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*Reviewing the Tapes of J.LeBayers W5-8 - Printable Version

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*Reviewing the Tapes of J.LeBayers W5-8 - kenvald - 01-13-2023

[Image: BBbanner.png]
After the first quarter-ish number of games had been played we saw a lot of good things but also plenty of areas of improvement for Jamdrian. While the Bondi Beach Buccaneers aren’t expected to be highly competitive this season, we’re still looking for highlights and staying optimistic. Since last week Jamdrian has been hard at practice as usual. This time focusing on actually reeling in the ball. In the first couple of weeks he did see a few opportunities for a potential interception. But knowing that’s his biggest weakness he usually leaves it to simply prevent the opponent receiver from catching it rather than try and risk it for the interception. And now, let’s dive into the more recent games and see how he and the Buccaneers did.

The fifth game of the season was played against the Kansas City Coyotes
[Image: KCCbanner.png]

9:22 left in the first quarter - 2nd and 8 on BBB 16
Up until now most of the action has stayed on the ground. Jamdrian has been “partnered” up against the Coyotes #9, Jimmy Ryder. But nothing more than some shoving and pushing so far. No balls. Until this play. Jamdrian was lined up about eight yards away from Jimmy just inside the red zone. Actually on the left side this time compared to usually being on the right. The defensive lineup wasn’t optimal as Jamdrian was basically alone in coverage against both #9 and #13, Keno Akara. As the ball was snapped their QB stepped back and immediately noticed the mismatch. Both Jimmy and Keno shot up the field. Jamdrian stuck between the two trying to decide which one to cover. Without much help the play went exactly as expected. The ball was thrown towards Jimmy and as Jamdrian noticed he tried his best to get in the way, but the speed and accuracy of the throw made it impossible. Jimmy caught it and ran it into the end zone. And now it’s up to Jamdrian to figure out a way to clone himself for next time.

11:18 left in the second quarter - 3rd and 9 on BBB 38
Jamdrian has not had a very solid game so far. Although he hasn’t been an active part of many plays, he’s been penalized twice. Once for facemask and once for too many men. The facemask call was clearly bull though, as he never was within five yards of a Coyotes player. The refs must’ve misread the number on the back of a jersey, but refused to admit fault… Anyway, for this play the Buccaneers were lined up quite innocently for what could look like a normal pass defense play. But it was written up as a blitz play. Unfortunately it didn’t quite play out like we had hoped. The Kansas City quarterback stepped far back as was out of reach. Jamdrian was the closest one to the quarterback as the offensive line was able to hold up everyone else blitzing. But just three yards away the quarterback was able to release the ball which now flew straight to an uncovered Jimmy Ryder. Close but no cigar.

7:12 left in the second quarter - 3rd and 8 on KCC 20
We’re far away from our own end zone as this play starts. We just saw a punt return not go very far, and very small advancement from the Coyotes on this drive so far. Being on 3rd and 8 it’s gonna take quite a bit to get past and grab a fresh first down. Jamdrian is once again up against Jimmy Ryder who’s had a great showing so far. As the play snaps the Kansas City line immediately shows signs of trouble. The Buccaneer defensive end rookie Action Bronson squeezes past the line with ease. Forcing the Coyote quarterback to throw the ball much earlier than planned. With some hurry and lack of accuracy the ball flies up left towards Jamdrian and #9. But thanks to the early pressure and frantically thrown ball, it ends up hitting the ground a yard or three in front of them. No gain, and the Coyotes have to give up the ball.

8:33 left in the fourth quarter - 2nd and 7 on BBB 44
Halfway up the field the Coyotes are looking a little better than last time we saw Jamdrian in action. Lined up on the left against Jimmy but also now a less familiar face. Sherwin Blue Jr, the Coyote running back is lining up as a receiver for the play. It’s looking dangerously familiar to a previous play where there was a 2-on-1 advantage against Jamdrian. And as expected both players ran straight up acting as receivers. Jamdrian had to make a decision and decided to cover the, at the time, more dangerous threat of Jimmy Ryder. Unfortunately the quarterback was able to spot this before having to get the ball away from the charging defensive line. The ball was aimed towards Sherwin. And with no one close by he could easily catch it. Luckily for our protagonist Jamdrian was able to pivot quickly enough to get close to the ball carrier. Plenty of yards were gained, but Jamdrian pulled him down before much more damage could be done.

