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*Waylen Greene Introduction Presser - Printable Version

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*Waylen Greene Introduction Presser - fnordypsyduck - 09-29-2022

Ready to Grade

Hey there everyone!

I'm excited about my upcoming season in the DSFL and am looking forward to moving onto the ISFL afterwards, I'd love to be here to answer any questions about me coming into the season. I really think that I'm gonna be serving breakfast every game day (shitty pancake joke) and wanna give you all insight into myself, so fire away!

@lordcoolcats Ok so I feel as though a lot of people would initially just want to pile as much as they could onto the pancake, however the issue with that is that then you would have too many conflicting flavors and it would really just be too much. So I'm assuming that I'm only given the ingredients that you listed, which is perfect cause I can easily work with this.

Strawberries are my favorite fruit, so that's an easy add. I really was thinking about that peanut butter for a second, but I think there are better options. Nutella as well could be a good option, but I think my issue with both of them is that it would be too thick for the pancake, and I'm looking for toppings that soak into the pancake a little better, so I think I'd prefer to go with the Caramel sauce. Also, I'm obviously putting both butter and syrup on there.

Bananas are great, but they don't really feel like they belong on a pancake, and blueberries are just so mid for me, so we can skip both of those. Chocolate sauce I was torn on, just cause it will go so well with the strawberries, but I think it will be too much with the syrup and the caramel sauce, so we'll leave that off too.

Whipped cream is so close, and it depends on where the whipped cream is from. If its just like Reddi whip, absolutely not, I can't stand that shit. But if it's some homemade whip cream, like the starbucks whipped cream, then yes give me that all day long.

...why is vaseline on this list, I'm concerned for the mental health of anyone choosing vaseline...

@Jaywe88 1. I've loved football for a long time, ever since I played flag football in Elementary school, and so when I was able to play in college and could see myself doing well at that level, it seemed like a no-brainer to move onto the DSFL and then the ISFL. You're telling me I'll be able to get paid to play the game I already love? That's really all you can ask for in a job.

2. I would say I was definitely the more laid back individual, I'm someone who's always been driven to succeed but despite that I've always found time to relax with friends and family. However, having said that, I was definitely the stoner of the team outside of practices and games, if you came over to my place after practice, within 5 minutes of being there you would already see me smoking the place out. It really is the easiest way for me to focus on homework and game tape for that matter. And honestly? I don't see that stopping now as I enter the league, I've already shown I can do it and succeed at the college level, so it should be an easy adjustment again.

3. That's easy, I always go with Chorizo tacos, unless they have some sort of Al Pastor tacos, then I' m going for that. But toppings is whatever they give on it, I won't take anything off or add anything, except for the hot sauces, I always add that.

4. Beer, easily. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a nice glass of wine every once in awhile, but the way that beer hits the palette is more satisfying than wine most of the time, especially after a really long day. I'm not much of a drinker to begin with though, but given the choice it's beer 98% of the time.

5. I'm gonna be honest that I don't know much about masked wrestling? I'd be happy to dive into it and learn some things about it, but it's impossible for me to have an opinion on the matter at this time since I have never watched a match, except my dads used to talk about this show that was on when they were kids called Mucha Lucha? I found them watching it on YouTube one day and was like, what is this and why are you watching it?

6. I would say that obviously I wanna win a league championship, and really I wanna win multiple, as well as league awards for myself as a lineman. But in addition to that, I know that you obviously grow close to your teammates in this league as you do on any team you play on, and I can't wait to meet my teammates and make future friendships to last a lifetime.

@DREAMSLOTH 1. Ok sexiest is an interesting question. After thinking it through for awhile, there's just something about Leafon that feels correct, like they are one sexy pokemon. I don't know what it is about them, but it just hits my eyes right.

2. Ok so if I'm not cheating and doing something like writing down all of my wishes and being like "I wish for everything on this paper to happen", which is what i would do in a real life scenario obviously, then I think my top 3 wishes would be for the world to stop hating each other for the dumb reasons that they do, instant teleportation, and that I could instantaneously produce new strains of weed from thin air whenever I wanted that were fucking amazing.

3. I feel like that depends on what the consequences of me leaving the room after those 5 minutes are. If there are no consequences, then Jeff Bezos probably isn't leaving the room, or he's at the very least not gonna be loving life leaving the room. But if life goes on as usual and any bad things that happen would still happen, then I probably just have to find a way to get him to give me a shit ton of money when we leave the room. I haven't figured out how I'm gonna do that just yet, maybe threaten his life or something but then I would be left with the consequences thing again.

@Twenty6 1. Yes, OL is one of the more thankless positions in football, but it's also one of the most integral. With a shitty line, even the best QBs, RBs, WRs, and TEs won't be able to do shit because the defense is getting past the line way too fast way too often. Sure, they can make it through individual plays, but over the course of a game without a good OL you're gonna be fucked. But I'm not in it for the thanks, I mean being thanked always feels good obviously, but I love getting in the trenches and being able to just go up against someone and dominate them every time we face off. It really makes you feel good to be the reason that huge holes opened up for the RB or that the QB didn't have to worry about getting sacked the whole game.

2. There's nothing particularly meaningful about the number if I'm being honest, but everyone knows that the best numbers are even numbers and also odd multiple of 5, so I would have had to go with one of those, and the multiples of 5 just stand out a little more so I went with one of those. Plus, 69 would have been a little too childish, although also hilarious.

3. THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING, WHY WAS VASELINE AN OPTION????? I really think that someone needs to check on lordcoolcats cause I'm genuinely concerned for their well-being at this time. Definitely needs some deep therapy.

RE: Waylen Greene Introduction Presser - lordcoolcats - 09-29-2022

Build your dream pancake:

[  ] Syrup
[  ] Butter
[  ] Whipped Cream
[  ] Chocolate sauce
[  ] Caramel Sauce
[  ] Peanut Butter
[  ] Nutella 
[  ] Strawberries
[  ] Bananas
[  ] Blueberries
[  ] Vaseline


RE: Waylen Greene Introduction Presser - Jaywe88 - 09-29-2022

Dobble News, Action Reporter Bizz Soddon

What inspired you to join the ISFL?

How would you describe yourself in your college days before the league?

What is your go-to order at any taco shop?

Beer or wine?

Do you enjoy masked wrestling?

What are your player goals in this league?


RE: Waylen Greene Introduction Presser - DREAMSLOTH - 09-29-2022

Welcome to the league!

1. Who is the sexiest Pokemon?
2. If you met a genie, what would be your three wishes?
3. If you had five minutes alone in a room with Jeff Bezos, what would you do?

RE: Waylen Greene Introduction Presser - Twenty6 - 09-29-2022

1. O-line is generally a thankless position to play. Why do you do it?
2. What does the number 65 mean to you?
3. Why in the world would you put Vaseline on your pancakes?

RE: Waylen Greene Introduction Presser - DREAMSLOTH - 10-01-2022

Amazing if not horrifying answers. Well done!