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*Juni's 100% accurate DSFL Mock Draft - Printable Version

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*Juni's 100% accurate DSFL Mock Draft - juniped - 04-11-2023

Welcome to my totally awesome 100% legitimate DSFL mock draft. I have spent hours and hours going over every single Prospect finding what makes them tick the pros and the cons of every person here so sit back relax enjoy the ride as I walk you through the top somethingish prospects.  Feel free to like And subscribe and make sure to comment down below to let me know your thoughts  on my pics or did I go wrong, where did I go right. I’m going to write until I get bored so if you’re not on the list sorry I got bored. Ask me how I feel on my podcast instead and I’ll ramble for an hour with Hall.

1.Pirate King | LB


There's no way around it. I think this guy is the number one Undisputed first pick. let me just give it to you straight this guy is THE Pirate King and there's no way around it he's about to raid your field and steal your booty. He is the King on and off the field and he's going to find the one piece.  There's no way that anybody else in this draft class is able to compete with the pure charisma and drip the pirate king will bring to this class and I don't think there's any way around it. I've been watching this guy since he joined the league and the pure attitude and exhilaration I see when he is playing is something I haven't seen my entire time in the league. I don't think I've ever seen another Prospect with this much heart and passion for the game. they are a true student of the game and I don't think there's any way they won't make waves when they hit the field. also with a username like that there's no way you can go wrong it's quick it's simple it's to the point and you know where to reach him I don't see how you could ever have a better username. Look at my username so boring compared to I'll never live up to that and I’m so excited to life in a timeline where I get to play football on the same field as this guy. Any team that picks him is picking their linebacker of the future he hits hard he runs hard he plays hard and I am hard end of story.

2. Jason West | RB

User: Jason Kranz

Now you heard of quicksilver, The Flash, Northstar, I don't know Superman. all these super fast people and made up worlds, well let me tell you Wally West back off, Jason West is here. this running back has nerves and instincts of a true Superstar. I've never seen a player with such good positional awareness on the field, it's like he knows what's going on around him and knows exactly where he needs to be to make the most impact. he seems to move out of tackles before they happen and makes the defense look dumb as they flop to the ground and he carries on without being touched. once I even saw him jump over a Defender before the guy had even started his tackle he was so prepared. he may not be as strong as some other running backs in the class, and that keeps him from reaching the number one spot in my list but honestly give him a couple years in the DSFL and I think one day he's going to be able to grow into the rest of his body and show what he really can do. I hope that the team that picks him really knows how to take all this Raw Talent and turn him into a superstar.

3. Ace Anderson | OL

User: DangWookie

He's big, he's mean, he's a blocking machine. This man eats three stacks of pancakes for breakfast and then spends the rest of his day dishing out pancakes to the opposing team.  This guy might be the biggest Prospect the offensive line group has seen in more ways than one recently. This guy has the personality to match his size he plays big and he parties big. I hear he once dropped a million dollars in a single night at the club and I think this might be a risk for a lot of teams but I think it's a risk that can pay off big. if they find a way to channel the energy into the game Ace Anderson could be real Ace of the offensive line. nothing gets by him and I think that he shows real promise if he could just be focused on the game and not off the field antics. maybe we need Dwayne The Rock Johnson from the movie The Rundown to come in and show him who's the boss and get him to focus up on the game, I mean I would never recommend injuring a player but sometimes things have to be done.

4. Daquavion Davis Jr | TE

User: Ark20

What can I say about Daquavion Davis Jr that hasn't been said a hundred times before by every scouted the business. This guy may not have this skills to stand up to the rest of the class but he has the pure unadulterated Talent that you need in order to succeed at anything he puts his mind to. In college he got scholarships for every sport you could think of, track and field, baseball, hockey, basketball, quidditch, Esports and even rugby. I've never seen someone who is so physically talented that they could play any sport they wanted like this. these the kind of kids that come along once in a generation. now because he's such a multisport athlete he doesn't have the instincts And refined skills that other prospects in this draft do but I think he could really show up and deserves to be picked this high,

5.John Roney | OL

User: Roney027

John Roney is not as big as Anderson but I really considered putting him in his spot But ultimately decided to leave him down here. I made that choice for a couple of reasons, first of all his size. As I saidm he may not be as big as Anderson but he's faster and he is one of the most dedicated players on the offensive line this draft. A real student of the game and known to be a team leader. He won't be able to put out the best stats but he can really lead a locker room and that is worth its weight in gold. every team needs a team leader and I think John Roney it's going to be future coach material with the way he leads his team and that's why he deserves to be picked 5th overall.

6.Turd Burgler | CB

User: PoopNukem

This player is being put this high on the list just for having the name turd burglar.

