International Simulation Football League
*St Patrick's Day Leprechaun Vs. DSFL Mascots - Printable Version

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*St Patrick's Day Leprechaun Vs. DSFL Mascots - jross - 03-14-2023

As St Patricks Day falls on the 17th of March, I decided to break down what would happen if a leprechaun were to get in a steel cage match with our beloved DSFL mascots.

Below is a fight-by-fight breakdown of what I think would occur and who would emerge victorious. I have taken all information from my internet research so if you don't like it @ me. 

For all the fights the leprechaun will be a standard size (3ft) and weight (40 lbs).

Fight 1: Leprechaun vs Coyote (KCC)

This one was a lot closer than I originally thought with a relatively close size matchup between the two. The leprechaun vs. a wild coyote that ranges from sizes 48-60 inches long from nose to tail and weighs between 30 to 50 pounds. I decided that in the end, the feral instinct in the coyote would be what made the coyote victorious. Don't confuse this favoritism due to my current position with Kansas City, the leprechaun gave it his all but ends up losing in a close one.

DSFL - 1
Leprechaun - 0

Fight 2: Leprechaun vs Lion (London)

This one will be short. There is no world where a leprechaun can outfight a full-grown lion. None. Royals win easily.

DSFL - 2
Leprechaun - 0

Fight 3: Leprechaun vs Grey Duck (Minnesota)

This fight is where the leprechaun earns his first victory. while the initial aerial attacks would prove difficult for our short-statured friend once he got ahold of the 2-pound bird it would very quickly become apparent who the alpha in the ring was. Leprechaun wins via choke out.

DSFL - 2
Leprechaun - 1

Fight 4: Leprechaun vs Python (Portland)

A full-size python can grow up to sizes of 33 ft in length and 250 pounds. With numbers like that, there isn't much hope for our little friend regardless of how much luck he has on his side. Python takes the victory albeit a slow one as he squeezes every bit of fight out of our poor leprechaun.

DSFL - 3
Leprechaun - 1

At the halfway point, the DSFL North racks up an impressive 3-1 record vs the St Patricks Day mascot, with the only loss coming from the Grey Ducks. We shall continue to the DSFL South.

Fight 5: Leprechaun vs Buccaneer (BBB)

The mighty Bucs come out with an easy victory in this fight even if they weren't equipped with weapons. A fully grown male can out-wrestle a 40-pounder. I mean they literally could just sit on them.

DSFL - 4
Leprechaun - 1

Fight 6: Leprechaun vs Birddog (Dallas)

This fight is reminiscent of the KCC fight mentioned early, with the leprechaun fighting against a 4 legged mammal. while the Birddog is domesticated and thus not dangerous in a feral sense, the leprechaun still didn't stand much of a chance. Birddogs are literally trained to hunt birds. I mean it's in the name. I've seen them shake a bird to death, so yeah, the leprechaun takes another L.

DSFL - 5
Leprechaun - 1

Fight 7: Leprechaun vs Seawolves (Norfolk) 

Since we are basing this on a mascot vs mascot fight and from what I can tell, again correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not so @ me if you want, that the seawolves are essentially a submarine and not a wolf, that the leprechaun wins easily. He literally just claims up on top and sits on it and it's over via submission. No pun intended.

DSFL - 5
Leprechaun - 2

Fight 8: Leprechaun vs Luchadore (Tijuana)

The final fight of our contest! But unfortunately, it does not end well for Mr. Leprechaun. A luchador is quite literally a masked professional wrestler. A PROFESSIONAL. That makes my decision easy. Leprechaun loses fast.

DSFL - 6
Leprechaun - 2

The information gained proves once again why the DSFL is superior to all, (except Minnesota and Norfolk). With a 6-2 record versus a 3-foot leprechaun, the DSFL proved it was worthy to hold its own weight in a battle for the ages.

RE: St Patrick's Day Leprechaun Vs. DSFL Mascots - wizard_literal - 03-14-2023

Have you considered the Leprechaun might be able to out-wit and take advantage of a Buccaneer's craving for gold doubloons?

RE: St Patrick's Day Leprechaun Vs. DSFL Mascots - Southie - 03-14-2023

Have you ever seen Leprechaun or its sequels? That Leprechaun would f+++ng kill a lion. I think you've forgotten that Leprechaun's are
magic users and high level realty manipulators.

RE: St Patrick's Day Leprechaun Vs. DSFL Mascots - Jaywe88 - 03-14-2023

I would never fight a leprechaun unless given substantial amounts of money