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*S41 Mock Draft - A Post Draft Analysis - Printable Version

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*S41 Mock Draft - A Post Draft Analysis - wizard_literal - 02-17-2023

So here we are one discord rookie chat riot later at the completion of the Season 41 rookie draft.  First off I want to give hats off to the draft presenters.  Despite some early technical difficulties they were able to persevere and give us a presentation to remember.  

What I want to do here with this analysis is look at my previous mock draft, and see how far off I was with the actual results.  If nothing else this can serve as either a boon or bane for my future attempts at weaseling my way into a DSFL War Room.

Previous Draft can be found here:

Pick 1.1:  BBB Bondi Beach Buccaneers
Mock Pick: @aeonsjenni Mary Marie - Safety
Actual Pick: @aeonsjenni Mary Marie - Safety
This one comes at no real surprise to me or anyone else whose been following the media forum this offseason.  Aeonsjenni was at the top of my draft board, and it looks like the scouts didn't disagree with that assessment.  Great 1st overall pick by BBB here that will help them be in position to immediately compete for a playoff spot this season.

Pick 1.2:  TIJ Tijuana Luchadores
Mock Pick: @baz1757 Ezra Azazel - Running Back
Actual Pick: @wizard_literal Dub Redd - Defensive Tackle
Oh well doesn't that name look familiar?  I left myself out of the previous mock because it felt like a conflict of interest, but now that the show and dance is over, I can speak freely.  I did not expect to go this high overall, but I'm not surprised it was to Tijuana.  In scouting it felt like @ItsFrenchie and I had a really good conversation, and he must've passed on word to the head hanchos.  Thank you Tijuana for the trust at 2nd overall.  While I got the pick number wrong for Ezra Azazel, I did correctly guess the team.  Tijuana went on to draft Ezra at 18th overall in the 3rd round.

Pick 1.3: LON London Royals
Mock Pick: @Jumbo Loose Cannon - Linebacker
Actual Pick: @Jumbo Loose Cannon - Linebacker
Another pick I got correct!  I won't give myself too much credit here though.  Jumbo was a top candidate in this class and played for the Royals last season as a waiver pick up.  Happy to see London getting their guy back.

Pick 1.4:  POR Portland Pythons
Mock Pick: @Weaves Kadarius Claypool ll - Corner Back
Actual Pick: @toofpete - Bruce White - Defensive End
My first surefire miss.  Although to give myself some credit,  I did have toofpete in the first round just two picks later from this.  Looking back on my original mock I should've known toofpete and was a sure first rounder.  The dude is already a top earner and the rumor mill is saying he's taken an interest in Sim testing(i.e. the podcast he put out with TheRake). Weaves Kadarius Claypool II would end up going in the second round at pick 15.  I'm pretty surprised he fell that far, but that still puts him somewhere in the first two rounds so I was at least in the ballpark.

Pick 1.5: DAL Dallas Birddogs
Mock Pick: @ElMerchanto Craig Brand - Linebacker
Actual Pick: @ElMerchanto Craig Brand - Linebacker
Another slam dunk pick!  Anybody who knows anything knew ElMerchanto wasn't making it out of the first round.  I really could've seen Craig going 1st overall, but I had a feeling the first four picks would have other preferences between previous waiver pickups and position priority.  With this pick I'm at 3/5 correct picks at the spots, and 5/5 for picks going anywhere in the first two rounds.

Pick 1.6: MIN Minnesota Grey Ducks
Mock Pick: @toofpete Bruce White - Defensive End
Actual Pick: @entreri Entreri Artemis - Wide Receiver
I owe Entreri an apology for missing them in my first draft.  This is a name I've seen around discord, but I completely blew it in my scouting not even having them anywhere in these first two rounds.  Well deserved though Entreri is the first WR off the board in a stacked class.  As noted previously toofpete went earlier than this pick so I'm not too terribly off base here.

Pick 1.7: NOR Norfolk Seawolves
Mock Pick: @jollyjiggs Legs McMillion - Wide Receiver
Actual Pick: @TheRake Rico Savage - Safety
Callback here to the 4th overall pick TheRake is toofpetes partner in crime, and it was a crime for me to have him at pick 2.4 in my first draft.  Same deal here TheRake has been a most welcome presence on discord, and has shown Sim testing interest making this an easy pick for Norfolk. While Legs McMillion wouldn't go until the 3rd round I did correctly guess the team!  Norfolk took Legs at 23rd overall, and I'm sure they were ecstatic to have him fall that far.

Pick 1.8:  KCC Kansas City Coyotes
Mock Pick: @crash1005 Rolund Onyxgut - Defensive End
Actual Pick: @FireworkFuse Jason Steele - Defensive Tackle
Well congrats to FireworkFuse for closing out the first round.  I originally had him at 2.7 to Norfolk, so I was slightly off but it's still in the top 16.  Rolund would end up topping the 3rd round of the draft at 17th overall, so I'll give myself a little credit there too for having him pretty high on my scouting radar.

Pick 2.1:  BBB Bondi Beach Buccaneers
Mock Pick: @UptownCord John Stark VIII - Linebacker
Actual Pick: @Memento Mori Oliver Tolliver - Wide Receiver
This was another bad miss, although I think I had Memento Mori down as a recreate, and my mock draft was meant to spotlight us true rookies.  UptownCord would also be drafted 3 spots later here, so overall not too bad of a prediction.