The end. It was a very offensively successful game for both sides. Partly because Jamdrian had what can probably be claimed as his worst game to date. But to be honest there were a couple of mismatches in defensive coverage at times which made it impossible to get to everyone. If nothing else, as I’ve mentioned in the past, all these are very educational and let me know where Jamdrian can improve the most.

The sixth game of the season was played against the Tijuana Luchadores
[Image: TIJbanner.png]

12:49 left to play in the first quarter - 2nd and 9 on TIJ 41
Against the Luchadores Jamdrian appears to be lining up against their rookie receiver Eli Prince, #1. The way this snap played out was a weird one. Their quarterback huddled together with a couple of their offensive line players. As if it was some kind of trick play. They all shuffled together down the left side. Not really moving up, just sideways and backwards. There wasn’t much pressure coming at them but I’m wondering now if their own offensive players got a little in the way of the quarterback. After standing around in their group hug for a bit they finally decide to throw the ball. But while all of that took plays Prince didn’t move too far up the field. He ran up and met with Jamdrian, and then cut back but really just turned around without creating any space. The ball came flying at them. Thanks to all that free time their offense had, it wasn't a bad ball. But since there wasn’t any space between the two Jamdrian could quite easily get in front of Prince and bat the ball away.

12:26 left to play in the first quarter - 3rd and 4 on TIJ 46
The very next play(after a five yard penalty) we’re back with the spotlight on Jamdrian and Prince. Guess they really want to get their rookie receiver involved. This play was a fragile one as they were so close to the first down marker. Practically any kind of progress would take them over the line. It turned into quite a quick play. It was soon clear that Tijuana was going for a long play. Prince took off like a rocket and was ready to go far. But for some reason their quarterback sent the ball flying just as #1 reach Jamdrian. Prince managed to get in front of Jamdrian and just barely got his hands on the ball. Even with some minor juggling, he got it under control. Unfortunately for the Buccaneers this took the Luchadores into fresh downs territory. But the play wasn’t over yet. Prince got a hold of the ball and was going to turn and run, but before he could think too much about it Jamdrian had him shoulder to shoulder and pushed him to the ground.

10:55 left in the first quarter - 1st and 10 on BBB 30
Jamdrian and his new best friend, Prince, met up once again on the line of play. It had been quite a busy first drive so far for Jamdrian. Usually the ball doesn’t come his way nearly this often. But again he had to battle with #1 for the ball. It was a quite normal lineup, standing about seven yards away from his opponent. Tijuana only lined up two players as receivers so it was a toss up whether it would be a pass or run play. The ball was snapped and quickly we could see that at the very least it wasn’t designed as a run play. Their quarterback stepped back a foot or two and scanned the field. Our defensive line got the upper hand and were closing in quickly which forced an earlier decision out of the quarterback than they’d planned, I’m sure. The ball was thrown short to the left. Luckily for them #1 kept an eye on the situation and stopped in his tracks to be able to grab the ball successfully. He caught it, but by doing that he also lost all his forward momentum. Being only a couple of yards up from the line of the snap, Jamdrian came on top of him like a force. A quick end to the play.

14:48 left in the second quarter - 1st and 10 on TIJ 49
After the initial rush of plays towards Jamdrian’s side of the field it died down just as quick as it had started. We didn’t see another play for our protagonist until early in the second. Perhaps this relaxed Jamdrian a bit too much as this play didn’t go very well for him. It was a play very similar to the previous one we wrote about. Few receiver options initially, which later grew after the ball was snapped. A potential run play turned into a passing play. The Tijuana quarterback was given more time to think about things and their set play was allowed to fully play out. We saw a quick run, stop, turn-n-go from Eli Prince. That might not be the correct technical term for it, but that’s what it looked like. The turn-n-go part is what fooled Jamdrian. He got in close, expecting a quick pass. But a slight fake from the quarterback got Jamdrian on the wrong foot and allowed #1 to sneak on by. The pass came in behind Jamdrian into the arms of #1. After that the race began. Both speeding up the field. After another 20 or so yards Jamdrian was able to catch up enough to get a hand on Prince’s legs to stop his progress.

