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*Derrick Prince presser - Printable Version

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*Derrick Prince presser - AnUnoriginalGuy - 11-21-2022

I need fucking money for steam sales. Ask Prince about anything - his first season in the ISFL, running the Buccs, off-the-field antics, whatever comes to mind.


1) What is the most difficult part of being a DSFL GM?

Honestly? Everything. Scouting, gameplanning, trying to right the ship on a right direction, all while trying to ensure the brand of the Buccs doesn't get tarnished, it's tough. It's fun, though, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

2) Does your clothing brand often get mistaken for... let's say... toys?

Double-Q, you dastardly devil, you. Looking back, I probably would've named Prince Pleasure something a bit more different, maybe something like "P16" or "Royalty", something corny like that. Prince Pleasure just rolls off the tongue, and it's a fun brand to say. Besides, you think "Prince" looks good up on a shelf compared to Chanel or Marc Jacobs or Yves Saint-Laurent? Prince Pleasure has never sold those toys, nor does it plan to - but you never know how the economy leans.

3) How do you feel about your player's rookie season in the ISFL?

To say I had no expectations would be a bit of an understatement. To be completely honest, I wasn't sure how my gameplay was gonna transition to the ISFL - if at all. I'm really happy with my stats, though - I'll take a 600 yard season for my first year. I know that the Liberty have nowhere to look but up - and I'm ready to be a contributor to that climb.



What caused you to decide to venture into the clothing market and do you have any other business ventures planned out?

Damn, Morley, why you so interested? Wanna get some tips? Call me, I'll send you some.

My biggest idols - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Mo Bamba, all those guys - they all made clothing brands. I also always had this thing about clothes - suits were a big thing for me, cause they just made someone look stylish. I always wanted nice clothes - the problem was, those motherfuckers were EXPENSIVE, so I made a promise - if I ever had enough money, I wanted to make sure kids had that chance to wear stylish, brand-name clothes that looked and felt nice. When I finally had enough money after my first few years in the D, I decided to put that plan into motion. One of my best friends had this dream of being a clothing designer, so I hit her up, we got together, and made a baby called Prince Pleasure. That's how that story came to light. We've been going all out, man. We're planning on launching our first flagship store in the American Dream, I'm trying to get collaborations with football teams for uniforms (keep an eye out, Buccs fans) and maybe even expand into the shoe world with our own shoe line.

Other business ventures I have planned, though? Besides the charity and the clothing, I have another book deal planned, and I'm hoping to release a couple teasers online. I'm also planning deals to hopefully acquire the rights to broadcast Shazam Hefner interviews, and I think I'm getting a Funko Pop soon. Overall, I'm so happy with the way things are going.

Also, as I'm sure you know, 0-13 is ROUGH. How do you plan to right the ship for the Buccaneers in the coming seasons?

Honestly, I gotta go with some of the greatest words uttered in Philly sports history - Trust the Process. We may not be good now, but I think that with the upcoming class, as well as a rebuilding team, we have chances to get back into it. I was part of the 3-11 team in 35, so this is something I have a lot of experience with. We'll get back into the playoffs as I'm a GM, though, you can count on that.

RE: Derrick Prince presser - Twenty6 - 11-21-2022

1) What is the most difficult part of being a DSFL GM?
2) Does your clothing brand often get mistaken for... let's say... toys?
3) How do you feel about your player's rookie season in the ISFL?

RE: Derrick Prince presser - soevil - 11-21-2022

What caused you to decide to venture into the clothing market and do you have any other business ventures planned out? Also, as I'm sure you know, 0-13 is ROUGH. How do you plan to right the ship for the Buccaneers in the coming seasons?