Pick 2.2:  TIJ Tijuana Luchadores
Mock Pick: @LtHudz Billy Jor-El - Defensive Tackle
Actual Pick: @CROney3 Benji Aguilera - Wide Receiver
Just barely off here again!  CROney3 was on my radar, but I was just a few picks behind on this prediction.  LtHudz would also end up going just a bit later at pick 2.6, so some credit here for getting both players correctly placed in the 2nd round.

Pick 2.3: LON London Royals
Mock Pick: @Dolphins Bradley Welch Jr - Cornerback
Actual Pick: @DL14 Diego Lopez Alonso - Wide Receiver
Here's another Wide Receiver pick I need to apologize for.  It's pretty clear looking back my first mock had a bias for defensive backs.  I figured with such a deep class of receivers they might drop a bit, but London gets a great user here whose been remarkably active.  However!  By some miracle I did correctly guess the team to draft Dolphins, this is getting a little bit uncanny that's the 3rd time I've gotten the team correct despite having the round pick incorrect.

Pick 2.4:  POR Portland Pythons
Mock Pick: @TheRake Rico Savage - Safety
Actual Pick: @UptownCord John Stark VIII - Linebacker
This one is pretty cut and dry.  Rico Savage deservedly went earlier in the draft, and I was only away by a few picks on John Stark VIII for being in the second round.

Pick 2.5: DAL Dallas Birddogs
Mock Pick: @CROney3 Benji Aguilera - Wide Receiver
Actual Pick: @Valucious Chris Mahlstedt - Defensive End
Benji went a bit earlier than this so that's not too bad.  However I completely missed Valucious on my draft board.  I'm guessing this was either a good interview or someone Dallas had history with.  Either way congrats!

Pick 2.6: MIN Minnesota Grey Ducks
Mock Pick: @"LeSizz" Max Honesty - Tight End
Actual Pick: @LtHudz Billy Jor-El - Defensive Tackle
I wasn't too far off here!  LeSizz would go only a few rounds later at 27th overall to London, and originally I had LtHudz going just a few picks before this.  Overall I'd call this prediction a win for me.

Pick 2.7: NOR Norfolk Seawolves
Mock Pick: @FireworkFuse Jason Steele - Defensive Tackle
Actual Pick: @Weaves Kadarius Claypool ll - Corner Back
Okay here we are!  As previously mentioned Weaves was someone I was pretty high on in my mock, and is well deserving of being in the top 2 rounds.  Also my original pick Jason Steele went much higher than this, so that's a bit of a miss on my part.

Pick 2.8:  KCC Kansas City Coyotes
Mock Pick: @jdc4654 Ray Baker - Kicker
Actual Pick: @jdc4654 Ray Baker - Kicker
And wrapping up the 2nd round I called it again! They called me crazy for predicting a kicker in the first two rounds, well actually nobody said that to me but I'm sure they were thinking it.  Anybody whose been active on discord knows Jdc4654 is a great pick here for KCC.

Overall Predictions:
4/16 picks correct for the exact spot
11/16 prospects correctly predicted to go anywhere in the first two rounds
3/5 of my misses for being anywhere in the first two rounds went in the 3rd round, and with 2/3 I correctly predicted the team

RE: S41 Mock Draft - A Post Draft Analysis - TheRake - 02-17-2023

Nice writeup! @toofpete and I are hyper competitive so him going before me stings! He's a great pick though, can't hate on that!

RE: S41 Mock Draft - A Post Draft Analysis - FireworkFuse - 02-17-2023

Great writeup! I loved the mock and was hype to be considered a second round pick. I'm absolutely floored I went in the first round. Go Coyotes!

RE: S41 Mock Draft - A Post Draft Analysis - Weaves - 02-17-2023

#1 CB in the class, lets get it. Great review as always!

RE: S41 Mock Draft - A Post Draft Analysis - LtHudz - 02-17-2023

Fantastic follow up on an awesome original piece!

RE: S41 Mock Draft - A Post Draft Analysis - toofpete - 02-17-2023

(02-17-2023, 10:10 AM)TheRake Wrote: Nice writeup! @toofpete and I are hyper competitive so him going before me stings! He's a great pick though, can't hate on that!

Lol git rekt

RE: S41 Mock Draft - A Post Draft Analysis - jollyjiggs - 02-17-2023

Your mock was so good! Calling the Ray Baker one was a great hit.

RE: S41 Mock Draft - A Post Draft Analysis - wizard_literal - 02-17-2023

(02-17-2023, 05:14 PM)jollyjiggs Wrote: Your mock was so good! Calling the Ray Baker one was a great hit.

Thanks!  There were actually a lot of DSFL teams with bot kickers last season. I want to do an analysis to see how many points added a Human kicker provides over a bot.  I have a feeling it's not insignificant.

RE: S41 Mock Draft - A Post Draft Analysis - Dolphins - 02-17-2023

I’m playing with a HUGE chip on my shoulder this season. The fact that fell all the way to the 7th round and was a 7th round selection is just plain disrespectful. Got a lot of hatters to prove wrong this season and I will! BANG BANG LION GANG!!!