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*Eidur Gustavsson's pre-draft team rankings - Printable Version

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*Eidur Gustavsson's pre-draft team rankings - Kris - 09-06-2017

(Around 3000 words, the word counter I used said it's well over 3K, but it counts links as words too, hopefully I hit the mark to earn that bonus. Smile)

With the S3 draft right around the corner, I realized I need some money and decided to make a write-up where I rank the NSFL teams by various measures. Try to not feel offended if your team is at the bottom of some lists, I have nothing personal against any of the teams maybe besides one. Also, it’s my subjective ranking, and I can understand if you think different, but no need to argue about it. Big Grin
(p.s English is not my first language, so my apologies for any mistakes I make, I know there may be some Tongue)

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Ranking the teams by their branding, starting from worst to best (logo, team name, uniforms, any other things may be added if a team has listed it in their info page, such as stadium characteristics and the mascot)[/div]

8. Philadelphia Liberty PHI
Team info page
The absolute worst brand in the league. I don’t know if I’m missing on something here, or if the logo has some historical value, but it looks god awful. The team name isn’t that bad, I could see it working, and it seems like you can notice the connection in the logo and all, but it really looks terrible. The colors don’t look well together, the logo looks poorly made. What would your mascot be, a walking bell or what? Doesn’t seem like something I would pay to see. The uniforms are not too bad looking, if you can tell that by the small part of them that you can actually see in the team info page, especially the away uni is decent. And even Metallica’s amazing song “For Whom The Bell Tolls” won’t save you from earning the 8th place in this list. As much as I like the band, it doesn’t make up for that logo.

7. Orange County Otters OCO
Team info page
It wasn’t hard to put the Liberty in the 8th place of these rankings, but it was not an easy task to decide who takes the 7th and 6th spots. But here we are, the team from Orange County and with orange uniforms takes the lucky number. The first thing I have a problem with is the team name, and therefore the logo. Otters? You get an A for the cuteness factor, but is that really the right approach to intimidate your opponents? Especially when your team colors resemble the Cleveland Browns colors way too much. To be fair, that color scheme isn’t that bad. Orange is a nice color, but ehh, it’s really not enough to be better than the 6th place in the list. At least you’re better than Liberty.

6. Colorado Yeti COL
Team info page
It was really hard to decide between the Yeti and the Otters. I dislike the team names the most out of all 8 (completely subjective, I just don’t like how it sounds), but ultimately what made me like the Yeti more is that I see how the logo is kinda smartly made, it makes sense and to me seems clever. Also, the color scheme really saves you. Red+black+white is great. Yet-is (haha) still not enough to be higher.

5. San Jose Sabercats SJS
Team info page
This is where I start liking the branding more than I do not, I guess. San Jose Sabercats is a great team name, the mascot would probably look great (I do not see that you have one at the moment). I like the little historical aspect which is listed in the team info page, as well as the fact that the stadium uses actual grass instead of Astroturf. But just to tell the reason they are not higher on the list- it’s the logo. While the idea is good, in my opinion the colors used are a bit too similar and not easily distinguishable, if you can say that. The little red adds a nice spark, and I would love to see what can you do with that on an uniform, since I currently don’t see one at all. There’s many little good things about the Sabercats, but there’s still more to see and that’s why San Jose is at number five.

4. Las Vegas Legion LVL
Team info page
Hey, the Legion isn’t the last in a list! If their game and their overall appeal isn’t great, then if there’s one good thing they have good, it’s their branding. The Stadium in the picture looks dope, the logo’s alright, although I don’t like that bit of grey which is on the whatever that is at the top of that gladiator helmet. Looks like someone didn’t finish the drawing in a coloring book. I like the font, though, and one thing that really made them earn a stable number 4 spot, is the uniforms. Really well made, the color scheme is nicely used and I’m sure those would look great in real life. Not a huge fan of the “Color Rush”, but it adds something other team’s don’t have.

3. Arizona Outlaws ARI
Team info page
This one was also tough. I could actually see the 2nd to 4th spots be mixed up in any other rankings, so I just want to say I rate them similarly and there were just a few little things that made me put one above the other. I actually switched this with the 2nd place just before I started making the writeup for those two teams as I had the Outlaws higher in my initial list. AND, I could see them being much lower in other lists. But here they are, and I just can say that the team name and the logo are brilliant. I really like how that logo is made, and the color scheme they are using is very pleasing. Their mascot would look awesome too. Yeah, they use turf instead of grass, but what can you do. But basically the only reason I didn’t have them at two, is the lack of uniforms. I believe there is a great chance to make some of the raddest looking unis in the whole league, it just has to be used.