13:41 left in the second quarter - 1st and 5 on BBB 5
These plays are always exciting. The opponent is on the doorstep. They only need a few yards to score. And especially with the Luchadores being here with a fresh set of downs. You know that’s a rough place to be in. You have to block three attempts in a row from making any progress whatsoever. Well, I’m here to bring the good news that on this first attempt no progress was made! All thanks to Jamdrian. This was a really quick play with no time for many of us to think about anything. Their quarterback stepped back and immediately looked and threw it to the left. Aiming for Eli Prince. But as it was thrown Jamdrian was able to step in front of #1 and, without touching him, get a hand on the ball so that all Tijuana could do was watch it slowly wobble to the ground.

8:42 left in the second quarter - 3rd and 1 on BBB 28
Jamdrian’s getting so much love this game from the opposing team that these blurbs are getting repetitive. Most snaps play out pretty similar. As with this one, ish. We’ve spent a lot of time on the Buccaneers side of the field this game. We’ve had some bad luck on offense, and not quite been able to hold back a lot on defense. Once again Jamdrian lines up against the Prince. But to change things up a bit, Jamdrian just doesn’t move as the ball is snapped. He stays put, letting #1 come to him. Why would someone do this? Well, it appears he was able to read the play before it even happened. This very same play has been pulled in several times by the Luchadores by now. Jamdrian expected a rush from the receivers that would then stop and turn on a dime to receive the pass. It’s possible that Jamdrians lack of movement threw the quarterback off. As even though he threw it quickly there was a hint of hesitation. He didn’t expect the ole “disconnected controller” play. The ball came flying towards them but it was thrown slightly behind Prince. He tried to stretch backwards to get a finger on it. Which ended up being all he got on the ball. It graced his fingers and continued flying right past them out over the sidelines.

7:02 left in the second quarter - 3rd and 10 on TIJ 43
Surprise! This play doesn’t contain Eli Prince. I never thought I’d see the day. Instead this time Jamdrian’s opposition was another rookie receiver, #17, Oliver O'Conner. Oliver hasn’t had much touchdown luck so far this season, but he’s been dangerous when he does get his hands on the ball. This play was one where they aimed for short yardage before the catch, to then allow some space and run it up the last couple that were needed for a new first down. Only three yards past the line of the snap Oliver was hit by the ball square in his chest. Thanks to the quick throw Jamdrian didn’t have time to go very far up the field. The plan was to play it more defensively to just try and keep them within 10. But with this quick throw and catch, it made more sense to go aggressive rather than wait for #17 to come to Jamdrian. After the catch Oliver was able to turn and step once before Jamdrian tackled him shoulder to chest. Impressively enough Oliver was able to hold on to the ball as he was hit and fell. But in the end it still created a 4th down situation which Tijuana decided to punt on.

10:24 left in the third quarter - 2nd and 3 on TIJ 25
The name of the game today has been short, quick passes. We’ve seen a lot of these out of the Tijuana quarterback. It’s been consistent in giving them 3-4 yards every now and then. But on the downside it doesn't always help them much when they need quality over quantity. Well, on this specific play they needed quantity. It was another snap and throw that barely moved the ball three yards forward. But that’s all they needed. Prince was passed the ball right away and didn’t really have much speed built up. Meaning when he got it, he was a lot slower than Jamdrian with less ability to make cuts. Therefore he ended up in the “loving” embrace of Jamdrian and brought down nice and easy. Unfortunately as we’ve mentioned, they got what they needed for a fresh set of downs.

9:28 left in the third quarter - 1st and 10 on TIJ 29
I’m gonna be honest with you. This played out exactly like the previous play. I don’t even have any new flavor text to add to it. Quick snap and throw. Prince caught it early. They gained a couple of yards before Jamdrian took him down. The end.

5:41 left in the third quarter - 2nd and 9 on BBB 34
Finally we got a different kind of play. Unfortunately it rewarded the Luchadores with a lot of quality instead of quantity. At this point Jamdrian only expected short plays. And who would blame him? But maybe that was the plan all along. Do only short passing plays for ¾ of the game, and then hit them with a long one when they least expect it! Jamdrian stood nice and stable with a seven yard distance between himself and #1. Just waiting for the catch to take him down again. But alas, something changed during this play. Prince didn’t stop. He just kept running. After the initial confusion Jamdrian got his head back in the game and took chase. Sadly the minor hesitation created enough space for Prince to be targeted and catch the ball in his step. Allowing him to keep going with speed and no hiccups. As Jamdrian raced behind it felt like forever before he was able to catch up. And he really couldn’t have arrived any later. He was able to just get enough body on Prince to make him stumble and fall. At the 1(!) yard line.