7. Sailor Moon | RB

User: Wildfire Micro

Have you ever read or watched sailor moon? no then drop your toxic masculinity and check it out. Just consider that an advice from your friendly neighborhood tuxedo mask, Sailor Moon is a pure Prospect and ready to make a big impact on the league.  nobody can take on a magical girl one-on-one in a win, not even your standard overpowered isekai protagonist.  Maybe a pirate king but honestly that's a discussion for a different piece of media. Nobody will be able to compete against her moon Twilight Flash or her Sailor Moon kick as she flies down the field scoring touchdown after touchdown. I don't know how legal these movies will be which is why they are not higher on the list but honestly with powers and abilities like this it's going to take a few years for rules to really be made that can contain them.Wildfiremicro Is also a well-known and popular user in the league and I think we'll be a great asset to any team that picks them. Like the famous quote a girl's Beauty isn't Limited To her looks, Sailor Moon will be ready to show the league how strong she is.

8. Honey Humphries | S

User: Komobro

The first safety on this list is Honey Humphries.  now I'll be completely honest with you folks I don't really know what a safety does. I think they like back up the cornerbacks or something but I'm not totally sure. going on that assumption the person here needs to be fast and be able to read the game, and I can't say that honey here really does that. but what they are missing in game since they make up for in what I like to call attraction. you could call it the Honey Pot but they tend to drag and attract other players to them or they get stuck and taken down. I don't know what it is but it's like there's a giant black hole on the field as receivers and running backs are just drawn to where honey is on the field seemingly and just shut down. I don't know if this is pure luck or some strange twist of fate but it doesn't make sense to me so I don't even know how to grade it therefore they are going to the top 10. You can argue all you want but if history says anything about people with mysterious Powers is that they will find a way to take control of the field.

9.Bruce Mendenhall | TE

User: bkemper

I’m not placing this user here under thread of punishment. I am simply putting them here because I think they’re cute. No further questions.

10 Chris Jakki | TE

User: MoonMan13

Chris Jakki seems like a strong prospect with good athleticism and potential to develop into a solid TE. While tight ends are not the most sought after prospects, I think this year they are going to be highly sought after instead. building up a strong base of tight ends can ensure that you will always have one even when one is pulled away from you to the majors and I feel like many dsfl teams are looking for a strong athletic player to fill out their roster. tight end is a position with very specific demands and Chris Jakki is a player that I think will be able to fill them.  They can run they can jump they can catch they can block and do all the football things that football people do.

11. Chaos Vert | CB

User: Bubba

What do I say about Chaos Vert, there’s not much I can say besides the way they play is pure chaos. They have the speed and instince to run circles around opposing recievers. They cause hehe chaos on the field in a real disruptor way. Have you seen Glass Onion. Well Edward Nortons character days this about disruption: 
      ”If you want to shake things up, you start with something small. You break a norm or an idea or a convention, some little business model, but you go with things that people are kind of tired of anyway. Everybody gets excited because you're busting up something that everyone wanted broken in the first place. That's the infraction point. That's the place where you have to look within yourself, and ask: Am I the kind of person who will keep going? Will you break more things? Break bigger things? Be willing to break the thing that nobody wants you to break? Because at that point, people are not going to be on your side. They're going to call you crazy. They're gonna say you're a bully. They're gonna tell you to stop. Even your partner will say you need to stop. Because as it turns out, nobody wants you to break the system itself. But that is what true disruption is, and that is what unites all of us. We all got to that line, and crossed it.”

So if you want someone to break things, draft Chaos Vert, a true disruptor.

12. Hank Mardukas | TE

User: Chicken Lips

This man honestly is going to be the steal of the draft. He is the true future ruler of the ISFL. My first interaction with him was over the idea of Hot Clawchlate (Hot Chocolate made with White Claw) and without hesitation this man I kid you not took the preachings I was making and tried it himself. Others were taken aback with shock! Trying something before saying it’s bad?! It’s something beyond the power of the internet but user Chicken Lips is beyond such petty things as internet decorum. He tried it and gosh darn if he didn’t like it. I say to you now fellow ISFLers that he is the chosen one. Besides that, his player is a one of a kind player and I’m just being Hank about that. He’s got the potential to be a team cornerstone for years to come, with an all around skillset that excels in many different aspects of football.

Ok Honestly I’m bored now and I don’t feel like writing anymore so here’s the rest of the draft order.