2. Yellowknife Wraiths YKW
Team info page
I could definitely see the Wraiths (such a cool sounding name, for me as a non native speaker it really sounds great) being much lower, being somewhere in the middle of the group in other people’s rankings, but I’ll explain why did I put them at number two. First, I really like the logo. I already said I love the Outlaws logo, and currently I do like it more than Yellowknife’s, but I feel like there’s still a possibility to make something like a bigger logo with the team name. Also, I really like the idea behind the stadium, and the atmosphere it all together creates. I can just build the image in my head, coming to Yellowknife in a pretty cold winter, to a stadium named “Burial Grounds”, with the mascot being a ghostly wraith, it just sounds so interesting. And I believe we could definitely organise the removal of one seat in the stadium just to make the number perfect. Also, I kinda do like the uniforms, yet I think there’s still room for improvement and there definitely need to be a second set of unis. I’d be interested to see that.

1. Baltimore Hawks BAL
Team info page
Oh, man. Definitely the finest work in the league in terms of pure quality of the logo. It just looks so good. Kinda simple, yet interesting. The helmets look sweet. The team name, although is often seen, sounds nice. Such a classic combination of everything. And yes, they do not have uniforms in the team info page, but I definitely feel like a combination of white, navy and red would just complement what is already great.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Ranking the teams by their location (this time from best to worst)[/div]

Alright, this is just more for the purpose of future stories, since my player is Icelandic and I already have stated in my presser that he prefers cold places, however, since you already can tell which team is going to be number one, I’ll try to do justice for some of the other teams and just google the location and see which view I like more. I’ve never been to North America in my life, so that’s my way of ranking locations. Big Grin

1. Yellowknife Wraiths YKW
Well, obviously. It’s cold there, it snows there and and that is where Eidur would like it the most. I believe it’s a team with really specific culture that differs from other teams, since it’s so far, but I think it’s the perfect place for him. No further explanations needed.

2. Colorado Yeti COL
Can’t say much, but Denver seems like a decent place for Eidur. It’s no Yellowknife, but based on the information I could look up, the winters are the coldest here out of the remaining places. The mountains being nearby add a little something to the view and possible skiing options. (Wouldn’t it be a great view to see a 6’6 310lbs guy skiing?) And from what I’ve read by opening the first link that appeared after searching “coolest” states, Colorado is pretty cool.

The rest after this is just “eh”, it almost does not snow there, it’s pretty hot in the summers so if Eidur was to go to some of these places, it wouldn’t be the best story-wise, but I guess I would make it work somehow.

3. Baltimore Hawks, Philadelphia Liberty BAL PHI
If you have at least some snow in the winter, you’re already higher. Not so cold here, but I’ll take it if I am drafted there. Also they are on the coastline so that’s nice.

5. San Jose Sabercats, Orange County Otters SJS OCO
You can see that the ASFC teams are at the bottom of this list, they have 0 snow, 0 coldness, what do you even do here? But I’d prefer the ones which are near the ocean. At least some eye candy there. And the pictures looked decent.

7. Las Vegas Legion, Arizona Outlaws LVL ARI
No thanks. Most uninteresting places out of all of them. Being in the middle of nowhere in a place that’s also very hot and there isn’t even a view of the ocean there isn’t exactly what fits Eidur’s needs.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Ranking the teams by their roster appeal (worst to best)[/div]

I probably worded this heading wrong, but the things I am taking in account when writing this - team needs, obviously, a team that does not need a DE will be lower. Also, the people that play for this team is a factor. If I like them, I’ve had a good conversation with them on Discord, via PMs or I’ve liked their forum activity, the respective team will be higher, if I don’t like the people, the team will be lower (I won’t say the names in both cases). I guess, this is the most important aspect when talking about my “preferred” teams. So, let’s get right into it.

8. Las Vegas Legion LVL
Ahhhh, maybe some time in the future, but not now. I have not had any personal contact with any members of this team despite their big need for a defensive end. That shows they are more interested in other prospects and I can respect that. But even besides that, they have some people on the roster and locker room that I’d rather not play with, especially at the start of my career when I want to be on a team where I feel good, where the team wants me. Like I already mentioned before, I like the team colors and the uniforms are cool, but I’d rather avoid starting out in Las Vegas. Sorry, guys.

7. Philadelphia Liberty PHI
The Liberty is the second of the 3 teams that have not reached out to me before the draft, but there isn’t much reason for them to do that, as they have a very little need for a defensive end and there are other positions that need to be filled in this draft, so I didn’t even expect a message. Maybe they could snag a lineman in the later rounds, but I’d like to think I am at least worthy of a pick in the first half of the draft. They have some decent people on there that I have seen/know, but if there’s no mutual interest, then probably it’s not worth it now.