There was one more tackle by Jamdrian in the fourth quarter but after that they finally let him rest. This game contained a lot of drives and quick plays. Tijuana had some crazy possession numbers, and the short plays worked out for them. Little by little they chipped away the yardage. And it got them in the end zone most of the time. Jamdrian now needs to take a bath to rest and recharge because that was a very busy game for him.

The seventh game of the season was played against the Minnesota Grey Ducks
[Image: ksywLuJ.png]

4:12 left in the first quarter - 2nd and 4 on MINN 40
The first play of the game which Jamdrian took active part in is one where he lined up against the Minnesota tight end Zero Gibson II, #8. The Buccaneers had a fierce start to the game, leading by two scores early on. And this was the first drive for Minnesota where they got some kind of foothold. The Ducks’ quarterback was able to hold the ball for a second before sending it out. Their offensive line kept them safe enough to make a solid throw. During which Gibson utilized the sideline by running nice and close along it. By running diagonally towards the sideline he got Jamdrian to try and cover more of the air by staying slightly closer towards the middle of the field. But the ball that was thrown was of solid accuracy and speed. Even with Jamdrian’s extra coverage it was able to sail just above him and into the hands of #8. Who could then quickly turn on the jets. Luckily enough Jamdrian was able to catch up, but not after a 20+ yard gain.

3:31 left in the first quarter - 1st and 10 on BBB 23
During the very same drive Minnesota had managed to make even more progress down the field. And as a rare treat, this play turned into a rare one where Jamdrian gets to get physically involved with the opposition’s run game. And what a run it was. Running back Luis Randall got the ball straight from the snap and rocketed up the left. Which is Jamdrian’s newly discovered side. Randall managed to force himself past, and through, a handful of Bondi Beach defenders before getting pulled down via a team effort that ultimately gave the tackle stat to Jamdrian. As our cornerback had cut in towards the ball carrier when he noticed it was coming his way. And together with two other defenders finally got a stop to Randall.

7:30 left in the second quarter - 1st and 10 on MINN 41
This play was much quicker than most of the Minnesota passing plays had been up until now. With very little to show for it so far it appears that they re-thought their strategy. Almost walking the Tijuana path of quantity over quality. Ball was snapped and immediately their quarterback only had eyes for Gibson, the tight end. Jamdrian noticed this and stepped up into Gibson’s space instead of being more passive and keeping distance. The ball came out of the quarterback’s hand quickly and with speed. It nailed #8 straight in his chest, making it a very easy catch. But at this point Jamdrian had made up any distance that previously existed between the two of them. Ball was caught, but no other gains were made. It stopped right then and there.

6:45 left in the second quarter - 1st and 10 on BBB 49
The drive continues with a couple of penalties to both teams. Some weak ones, but what’re you gonna do? At least nothing to Jamdrian’s name this time around. This play turns out very similar to the previous one. As mentioned, Minnesota has started releasing the ball a lot sooner than earlier. Making it tougher to prevent the catches but on the other side this usually means that they only gain very little each play. Although this time they did gain a little extra after the catch as Jamdrian kept more space between himself and Gibson. Even with these shorter passes you can’t always assume that’s what is about to happen. That’s how you get burned for longer runs when they finally change things up. The quarterback made it harder to read him this time around, which also played a role. A couple of milliseconds eyeing down our safety before throwing the ball created all the hesitation that was required. The ball came flying towards Gibson, yet again a well-thrown ball. Their tight end made an easy catch and started running up the field. He tried to cut to the side to get away from Jamdrian, but our cornerback was able to follow along and bring him down.

