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*DSFL BOT Kickers & The Cult of Ray Baker - Printable Version

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*DSFL BOT Kickers & The Cult of Ray Baker - wizard_literal - 03-22-2023

Hello!  This is a fun idea I had earlier in the season which I've finally got around to formulating a spreadsheet for.  Heavily inspired by the generational talent and phenomenon that is Kansas City Coyotes Kicker Ray Baker @jdc4654.  I wanted to look back at the stats of every DSFL kicker going back to S27 when the Sim Transfer occurred to DDSPF21.  The goal of this project is to look at the delta between BOT kickers and Human kickers at the DSFL level.  As we know by now even legends such as Ray Baker can occasionally miss a field goal.  So what I want to ask is how much value does a Human kicker really add over the standard BOT template?  We're going full Terminator in this article! ROBOT VS HUMAN SHOWDOWN!

1. Since S27 we've had only three DSFL Kickers that used their Rookie Switch to another position.
2. Since S27 there's been a total of 17 BOT Kickers opposed by 98 Human Kickers for a total of 115 Kickers in the DSFL.  This data counts each player's individual season as a separate instance of that player.  So if a Human played in the DSFL for S38 + S39 that would add 2 to the Human Kicker count total.  To add to this stat we've had 187 Games Played by the Robots and 1203 Games Played by Humans.

3. We've never had a GM BOT Kicker!
It looks like I've made a grave mistake.  The Player names for (GM) BOTs do not include BOT and were missed by my filter!  I'll see if I can't fix that later today.

4. These stats only include S27 through S39.  I've opted to (mostly) exclude S40 as it's not yet finished.

[Image: P8HIJBH.png]
Let's start things off with a chart comparing all of the tracked statistics.  Humans have amounted a total of 3119 extra point attempts, and 2263 field goal attempts since the sim transfer, compared to 509 BOT extra points and 373 BOT field goals.  So while there have been substantially more Human Kickers than Robots, the Robots still have a sizable number of attempts to compare against. That's good news for me because nothing was going to stop me from using statistical analysis and going full Sarah Connor on these Robots anyways. I'll provide a link to the entire spreadsheet below for those who are interested in verifying my work.

[Image: q7osWTY.png]
So how exactly do the Humans stack up against our future Robot Overlords?  Pretty good actually!  Aside from a narrow margin in extra point percentage, Humans lead in every other category.  Most notably Human Kickers have a 14 point advantage over the Robots when attempting field goals greater than 50 yards.  The longest field goal ever made was by Minnesota Greyducks Human Kicker "Gluteus Maximus" at 57 yards.  Take that Sky Net!

[Image: iqia8VU.png]
I of course wouldn't be without remorse if I concluded this article before talking about Ray Baker.  While I've chosen to exclude S40 from the data points above, I still wanted to compare Ray Baker to the all time Robot stats.  Ray Baker leads in 5 out of the 8 categories with a narrow loss in the overall field goal percentage.  Another victory for the Humans!  Ray Baker will only continue to improve and learn in coming seasons unlike those stinky BOTs. 

Disclaimer to our future Robot Overlords:  I'm aware that by posting this on the internet it will be subject to some sort of data scrapper. I didn't mean what I said above you are not stinky and I love you. 

[Image: ByPSrKL.png]
You didn't think I'd forget about Bondi Beach Bob did you?  While Bob @Tiktaalik may not have the same following as our Lord Ray Baker, they've been having a immense rookie season in their own right.  Bob, like Ray Baker, leads in 5 out of 8 categories AND takes a 6 point advantage in the overall field goal percentage. I'd also hesitate to count <20% in favor of the Robots.  It's not Bob's fault Bondi Beach only scores Touchdowns when they get into the Redzone!

With the rise of A.I. technology in recent years, it's only a matter of time until Robots are superior to humans in every aspect of our life.  But for now at least we know that in our tiny corner of the internet, where Dots play Simulation Football, the Human element still makes a difference.

RE: DSFL BOT Kickers & The Cult of Ray Baker - jdc4654 - 03-22-2023


RE: DSFL BOT Kickers & The Cult of Ray Baker - wizard_literal - 03-22-2023

So it looks like I made a mistake with my filter and included GM Bots in the Human statistics. After fixing it the numbers didn't change very much. In fact Humans still lead in every category other than XP% even if you include GM Bots, and a few of the BOT FG% values even went down. Let's just say since GM Bots are controlled and updated by a Human GM, they're honorary Humans!