International Simulation Football League
*CHI meeting post week 12 loss - Printable Version

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*CHI meeting post week 12 loss - soevil - 11-10-2022

Austin Morley, wide receiver and offensive captain of the Chicago Butchers called for a players only meeting the day after the teams devastating 1 point loss to division rival Colorado Yeti. Alongside him to run the meeting was Joseph Reed, defensive tackle and defensive captain of the team. Tempers were running hot and team morale was down, so the two knew that they needed to quickly address the team about the current struggles they are facing.

AM: "Team, you all know how bad I wanted this one. If there are two games I look forward to every year, its the home and away against 'That Team Out West'. I put my heart and soul into this shit every week, and I know a lot of you all do too. We have such a great fuckin' squad here, I know we are more than our record. Look at us! Real fuckin' OGs like Oles, Sharpei, Theo, D-Hall. Franklin the Turtle, all you guys! All of you fuckin' geezers need to find that fire that you used to have, because we fuckin' need it right now! We have so much young talent, too! I know some of us are still developing, but Xave, QQ, BIG JOE REED, Walt, all have the potential to be SUPERSTARS in this league. We have ELITE playmakers on both sides of the ball! Shit, we have the best running back in the league in Zohri, there is no excuse for stagnation! Together we should be un-fuckin-touchable! Look at what they're sayin' about us! 10th in the power rankings! Saying were finished, not a playoff caliber team, can't win the close games. I'll tell ya, they're not far off on that last one! We've lost 6 out of 8 games that were 1 score! How many of those did the offense have a chance to seal the deal at the end but we couldn't get it done? At least 3 of em', man! And defense, too many times have we just needed one stop at the end but we can't close it out!  Not to mention the UNDISICIPLED FOOTBALL! Over 130 yards in penalties last night, half on the final drive of the game! It's BULLSHIT, man. We win just half of those games and we're in the hunt! I KNOW WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS. I'm not trying to point fingers at any of y'all, its a team game and we are absolutely losing AS A TEAM. Offense! We need to talk about our run game. I'm not sure where we are going wrong, but we are not meshing well. I said Zohri is the best back in the league, and I wholly mean it, but they're RB15 in average yard per carry among backs with at least 100 carries, as a team we have the second lowest average in the league! Rushing is supposed to be our strength! What gives? Are we not blocking our asses off out there like we should be?! Oles, the real fuckin' goat, man. Something is off with you though. I know you aren't that old! Lowest QBR in the league? Not my quarterback, baby. We need to be better up front to give you the protection you need. Receivers, we need to get more separation! We need to make the right reads on option routes, be in the right spots. We aren't doing that and for that I take full responsibility. Hell, as a receiving corps we have the 9th ranked yard per catch in the league. Just inexcusable with the talent we have. And Defense, Big Joe was going over the numbers with me and y'all need to pick it up too! We are doin' alright in sacks but we have the fewest turnovers in the league! I know y'all are kind of 'bend but dont break', but that isn't enough now! We can't win games that way, man! This needs to be our turning point! We are 5th in the division but only 1 game out of a playoff spot. Our last 4 games are not going to be easy, but I fuckin' believe in us! We are gonna fuckin' chop our way to the top, baby! Look around at your brothers and sisters in here! If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for them! I WILL DIE ON THAT FIELD WITH YOU, FOR YOU, FOR US! NO MORE FUCKIN' HOPING FOR A WIN, ITS TIME WE GET OUT THERE AND EARN ONE!"

*I like to believe that the locker room erupted after the speech, but it is just as likely that everyone in the room shrugged Morley off.*

PS - This is in no way an attempt to harass, belittle, or otherwise cast a negative light on the Butchers, ISLF, or any affiliates. I am simply trying to earn a small payout for a media piece. Please do not view this as "cringe" or aggressive behavior. I love you.