone finishes his phone call, "Hey yeah definitely sounds great!." Davids finally answers Dusty, "Well Dusty that's just business man and when you as a GM do some things a league doesn't like, you may not last very long." Dusty nods, "Yeah I know, but that guy took a chance on me and Is really cool to me." David nods, "I know Dusty, but you can replace a GM and Kansas City can't replace you, so let's focus on football and get back to our apartment." 

-They finally get their bags and begin their drive to their apartment- -Dusty and David start talking about season expectations- Dusty says, "I expect us to be good this year, I know our offense Is much weaker, but we have a defense now and If they can just stop the other team enough we'll do just fine." David answers back, "I agree, but you guys need to make sure you guys score TD's as even the best defenses need a decent offense... let's just say yours Is not even Decent. Good QB, 2 great OL and then what? a rookie WR who you have to hope lives up to your guys hopes. That Defense Is talented with the adds of Brian Duke LB and Caleb Hayden LB who both came from the same college. Good chemistry there." Dusty looks out the window, "Lord knows we need something this season, or It's going to be a long one."-The Drive continues as they reach their apartment-
9:30 AM -They put their things up that they brought with them to Yellowknife." -As Dusty Is putting up clothes he receives a phone call, It's Coach Frost- Dusty answers and says, "Hey Coach Frost It's glad to hear from you again." Coach Frost says excitingly, "Hey Dusty, It's much better to have you back on the roster If you ask me, I'm just a great addition. How you feeling Kid?" Dusty huffs, "Well just tired coach these flights have been just back and forth, but going all the way to Yellowknife Is cold and long!" Coach Frost Chuckles, "Well kid get used to It as I've heard from yourself that you were looking to stay with the team that drafts you for your whole career. Better get ready for those cold games in a season or 2." Dusty says, "Hey now, Coach you already know I'm ready for football cold or hot." Coach Frost agrees, "Yep I definitely know It well. So Dusty not to keep you held up, but just wanted to say practice tomorrow. 9AM as we have a lot to work to get back to as Preseason Is coming fast." Dusty panicks, "Oh Preseason, I completely forgot about that. Good thing It's not the real season as we haven't practiced yet." Coach Frost says, "Well Kid just be ready tomorrow be there on time, time to welcome In some new bloods." -Phone call ends- David asks, "Let me guess, Coach Frost." Dusty smiles, "Yep and he Is already talking about practice tomorrow at 9AM." David puts his hands up, "Awesome, cause you sir need to be back on that field and show the DSFL exactly what the Wraiths got out of you." Dusty nods, "I'm ready man, I just hope the league Is ready for me. Cause ready or not here I come!

-Dusty and David would just relax the rest of the day as there wasn't much more they needed to do really- -They would eventually go to bed and this would be officially Dusty's first morning back in the DSFL Grind yet again- 

6 AM -Dusty Is doing a few stretches, but not focusing on his techniques just yet for this first week- David wakes up, "This Is going to take some time to get used to again, or maybe not cause you're going to be doing It every morning." Dusty answers, "Yep. **Huffs** So what are your predictions for the season?" David answers, "My expectations are based on you and that's that you're going to be a beast on that line again." Dusty chuckles, "Damn straight I'm ready, now let's eat some breakfast." 

-Dusty and David eat their breakfast taking their team, making sure not to eat too fast- 

8 AM -Dusty arrives early before practice to go ahead and do his physical with the team- The Weight and Conditioning coach ask, "You ready to put that work In this season?" Dusty answers back, "When do I not." 
-Dusty walks into the locker room to find his old buddies Queen and Brandon right there waiting for him- "What's up fellas a new season eh?" Queen and Brandon nod. Queen answering, "Hopefully I don't throw as many picks this season and get my skill set right." Brandon chimes in, "I just hope we can score TD's as our new touted defense might just have to do that for us as well." -They all laugh- Dusty says, "Well Queen you know as long as me and Brandon are In front of you. You'll be protected." -They look over at the rookies- Dusty asks, "You ready to throw to some rookie wr's?" Queen huffs, "I miss Morely More than ever, Mchollywood wish I still had his flashyness here. and Perez. I just hope these boys are just as fast. We'll see." 