1:54 left in the second quarter - 1st and 10 on MINN 41
This time we saw a different kind of play that still involved the same players as usual. The Minnesota tight end who’s actually a wide receiver this game. And our protagonist himself. Instead of going straight and deep, Gibson cut in towards the middle after the first couple of steps. Causing Jamdrian to fall back up the flank. This little maneuver gave Gibson plenty of space in the slot with the closest defender still a couple of yards away. As the play developed Jamdrian finally came back on his right foot and was able to turn in, in an attempt to prevent what was happening. But of course, no errors were made by the offense. The quarterback locked eyes and sent it right up the middle for another easy catch. #8 got it and turned quickly. At this point Jamdrian had made it up almost right next to Gibson. Who in turn tried running the other way. But alas, Jamdrian had already gotten up to speed and took him down.

14:02 left in the third quarter - 2nd and 17 on MINN 10
A sack had left Minnesota deep in their own end with a lot of yards to make up. This in turn made them rethink their approach again. Multiple short gains aren't gonna cut it when you gotta go far. They took a slightly slower, but not by much, approach to this play. Allowing their receivers to gain more speed before the ball was sent through the air. And it worked, to the Buccaneers misfortune. Gibson and Jamdrian battled it out for a second or two, without causing interference penalties, before Gibson was able to break out and gain just enough space to give his quarterback the confidence to throw the ball his way. As it turned out, the confidence was well-placed. Jamdrian was just an arm’s length or two away and realized there’s no point trying to bat this one out of the air. Instead he chose to chase #8. If he would have reached the ball while still in the air we’ll never know. All we know is that he was able to catch up thanks to building up speed, but not before the Grey Ducks were given a new set of downs.

9:41 left in the fourth quarter - 2nd and 20 on MINN 32
We’re back a quarter later and Minnesota has taken over the game after a strong first half from the Buccaneers. A lead by 4 points was shown on the scoreboard, and Minnesota had the ball yet again. They’d been pushed back so far on this drive. Mainly because of an offensive passing interference penalty that nullified a pretty decent gain. For this play Jamdrian had two people staring him down. Good ole Gibson but now also wide receiver #18, Branden Rojas. A minor mismatch with a 2-against-1 setup, but Jamdrian felt comfortable thanks to the amount of yards they had to make up. Even if he couldn’t prevent the catch, he felt like he could prevent the gains post-catch. Luckily for Bondi Beach there appears to have been some miscommunication between the two left-side receivers as they started running one behind the other. Perhaps this was a tactic to block Jamdrian’s vision of the second receiver. In any case, Rojas was the second receiver and the one who was targeted with the pass. Still being some yards behind Gibson he was free to catch it. But then he ran into Jamdrian who didn’t bring him down right away, but instead pushed and pulled at the ball to try and get it free. And just before Rojas went down, the ball came loose! The fumble had been forced. However, it didn’t bounce in Jamdrian’s favor and came straight back to Rojas laying on the ground, able to cradle the ball.

0:21 left in overtime - 1st and 10 on MINN 32
Yes, you read that correctly. We’re going deep into overtime. The ball has been going all over the place and both teams have had dangerous chances to end the game. But neither have truly been able to fully capitalize. We’ve reached what most likely will be the last drive of the game with Minnesota in possession on their own half of the field. One would question whether they dare to throw the ball much more at this point. A poor throw leading to an interception, or a sack forcing a fumble could quickly turn this into a win for the Buccaneers. But after both teams have lined up it’s indeed looking like a passing play. Jamdrian knows all he has to do is stop Gibson were the ball to be thrown in their direction. No need to worry about first downs. Minnesota doesn’t have any more timeouts, so as long as the ball is stopped within the sidelines they’ll never have time to reset and make a scoring play. This allows Jamdrian to play a little more passive. Lining up further away than normal and enabling him to fully watch the play develop and be prepared for anything. The ball is snapped and their quarterback steps back and gives the field a scan for a second or two. He notices the space Jamdrian has given their tight end, and the ball comes flying. Gibson is able to reel it in nicely but by the time the ball arrived Jamdrian was already able to close the space enough to only allow two more steps before hugging and pulling #8 down to the field.

The game ended in a tie which means the Bondi Beach Buccaneers’ loss-streak is over! Great celebrations were had and the entire country is hoping this is a sign of progress, of things to come. We held our breath multiple times as field goals were missed, fumbles were recovered, punts were blocked. This turned into one hell of a game.

