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Ben Longshaw - OL - Updates - Printable Version

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Ben Longshaw - OL - Updates - dropbear - 05-25-2017

Update Scale:
0-50 - costs 1 TPE to go up 1 point
51-70 - costs 2 TPE to go up 1 point
71-80 - costs 5 TPE to go up 1 point
81-90 - costs 10 TPE to go up 1 point
91-100 - costs 15 TPE to go up 1 point

TPE Earned:
Activity Check 1 +2 TPE
Reddit Recruitment +1 TPE
First Free Training +3 TPE
Draft Order Prediction +2 TPE
Equipment Purchase - Gloves +6 TPE (+2 Hands, +2 Pass Blocking, +2 Run Blocking)
Equipment Purchase - Extra Time After Practice +4 TPE (+2 Intelligence, +2 Endurance)
Activity Check 2 +2 TPE
Draft Profile +3 TPE
Equipment Purchase - Cleats +4 TPE (+2 Speed, +2 Agility)
Equipment Purchase - Shoulder Pads +4 TPE (+2 Strength, +2 Tackling)
Weekly Training (Week 2) +3 TPE
S1 Training Camp +10 TPE
S1 Rookie Minicamp +10 TPE

Adjusted Attributes:
Strength +11 (67 -> 71)
Hands +10 (20 -> 30)
Intelligence +4 (60 -> 62)
Speed +5 (45 -> 50)
Agility +2 (45 -> 47)
Run Blocking +6 (63 -> 66)
Pass Blocking +12 (70 -> 72) [+2 remaining]
Tackling +2 (35 -> 37)
Endurance +2 (60 -> 61)

New Totals:
(MAX: 95) - Strength: 71
(MAX: 75) - Agility: 47
(MAX: 25) - Arm: 1
(MAX: 85) - Intelligence: 62
(MAX: 25) - Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 60) - Tackling: 37
(MAX: 65) - Speed: 50
(MAX: 50) - Hands: 30
(MAX: 100) - Pass Blocking: 72
(MAX: 90) - Run Blocking: 66
(MAX: 100) - Endurance: 61
(MAX: 25) - Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) - Kick Accuracy: 1

Ben Longshaw - OL - Updates - dropbear - 05-25-2017

Disregard this reply Tongue

Ben Longshaw - OL - Updates - Noble - 06-04-2017

Updated Smile

Ben Longshaw - OL - Updates - dropbear - 06-04-2017

Update Scale:
0-50 - costs 1 TPE to go up 1 point
51-70 - costs 2 TPE to go up 1 point
71-80 - costs 5 TPE to go up 1 point
81-90 - costs 10 TPE to go up 1 point
91-100 - costs 15 TPE to go up 1 point

Starting TPE as of June 4:

TPE Earned:
Carry-over TPE+2 TPE
Activity Check 3 +2 TPE
Trophy Names +1 TPE
Weekly Training (Week 3) +3 TPE
Mock Draft Alterations +4 TPE
Activity Check 4 +2 TPE

+14 TPE Earned

Total TPE
50 initial + 52 previous + 14 current = 116 TPE

Adjusted Attributes:
Pass Blocking +5 (72 -> 73)
Strength + 5 (71 -> 72)
Intelligence + 4 (62 -> 64)

New Totals:
(MAX: 95) - Strength: 72
(MAX: 75) - Agility: 47
(MAX: 25) - Arm: 1
(MAX: 85) - Intelligence: 64
(MAX: 25) - Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 60) - Tackling: 37
(MAX: 65) - Speed: 50
(MAX: 50) - Hands: 30
(MAX: 100) - Pass Blocking: 73
(MAX: 90) - Run Blocking: 66
(MAX: 100) - Endurance: 61
(MAX: 25) - Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) - Kick Accuracy: 1

Ben Longshaw - OL - Updates - Bzerkap - 06-11-2017


I can't grade the weekend PT yet as it has not been graded. I took 2 TPE out of Intelligence as a result for you. Your post is updated with the correct numbers now.

