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*Alex Jones breaks huge scandals on the NSFL - Printable Version

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*Alex Jones breaks huge scandals on the NSFL - 4D Chess - 09-07-2017

Picture this: You're driving home from work, you're excited! You've got your NSFL Fantasy Football draft scheduled for right when you get home. You flip around looking for a sports radio channel, but during your channel surfing you stumble across the unmistakable roar of the human warthog: Alex Emerick Jones
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][Image: 640.jpg][/div]

LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, thank you for tuning into InfoWars. I wish I could say that I have good news to report today. But instead I have come across some unfortunate news about the thing you so cherish and love: The National Sim Football League. Yes, that's right my red-meat loving patriots of these United States -- even in our most beloved, MASCULINE past-time there exists a seedy underside that wishes to DESTROY and EVISCERATE our beloved country ONE PERSON AT A TIME.

I HAVE INDISPUTABLE PROOF THAT THE NSFL HATES AMERICA AND I CAN PROVE IT CLEAR AS DAY. And folks I'm FIRED UP and it's not just the NINETY-TWO caffeine pills and ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN viagra I take to get out of bed every single morning.

[Image: 5Xo4zhr.png]

Folks what you're looking at here is the beginning of your typical NSFL game. AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT'S MISSING? THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. That's right folks, these COMMUNISTS and AMERICA HATERS that are in charge of the head office at the NSFL have WILLFULLY chosen a sim engine where the dot football players DO NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM OF THE SIM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. What has our beloved country succumbed to? Andrew Jackson wrote the National Anthem because he LOVED America, and today these effeminate hippies in charge of our forums allow us to sneak away without even honoring the flag. Something is seriously wrong with the people in charge of this league.

Besides that, I have it on good intelligence that SUSPECTED COMMUNIST Er has been putting chemicals in the water in Orange County and turning all the friggin Otters gay. King Bronko and the devishly handsome, yet ghoulish, C.A. Chess are in on the act. In fact, the Arizona Outlaws are perhaps the most corrupt organization on the face of the planet... Are they (meaning the globalists in charge of the Arizona Outlaws) actually LIZARD PEOPLE? Well, let me tell you: tHEY ARE ACTUALLY LIZARD PEOPLE AND IF YOU DENY IT I WILL SCREAM EVEN LOUDER OVER YOU. THEY HATE OUR WAY OF LIFE AND THEY ARE COMING FOR US! GET YOURSELF ARMED IMMEDIATELY THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE! They have all of the fruity TPE vaccines left and they will not share and they will not rest until each and everyone of us can no longer resist their incessant victories and Ultimus Trophies.

This Season instead of supporting the quasi-fascist-communist-leftist-globalist-regime that is the National Sim Football League I encourage you to go to the nearest ammo store and buy every last single piece of ammo so that you can be safe when Er comes to YOUR HOUSE to inject YOUR FAMILY with his FRUITY TPE.

Ladies and gentleman, Carmel Gibson was the last true patriot in that league and look what they did to him. He was the only player brave enough to refuse the crooked TPE and they MURDERED him in cold blood. These people will stop at nothing to destroy us and the things we love and hold dear. Rise up against these heathens! Show the NSFL that WE MEAN BUSINESS and we won't stop until the dots stand up and SALUTE THE SIM FLAG AND STOP TAKING THAT FRUITY TPE. ALSO I JUST FOUND OUT THEY HAVE A TEAM IN CANADA AND THAT MAKES ME EVEN MORE ANGRY

621 words


*Alex Jones breaks huge scandals on the NSFL - 37thchamber - 09-07-2017

TFW you realise chemtrails are stopping people from singing the national anthem

top journalism

*Alex Jones breaks huge scandals on the NSFL - Archon - 09-07-2017

I recommend media graders award double cash for this eye-opening report.

*Alex Jones breaks huge scandals on the NSFL - 4D Chess - 09-07-2017

(09-07-2017, 09:51 PM)Archon Wrote:I recommend media graders award double cash for this eye-opening report.
Thank you fellow patriot. I can tell they haven't gotten to you with the fruity TPE yet, be safe. And be sure to tune in tomorrow.

*Alex Jones breaks huge scandals on the NSFL - bovovovo - 09-07-2017

lol good stuff

One side note...did you put that asterisk in your title? In the future you probably don't want to do that...that's how we media graders mark which articles have been graded and which haven't.

*Alex Jones breaks huge scandals on the NSFL - 4D Chess - 09-07-2017

(09-07-2017, 10:04 PM)bovovovo Wrote:lol good stuff

One side note...did you put that asterisk in your title? In the future you probably don't want to do that...that's how we media graders mark which articles have been graded and which haven't.

Yeah I did, I thought that meant it was ready to be graded. My bad my bad

*Alex Jones breaks huge scandals on the NSFL - bovovovo - 09-07-2017

(09-07-2017, 11:09 PM)4D Chess Wrote:Yeah I did, I thought that meant it was ready to be graded. My bad my bad

No problem! I just fixed it for you. You live and you learn :cheers:

*Alex Jones breaks huge scandals on the NSFL - ErMurazor - 09-07-2017

You forgot to try to sell us something!

*Alex Jones breaks huge scandals on the NSFL - 37thchamber - 09-08-2017

(09-08-2017, 05:53 AM)ErMurazor Wrote:You forgot to try to sell us something!
[ triggered ]

*Alex Jones breaks huge scandals on the NSFL - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 09-08-2017

My eyes have been opened