International Simulation Football League
Scrabble Bag QB Retires to Maine - Printable Version

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Scrabble Bag QB Retires to Maine - .Laser - 09-22-2022

Dexter Zaylren is hanging them up after the S37 season. It's been a great career. Many thanks to Dewalt and High for drafting me back in the day and many thanks to Ice and Flex for bringing me to Honolulu and two (hopefully 3) rings. I'll write a more in depth media piece once the season is over.

RE: Scrabble Bag QB Retires to Maine - 124715 - 09-22-2022


RE: Scrabble Bag QB Retires to Maine - Jaywe88 - 09-22-2022

AP reporting live on the scene as HON QB Dexter Zaylren has announced his retirement on the eve of a playoff push for the team.

We have failed to reach a comment from team management.

More on this story and our other piece, “Maine is Cold as Hell” as it develops.

RE: Scrabble Bag QB Retires to Maine - Raven - 09-22-2022

Maine deez nuts