13. Frostbite | Keanu Calhoun | WR (Reach)

14. marvsznn | Jaylen Davis | OL

15. Khens4 | PJ Star | QB

16. Big Edd | Not Edd | QB (Bigg Edd is back?)

17. SeriousLinguini | Crosby Terrell | WR 

18. sandwichtheog | Abraham Madden | LB

19. Exilate | Narl Hecklenburg | LB (Steal)

20. Mossed26 | Mike Gesicki | TE

21. Matteo | Eldroh Kove | RB

22. dleap24 | Dee Man | QB

23. sburbine | Dan Dandrews | OL

24. oilmandan | Stetson David | WR

25. UpperNet | Zisia Ojeisndiwoseodj | QB

26. swoosh | Dino Nuggets | CB

27. L_Kin | Buck Carter | S

28. 147_CutcoKnives | Carl Weezer | DE

29. nigsch01 | Mergatroid Skittle | TE

30. ztarwarz | Luigi Numberone | CB

31. Dukemarriot | Shucks McShuckle | OL

32. Reno | Aleksandar Ković | LB (Major Reach <3)

33. MN_Moosey | Federico Americano | LB (Oh oops hey there Moosey uh steal)

34. LemonJello33 | Hardee Hitt | S

35. GoPokes92 | Will Hartford | WR

36. CheekiBreekiDamkie | Justa Ol ’Shoe | DE

37. Phosita | Hingle McCringleberry | RB

38. srotpars | Lucas Stevenson | WR

39. platanocat | Wing Wang | KP

40. cpetrella | Hammurabi Dieterschlagg | RB

41. Retuperkele | Robert Rossi | CB

42. Goop | Adriano Goopert | DT

43. Faami | David Faami | CB

44. Aleris | RE #38 | DE (Shouldn't this be spelled Aeleris?)

45. Daylight | That-One-Guy Kyle | S

46. cbrod45 | Connor Brody | TE

47. shrub02 | Reginald Shrubbery | RB

48. somecoach | Suave Cruz | TE

49. wheatley_garrison | Rodger Castone | OL

50. MouseMazing | Aaron Jäger | TE

51. NorthernTitan | Blaze Benson | CB

52. tstols | Brock Lesnar | OL

53. CeeKay | Octavion Speedings | WR

54. King Jellyfish | King Jellyfish | OL

55. Martin.Bachman | Martin Bachman | TE

56. LHarm | LeHarm James | KP

57. DukeAK717 | Tyrone Huckleberry | LB

58. C3pBro | Cash Wheeler | WR

59. ATribeCalledSteph | Trevor Prowler | CB

60. Tylertokesome04 | Josh Patterson | CB

61. Muford | Blacksmith Andre | OL

62. Phagocytosis | Troi Ballamallyou | S

63. Lemorse7 | The Red Panda | S

64. nickjaredartist | Brett Rumble | TE

65. Nepp0 | Big Jim Braxton | OL

66. LordEscanor | King Leonidas I | S (I'm sorry Leonidas is just a step down from Escanor)

67. TubbyTim69 | Provolone Walrus | CB (How dare you curse me with Philly)

68. Belgica | Jozef Janssens | CB

69. firstfray | Heiiajs D. Owidhuse | RB

70. Crichton | John Crichton | TE

71. Tacoville | Alex Rosen | S

Feel free to draft now my lovely DSFL GMs

RE: Juni's 100% accurate DSFL Mock Draft - Chicken Lips - 04-11-2023

I thought we weren't allowed to post leaks.

RE: Juni's 100% accurate DSFL Mock Draft - juniped - 04-11-2023

(04-11-2023, 02:07 PM)Chicken Lips Wrote: I thought we weren't allowed to post leaks.
I'm special HO can't touch me

RE: Juni's 100% accurate DSFL Mock Draft - Martin.Bachman - 04-11-2023

Thought the draft might have been leaked, then I saw  @UpperNet  Zisia Ojeisndiwoseodj being the third drafted QB. Looks like the leaks are safe. Also, put some respect on Martin Bachman's name.

RE: Juni's 100% accurate DSFL Mock Draft - juniped - 04-11-2023

(04-11-2023, 02:33 PM)Martin.Bachman Wrote: Thought the draft might have been leaked, then I saw  @UpperNet  Zisia Ojeisndiwoseodj being the third drafted QB. Looks like the leaks are safe. Also, put some respect on Martin Bachman's name.

Yeah that's probably a reach, Net should be lower.

RE: Juni's 100% accurate DSFL Mock Draft - LordEscanor - 04-11-2023

66 in insane

RE: Juni's 100% accurate DSFL Mock Draft - Tylertokesome04 - 04-11-2023

60! Now I have a chip on my shoulder....

RE: Juni's 100% accurate DSFL Mock Draft - Komobro - 04-11-2023

Real and true

RE: Juni's 100% accurate DSFL Mock Draft - DREAMSLOTH - 04-11-2023

I take anything juni says as gospel.

RE: Juni's 100% accurate DSFL Mock Draft - Muford - 04-11-2023

61, at least I got drafted!