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*Zap 2x First Gen bonus. - Zap - 12-07-2022

2x First Gen bonus

This post consists of a Biography, An Interview, and a Scouting Report.


Matt Jones was born in Ottawa, Canada. At the age 4 his parents got divorced. At the age of 6 his mother remarried an American. They ended up moving to Manassas, Virginia. Matt would play hockey recreationally when he first moved to Manassas, due to his Canadian roots, but was never really a good skater. With his frustration on the ice he started to look for another sport to play. One that didn't have machete blades on your feet.

Matt Jones started watching football and he fell in love with the game at first site. He asked his mother if he could be signed up to play football as soon as possible. His mother agreed. I think she agreed and was very happy to do it. She wanted him to associate with the kids more in the local area and not many played hockey. From the age 7 to 14 Matt played football recreationally. Matt would ride his bike 3 miles to the football field to play his games after school and on the weekends. During the weekdays the games were at 6pm. He played many positions throughout his younger years. Quarterback to Safety. Wide Receiver to Cornerback. Whatever the team needed he was there to play.

At age 13 Matt learned that his father had passed away in Ottawa. This was a hard time in his life. He remained in good contact with his father since moving to the USA. He would visit his dad 3 times a year. He would focus more on the game to let his frustration out for losing his hero. His father was gone and he felt an empty hole in him. But with bad things sometimes good things come out from them. He would be so focused he really started to play the game like a whole different player. He would be player of the game many times for the remaining of the season.

One day during the first round of the playoffs the team was losing 21-3. The cornerback got injured. The coach threw the versatile player Jones to the Cornerback position. The defense was able to stop any more significant plays from the opposing team. Jones would catch 2 interceptions in the game, one leading to a touchdown. The Offense was luckily was able to score 2 touchdowns ending the game 24-21. They would get eliminated next round but the coach realized Jones is a great Cornerback. The way he would shut down his opposing wide receiver was better than the starter. Unfortunately this was his last season due to Jones starting high school.

When Matt Jones was 14, a freshman in high school, he decided to try out for his high school football team. He noticed he was the only freshman trying out. He asked some kids why are there no freshman's here. The answer he got he did not like. It was because no freshman can normally keep up with sophomore's, juniors, and seniors. Normally the grades would be separated with names like varsity etc, but with the counties budget for high school sports, they could only afford to have one football team mixing all of the grades together. He decided to take this challenge regardless of his odds. After a lot of hard work and pushing the limits he got the greatest news of his high school career. He got the green light to play for the team. He was the first freshman in years to make the team.

The team would always make it to the playoffs but would get eliminated in the first or second round. At first Jones started his high school career as a Tight End. It seemed like a safe bet for the coach knowing that Matt's size and strength. Believe it or not, the cornerback would get injured during the season and then again, the coach would throw Jones at cornerback knowing his previous experience with this position. Matt Jones felt really comfortable at this position and his game really showed it. His playing abilities was night and day again. He would be cornerback for the high school for the next 3 years. Just like before high school, and he would catch many interceptions and some being game winning touchdowns. In his senior year he would notice scouts would come to the games but would never talk to him or ask him questions. He would see them talking to other players on his team and Jones figured they were here for someone else. One night there was a knock on the door and it ended up being a recruiter for Virginia Tech. Matt accepted the offer right away with no question. He would play cornerback and sometimes wide receiver for the Virginia Tech Hokies.

Virginia Tech would never make it to the playoffs until Jones's senior year at Virginia Tech. His cornerback, catching, tackling, speed, intelligence, and interception abilities would stand him out from the rest of the crowd. He was an excellent defenseman and finished the season being the 4th best cornerback in the whole league. This was an incredible accomplishment. He would get interviewed after the playoffs ended and a lot of times the reporters would ask him about his future and if he got asked to be in the DSFL draft. Matthew Jones was an honest man. He would tell the reporters the truth that no one has called him even though he finished as the 4th best cornerback in the whole league. The reporters seemed shock. Then articles would start coming out about how a great football players wasn't asked to be part of this draft. Matt Jones accepted his fate.

After finishing his college football career he thought it would be over. It was time to come back to reality and he would start looking into his future career in business. He did study business after all in school, so Jones would start to apply in the Washington D.C. area. He got tons of job offers and when he made up his mind of which job he will pick, he received a phone call. Matt Jones is about to be shocked. He just got a call on his phone to join the DSFL draft. He accepted faster than he could realize what was asked of him. And here we are today. This young man could be something great but only time will tell.

A small interview with prospect Matt Jones.