Could you also please keep your total TPE updated in these replies, it helps me out, thanks! I have you at 116 total TPE

Ben Longshaw - OL - Updates - dropbear - 06-14-2017

Update Scale:
0-50 - costs 1 TPE to go up 1 point
51-70 - costs 2 TPE to go up 1 point
71-80 - costs 5 TPE to go up 1 point
81-90 - costs 10 TPE to go up 1 point
91-100 - costs 15 TPE to go up 1 point

Starting TPE as of June 14:

TPE Earned:
Weekend PT: Media Frenzy +2 TPE
Week 2 Predictions +1 TPE (Participation)
Weekly Training (Week 4) +5 TPE
Week 2 Predictions +1 TPE (2 correct)
Week 3 & 4 Predictions +1 TPE (Participation)

+10 TPE Earned

Total TPE
116 initial + 10 current = 126 TPE

Adjusted Attributes:
Strength +10 (72 -> 74)

New Totals:
(MAX: 95) - Strength: 74
(MAX: 75) - Agility: 47
(MAX: 25) - Arm: 1
(MAX: 85) - Intelligence: 64
(MAX: 25) - Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 60) - Tackling: 37
(MAX: 65) - Speed: 50
(MAX: 50) - Hands: 30
(MAX: 100) - Pass Blocking: 73
(MAX: 90) - Run Blocking: 66
(MAX: 100) - Endurance: 61
(MAX: 25) - Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) - Kick Accuracy: 1

Ben Longshaw - OL - Updates - Bzerkap - 06-17-2017


You got a total of 3 TPE from Week 3/4 predictions and 1 from Week 1 Predictions, so I added the extra stuff to your bank. You have a total of 129 TPE with 3 banked.

Ben Longshaw - OL - Updates - dropbear - 06-18-2017

Update Scale:
0-50 - costs 1 TPE to go up 1 point
51-70 - costs 2 TPE to go up 1 point
71-80 - costs 5 TPE to go up 1 point
81-90 - costs 10 TPE to go up 1 point
91-100 - costs 15 TPE to go up 1 point

Starting TPE as of June 19:

TPE Earned:
Week 1 Predictions +1 TPE (Participation - Previously unclaimed)
Week 3 & 4 Predictions +2 TPE
Weekly Training (Week 5) +5 TPE
Week 5 Predictions +1 TPE (Participation)
Activity Check 5 +2 TPE
Weekend PT: Mascot +2 TPE
PT #2: Pranks +3 TPE
Week 5 Predictions +1 TPE
Week 6 Predictions +1 TPE (Participation)
Week 6 Predictions +1 TPE

+19 TPE Earned

Total TPE
126 initial + 19 current = 145 TPE

Adjusted Attributes:
Intelligence +12 (64 -> 70)
Pass Blocking +5 (73 -> 74)
Agility +2 (47 -> 49)

New Totals:
(MAX: 95) - Strength: 74
(MAX: 75) - Agility: 49
(MAX: 25) - Arm: 1
(MAX: 85) - Intelligence: 70
(MAX: 25) - Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 60) - Tackling: 37
(MAX: 65) - Speed: 50
(MAX: 50) - Hands: 30
(MAX: 100) - Pass Blocking: 74
(MAX: 90) - Run Blocking: 66
(MAX: 100) - Endurance: 61
(MAX: 25) - Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) - Kick Accuracy: 1

Ben Longshaw - OL - Updates - Bzerkap - 06-25-2017


I cannot add the week 7/8 predictions as it has not been graded yet. I took one point out of your bank and one out of agility. I edited your post to reflect your changes.

Ben Longshaw - OL - Updates - dropbear - 06-25-2017

Update Scale:
0-50 - costs 1 TPE to go up 1 point
51-70 - costs 2 TPE to go up 1 point
71-80 - costs 5 TPE to go up 1 point
81-90 - costs 10 TPE to go up 1 point
91-100 - costs 15 TPE to go up 1 point

Starting TPE as of June 25:

TPE Earned:
Week 7 & 8 Predictions +4 TPE
Activity Check 6 +2 TPE
PT #3 - Rivals+3 TPE
Weekend PT - Coach Speak +2 TPE
Weekly Training - Week 6 +5 TPE
Reddit Recruitment 2 +1 TPE
Week 9 Predictions +2 TPE
Week 10 Predictions +1 TPE

+20 TPE Earned

Total TPE
145 initial + 20 current = 165 TPE

Adjusted Attributes:
Agility +1 (49 -> 50)
Run Blocking +8 (66 -> 70)
Strength +10 (74 -> 76)

+1 Unused

New Totals:
(MAX: 95) - Strength: 76
(MAX: 75) - Agility: 50
(MAX: 25) - Arm: 1
(MAX: 85) - Intelligence: 70
(MAX: 25) - Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 60) - Tackling: 37
(MAX: 65) - Speed: 50
(MAX: 50) - Hands: 30
(MAX: 100) - Pass Blocking: 74
(MAX: 90) - Run Blocking: 70
(MAX: 100) - Endurance: 61
(MAX: 25) - Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) - Kick Accuracy: 1