6. Baltimore Hawks BAL
Starting from here I guess I don’t have anything much that I dislike about the teams. It was hard to put the Hawks at 6, and they actually were the first team that contacted me personally, but I have not had much interaction with people from the team besides that, also they don’t need a defensive end at all, but I could play DT if needed. Overall - I just don’t have anything for or against them. The conversation that I had was short, so that didn’t make me to think better of them, besides the fact that they were first to message. That’s about it.

5. Colorado Yeti COL
Colorado is the final of three teams that didn’t message me before the draft. But the reason is simple- with Wozy and Blade on the roster, I would probably never get to play DE. Big Bot is another DE that switched to DT, so I’d probably get a spot only if I were willing to play defensive tackle, but IMO they have a much better option - to draft someone that could contribute right away in that position in the first round. The only reason I put them above Baltimore (it was hard), is that I really like the people that are on this team. I know quite a few of them and being in that locker room would be nice. There would be some SHL connections in this LR.

4. San Jose Sabercats SJS
The teams in 4th-6th places could be switched up on any other day, but I just decided to put them above other two because they just have a spot for me in their roster. I’ve had a small conversation with their management, they have decent level of interest in me, so that’s always good. If only Tomen was still active… They’d move up at least a spot. I haven’t had much interaction with other guys from the team, but from what I’ve seen in the discord, they are pretty cool. So well earned number four spot.

3. Arizona Outlaws ARI
Playing for a winning team is always nice. They have an opening in the D-line and I had a better conversation with them than with others I have mentioned to this point. They have some interesting personalities and I think it would be a nice start to my career if I got drafted by the Outlaws. They have probably the best DE in the league so taking advice from him would be beneficial to my development and career.

2. Orange County Otters OCO
This is a team I would put at number one if Yellowknife didn’t exist. They have a big need for an active defensive end, and I think I can provide that for them. The conversation I had with the management was really nice and I like their attitude as a team, their goals, their “policy” regarding the players they want on their team, if you can say it like that. Shows that with a little bit of luck they will remain at the top of the standings for a long time. Very active people on the discord, and they also have released a cool article for rookies to let them see what the Otters can offer. I liked it a lot, and I think being a part of such a cool group would make me better, too. I’ve seen a few of their members being really active on the forums as well, so that speaks for itself. Would love to go there.

1. Yellowknife Wraiths YKW
A clear number one for me. Firstly, very active people on the discord, I have had some conversations with a Wraith once in a while there, and I can almost always see one of them talking. Secondly, I had great conversations with them regarding the draft itself and the interest is mutual. Just from what I could take after one message, I already knew they have interest and I would fit in there well. They have their offense set, and they will most probably focus on defense in this draft, especially defensive line. I would have a place on the roster right away, and the chance to become a recognizable force alongside a fellow Icelandic player Bork Bjornsson is something I don’t want to pass up. It’s the perfect combination of everything in Yellowknife, as you probably could tell from the previous parts of this article, so, without any doubt, they are my number one.

To sum this up, I just have to say that being drafted is always a joy and the excitement of you being scouted and talking to new people is something I enjoy a lot. I really like the site so far, and even if I haven’t got 100% of the TPE so far, landing in a nice environment will help to do that in the future. It will be 4AM my time when the draft happens, but if I don’t fall asleep early, I’ll probably be online for it. I can’t wait to get my name called, and I think it’s the same for other rookies. Good luck to other prospects and I hope you get drafted where you want to be, and if not, remember, that in the end you can shape your career any way you want. This is a relatively young league and there’s a good chance to establish your name as a recognizable one in this site, and maybe eventually even work as a GM, mentor, banker or do any other job. It’s a chance to become a hall of fame player, to maybe even get an award named after you. Future players will look up to you. This is going to be a fun adventure. Can’t wait to start it today.

Just wanted to add, thanks to everyone who made it through and read it all, I spent a few evenings trying to write this and do my best. Writing articles is actually a good English practice for me, so that’s another good thing. After I get drafted, you can probably expect a little biography where I explain how Eidur got to the States and eventually to the NSFL. Looking forward to it.

Peace out,

*Eidur Gustavsson's pre-draft team rankings - TheMemeMaestro - 09-06-2017

The Liberty's logo is a reference to America's famous Liberty Bell, located in Philadelphia

*Eidur Gustavsson's pre-draft team rankings - Kris - 09-06-2017

(09-06-2017, 05:07 PM)TheMemeMaestro Wrote:The Liberty's logo is a reference to America's famous Liberty Bell, located in Philadelphia

Oh, thank you! Makes perfect sense then. Never had heard of it before. Anyways, won't change my thoughts on the color scheme Smile)

*Eidur Gustavsson's pre-draft team rankings - Roshambo - 09-06-2017


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