Hello I am Ron Burgundy and I am here today with future S40 ISFL Draft Prospect, S39 DSFL Prospect, Cornerback Matt Jones. Thanks for being here Matt. You kind of came out of nowhere. No one has heard of you. Can you tell me a bit more about yourself? RB

Thanks for having me Ron. I played in college and my team made it into the playoffs but got eliminated in the first round. We were ranked to be one of the last in the league. It was quite an accomplishment. I noticed scouts were at the games and I was invited to participate in the S39 DSFL Draft. I accepted. MJ

Have you been scouted yet for the upcoming draft? and which teams have scouted you? RB

Yes I have been scouted but Ron you know that I can't tell you which teams talked to me. MJ

haha fair enough Matt. I know it's an exciting time for a player to go through the DSFL Draft, After you get drafted how will you celebrate? RB

(laugh) yeah I won't lie I probably will have a few drinks. It's not everyday you get drafted but it will be a quiet night with some close friends and family. I just kept thinking of wishing my father was here to see this moment. But I know deep down he was watching. I am excited to go on to the next level in my career. MJ

What can fans, your future new teammates and your GM expect from you in the upcoming DSFL season? RB

I am a hard worker and I am always trying to improve my skills. Skill development is very important to me. It's actually how I ended up here in the first place. I used to play hockey recreationally until I was 13 when my father died. He was a huge reason why I am here today. We bonded over hockey. He used to take me to a lot of hockey games when I would visit him. 
When I changed sports from hockey to football he accepted it. He was always there for me. When he passed I was so upset I spent all my time and energy into football. 9 years later I have developed way past what I thought I could be. This is what I offer them, someone who is consistent at developing. I am someone who stays longer after practices. I am here to win games. I have never been this focused before in my life. I bring dedication, hard work, and determination. MJ

What kind of player do you see yourself being? RB

I am a Cornerback. I am a shutdown corner. MJ

last year in the MHL you were one of the top leaders in points. Do you see yourself bringing that to the DSFL? RB

All I can say for sure is I bring my dedication to always trying to improve myself and hopefully that will provide results that my team can use to win games. MJ

Thanks for being here Matt Jones, good luck this upcoming DSFL football season. RB

Thanks for having me. MJ

Scouting Report:

Matt Jones is a prospect from Ottawa Canada. Matthew is a Cornerback. One thing that surprises General Managers around the league is Jones's ability to read the ball. He has showed promise potential being a legit Cornerback even though he started off his football career as a Tight End. The fact that Matthew can play many positions is what gets many GM's attention. Matt Jones is seen as a team player and even wants to help his teammates do their best in practice and volunteers himself to stay after practice with his teammates after every team practice.

Matt Jones's ability to switch positions is what makes him versatile. He can play a Tight End but his skills are best used at the shut down corner back position. He has been working hard before the s39 DSFL draft on his defensive skills to be able to succeed in the DSFL level. Matt Jones has some of the best catching skills on his old minor league team.  If the team intercepts the ball from the offense, They know if it was caught by Jones that Matt will run it down the field for yards with his incredible speed skill. Hopefully he can bring this type of game into the DSFL. He came into the locker room as a young new player but has the potential to be a leader. A good Veteran one day. Only time will tell if GM's around the league will notice this potential very productive, soon to be elite, player.
Bonus Interview:

I am Ron Burgundy with DSFL Football News and I have an exclusive interview with S40 prospect Matt Jones to show you. Jones was born in Ottawa Ontario in Canada. I find his story interesting and it hits home for me. I'm in a glass case of emotion."Matt Jones, Can you tell us more about your life? Tell us the early days of how you got to this point in your career." RB

"I am not sure how my parents met, I never asked them. But they met and had me and my older sister. My father and I would stay up late, he would let me, to watch Toronto games. Of course my mother would always protest this because I would have school in the morning. This is how my dad and I bonded" Matt Jones says to me. He continues "We lived in a nice middle class town house. But my parents got divorced and my mother and I moved to USA. I played hockey since I was 4 but nothing really competitive. It was just something for me to do after school and on the weekends. I changed sports and decided to play football in USA. My father supported me every step of the way. My father bought us tickets to Toronto hockey games when I would visit him. We would watch a game and stay at a motel. Then we would drive back to his home 5 hours away the next day. It's safe to say I missed some school time during that period of my life. My dad was my hero. He was always there for me." MJ

"So what exactly took your game from recreational to competitive?" RB

"When I was 13 I was sent home from school and when I got home the news broke out that my dad had a heart attack at work and passed away. I was crushed. My hero was gone. A part of me wanted to jump in front of a car and end it because the pain from his death was unbearable but I managed to control it with continuing to playing football. All my focus was in the game. I would tackle harder not caring what would happen to me. I believe I used all my anger and frustration on the field which in the end made me a better player. Eventually I would learn to control my emotions but at that point in my life, my life was only football. My development went far beyond than I or even my father could have ever expected." MJ

"I am sorry that happened to you at such a young age. I am glad to see a young man becoming something great after a tragedy. Your father would be proud. So now you are 14, what happened next?" RB

"I would eventually try out for my high school football team. Surprisingly as a freshman, I would make the team. I played Tight End my whole life but the team was short on Cornerback's so my coach switched my position. In reality, I didn't care. I was still playing football. But ever since that change, my game was night and day. I was catching an interception, sometimes more almost every game. At least getting a fumble if I didn't. We made it to the playoffs and lost in the first round. We were ranked to be last team in the whole county football league so it was an accomplishment for us. I believe scouts were at the game because shortly after that I got an offer to be involved in the DSFL season 39 draft." MJ

There you have it folks, this exclusive interview is brought to you by DSFL Football News. Thanks for being here. You stay classy, DSFL. I'm Ron Burgundy?

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