The eight game of the season was played against the Norfolk Seawolves
[Image: NORbanner.png]

5:15 left in the first quarter - 1st and 10 on NOR 22
The Buccaneers just came away with the first touchdown of the game! And now it’s Norfolk’s turn to see what they can do with their fresh drive. Jamdrian is staying steady at his new home on the left side. Catching eyes from all those who line up across him. This team it’s none other than the #17, Howard Coward, the running back. This might be the first time Jamdrian has a running back in front of him before the ball is snapped. In any case, it’s no different than most other plays. Their quarterback pretty quickly planted his feet and showed where this ball was going. And since you’re reading about it here, you’re probably correctly presuming it was thrown towards Howard. Not even a yard up the field yet, Howard catches the ball and turns on his running back mode. And it showed why he’s on the field. Supreme agility has him darting all over the place and Jamdrian almost lost him. Just barely managed to get a grip of #17’s arm as he runs by which is enough to get him off balance and on the ground. However, this short gain is suddenly converted into a fresh set of downs! Someone on the Bondi Beach defensive line got a little too rough according to the refs and a penalty was given.

14:53 left in the third quarter - 1st and 10 on NOR 21
A lot later in the game we’re back. Norfolk has managed to take the lead by one score, and now they’re looking for more. Once again early in their drive. But sadly not after a Buccaneers touchdown this time. Jamdrian’s lining up against the wide receiver Raspberry Vinaigrette, #89. He’s seen many different opponents this game, but Raspberry has been the main one so far. This is one of the longer plays which looks for the receivers to take longer routes. Initially Jamdrian is caught off guard by a quick stop, cut, and run. He ends up slightly behind #89 which the quarterback notices. And as he steps back and plants his foot, the chase is on. Jamdrian is gaining on Raspberry little by little as the play develops. Their quarterback makes the mistake of waiting too long. Raspberry still has a slight advantage when the ball is released, but Jamdrian is too close. The ball is not thrown as much in front of the receiver as they would’ve wanted. And Jamdrian is able to get his hand between the arms of Raspberry to bat the ball down. No catch!

1:58 left in the third quarter - 1st and 10 on BBB 23
Remember when we earlier mentioned Jamdrian rarely lining up against running backs? Well, now for some reason there are two of them. This is getting out of hand! Both Norfolk running backs Coward and Chocolate are lined up on the left side of the field. This was genuinely looking like the start of some kind of trick play. Turns out there was nothing of the kind. Both running backs came straight up towards Jamdrian, with Coward in the lead. Almost as if they wanted to prevent Jamdrian from covering Chocolate, who turned out to be the main target. But somehow Jamdrian re-read this play and was one step ahead of them all. As the ball was snapped he ran towards Coward. The ball quickly left the quarterback’s hands and was sent towards the three of them. Quickly noticing that the ball was going towards the second back, Jamdrian jumped around Coward and managed with a dangerous stretch to tap the ball away from Chocolate. That could have led to an open run had Jamdrian missed it. But he went for it and succeeded.

5:46 left in the fourth quarter - 2nd and 5 on BBB 48
We’re getting close to the end of the game and it’s turning into another nailbiter. The Buccaneers are only seven points down on Norfolk. A single drive can turn this around. Which meant every play counted now more than ever. Norfolk had made their way up the field and were getting dangerously close to field goal position. Jamdrian has now been lining up against every kind of player. This time around we see the tight end Big McLarge Huge take up the spot on the left. Jamdrian has his usual position about seven yards away from the snap line. As the ball is moved he moves up by the first down marker in an attempt to keep them short. Something that the Norfolk quarterback apparently didn’t expect. The ball is thrown almost immediately, straight towards both players. Jamdrian manages to get in front of Huge and gets the interception! He twists his way around the tight end and gets both hands up just in time. The speed carries with him for a little bit but Huge pulls him down pretty quickly. But it turns into the Buccaneers’ ball! And as the cherry on top the next drive turns into a game-tying touchdown.

That’s all we have from Jamdrian for this time around. He was part of several other plays, but I’m getting tired. I didn’t expect that these last couple of games would give me the opportunity for more than a dozen play-by-plays per game. Anyway, this game ultimately ended with a loss for the Buccaneers in overtime. Although a sad result, it shows progress and promise for the future!