-They all walk out to the practice field to wait on coach- 

9 AM- Everyone huddles up as Coach Frost walks onto the practice field- "Well welcome back boys and Welcome to the new bloods here today, Let's go ahead and welcome the rookies." -Brian Duke, Caleb Hayden, Carl Thorton, Sherwin Blue JR, and Johnny Blaze Jr. All step out with their hands up- "Now that we have met the rookies, let's introduce them to a Kansas City practice, go see your respective coaches boys then we'll get a few plays offense and defense together to scrimmage again. Just like last season boys." -Everyone goes to their respective coaches as everyone worked with their individual coaches first, everyone would notice Brian Duke and Caleb Hayden outdoing their LB group.- 

-As everyone's individual coach sessions ended everyone met up to meet with their offensive and defensive coordinators where they head coach supervised each side to make sure the plays were being ran right- -It took the Rookies not long before they were already familiar with the plays, so Coach called for the scrimmage- 

Coach Frost, "Alright boys just like last season were doing the same scenario. 2 minutes on the clock and the offense has the ball of course and are on the 50 yard line haflway to the Endzone. Offense has no timeouts okay? Meaning you have to spike It or you have to run a hurry up play. If Defense stops the offense you guys have to run. If Offense scores, Defense has to run. Simple right guys? Lets do It!" 

-Both sides line up on the ball after each team was given 1 minute to discuss what they would do and what plays to run in what situations- 
-Queen lines up under the Center, as Brandon and Dusty are calling things out the line as they hear them- Brian Duke eyes Queen and jumps the snap and sacks him into the ground- The Offense Coordinator gets mad at one of the Oline, "That's your man, stop him next time and OLine communicate better come on! -It's 2nd down and the Offense stunned by the first play now with 1:40 run another play- -This time Brian Is blocked, but a DE gets to the QB, but Queen Dodges and Finds Blaze Jr open for a good 10 yard gain- -The rest of the plays would go back and forth as each side of the ball would find a way to get under each others skins by beating the play- 
-10 seconds left It's 3rd down on the 20 yard line, as the Offense lines up Dusty recognizes a tempting blitz being shown by Caleb Hayden and screams, "Hey watch the Blitz!" Queen says "set.... HUT!" -The line's Blocking the LB's are covering the gaps and the DLine starts breaking through to pressure the QB, Queen scrambles as Dusty switches mans he's blocking and proceeds to get a big block on a defender as they're chasing Queen- -Queen finds Sherwin with his route finally open and tosses It, but as the ball Is flying through the air Carl Thorton recovers enough to Intercept It and the Defense wins!- The offense can be seen angry, but the Oline is rallying around Queen saying, "Hey It looked like a good route, just have to sometimes spike It if there's nothing there Queen. Gotta be smart." -Coach Frost runs out declaring the Defense the winner and tells the offense to line up for running- -Coach Frost pats Queen on the shoulder pads, "Hey you'll get It next time, just keep working." 

11 AM -The practice ends as Coach Frost tells them great job today, and good job to the offense for full sprinting during their punishment- -Dusty, Brandon and Queen continue their routine of going to the film room to watch last seasons film to make sure they learn from their mistakes- -Caleb and Brian are talking as they pass the room- Dusty says, "those rookies are no joke, I'm glad they're on our team." 

-They would watch film and preseason would come and go as Dusty would put 13 pancakes overall which was great numbers to be putting up, but could always be better. Regardless It didn't matter as Kansas City lost all of those preseason games and luckily they don't count.- -Practice would still go great for the Kansas City Squad as Week 1 would officially come as well as they matched up with London Royals their unofficial rivals, but If you ask Dusty he loves playing this squad- -They would have a great game by their defense, but their offense would tell the story as well as the Offense just couldn't get going and would result in a loss of 20-10 to the London Royals- 

**End of Transcript**

Well there's your catchup on Dusty and as they are becoming familiar with the Rookies, just like he didn't form friendship with Queen and Brandon in day. He will eventually meet them first hand, but for now they have just been practicing together and chatting up to show each other things they can't see just in play itself. So knowledge is being passed and fun is being had. Let's hope Kansas City figures out this offense. So Keep your eyes peeled as Dusty continues his DSFL career and we'll just see how it plays out with his 2nd season. Will he break the league record this time, or will he fall short yet again? We'll just have to wait and see.

RE: Dusty lands back in Kansas City - firstfray - 08-27-2022

Love keeping up with Dusty's career! Time for Dusty to beat the pancake record this season!!!!