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*Dino Nuggets Predicts Landing Spot - Printable Version

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*Dino Nuggets Predicts Landing Spot - swoosh - 04-12-2023

With the S42 DSFL Draft roughly 24 hours away, I thought I would make a "where will I land?" predictions list. The other day I posted a thread where I ranked the DSFL locations. This list will be based solely on conversations I had with GMs and/or players for those teams. It is worth noting, which is probably is the case for most draft prospects, I had conversations with every team so a lot of this will be a based on a gut feeling more than anything. I had good talks with teams at the top, middle, and bottom of the list. I will also call out that I did not consider draft order at all, as honestly I have no idea where I stack up against my fellow rookie class so order would not really play much of a difference. Just to stress if it was not already clear, this is not a ranking of where I want to end up but rather a prediction of where I think I will end up.

[Image: TIJbanner.png]
1. Tijuana Luchadores - claiming the top spot of where I think I will end up is the ironically the team I said had not only the worst location in the DSFL, but also the worst branding. But as I have said before and will say once again, I would love to play for any team and branding and/or location are largely relevant. It is more about the team dynamic for me. @baz1757 was the second person to reach out to me directly and I had one of my more extensive talks with him. He was a a great resource to be able to lean on early as I had lots of questions. We have not chatted directly since the first reach out, but I have interacted with him in other discords. What makes Tijuana really stand out is the fact that a second GM, @wizard_literal, reached out a couple of days later. It was a short, but nice conversation with a fellow user whose NFL team causes him great pain. We have also not chatted since, but the nature of his reach out of just checking in on me makes me feel I was already high on their big board of potential prospects.

[Image: KCCbanner.png]
2. Kansas City Coyotes - @TubaDeus was the first person to reach out to me privately and we had a nice, short conversation. I had the opportunity to join the Prairie as a prospect in the discord chat, but honestly I remained pretty quiet in there. For one, I wanted to remain somewhat neutral throughout this process but also because there are lots of discord chats already and I was more focused on the ISFL Rookie Discord. TubaDeus then reached out a few days later with some follow up questions that led me to believe there was some level of interest there. Remember, these are all assumptions here. Nothing was explicitly said. With that said, I feel pretty good about my chances to end up in Kansas City.

[Image: BBbanner.png]
3. Bondi Beach Buccaneers - Once again, a rather quick chat with General Manager @Akoustique but it was a real nice one. And he so happens to also be a Falcons fan, which is sure to move me up on their big board an inch or two. I could easily argue Bondi Beach is the most likely team to grab me based solely on conversations, as I feel these top four are all interchangeable. I imagine I was already drafted by the time I posted my DSFL locations rankings yesterday, but if they saw that I am sure that does not hurt my case.

[Image: NORbanner.png]
4. Norfolk Seawolves - @jollyjiggs reached out, which might I add has one of my favorite players in Legs, and we had a nice discussion. Super casual and he provided me with useful information. Like Kansas City, he invited me to their discord to get a feel for it. After my first hello message, I do not believe I have messaged in there since (again discord overload at the moment and want to remain neutral) so that is why I am knocking them down on this predictions list. In reality, I doubt the fine folks with the best branding in the DSFL really care too much about that.

[Image: rgXXbc8.png]
5. Portland Pythons - @PugWalrus and I had a hard time connecting simply due to the time difference and me traveling last week. Also me not realizing he messaged me at one point (hey, there was a lot going on), so I am dropping Portland down on the list because of me. Pug seemed easy going and did not have a ton of questions for me. With that being said, I am a Portland local and did mention that to him. Will Dino Nuggets be staying home?

[Image: ksywLuJ.png]
6. Minnesota Grey Ducks - @Dindog was the third person to reach out to me and he did not ask a ton of questions, but upon reviewing our chat just now I did leave him empty handed. Well, sort of. He responded to a question of mine and I never acknowledged or responded to it (I will blame it on traveling at the time). I am sure if he had any follow up questions, he would have asked them but also would not blame him for giving him the impression I was not responsive. So the Grey Ducks being low on my gut read prediction is solely based on me. Super friendly guy from the quick chat we did have though and would love to remain a Duck.

[Image: oZSgFwV.png]
7. London Royals - I chatted with @Jumbo who also has a great player name in Loose Cannon. I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but it was another good conversation. The reason they are near the bottom here is this is the only team where I did not interact with the GM directly. Could mean something, could mean nothing at all, but I have to find the smallest of reasons to move teams up and down when I am basing this solely off of gut feeling.

[Image: kHc4zgX.png]
8. Dallas Birddogs - after I joked in a previous article piece that I had heard from every team but Dallas, those dirty Birddogs were quick to reach out. And honestly, me putting there last here is more of a joke than anything as I had to put someone last. GM @fnordypsyduck reached out and asked if someone had reached out to me. Next came @Gadget who apologized that he reached out to another swoosh (will the real swoosh please stand up?) and mentioned he put it in his notes that I was not responding to his messages. Not that an apology was even needed, but Gadget and I had a very light-hearted conversation after that. Very easy going and a good guy. And hey, Dallas is one of only two teams to have two people reach out to me.

Once again, all of you have been great. There is not one team where I would not enjoy going. This will be fun to look back on. Now let us fast forward to tomorrow where I put on my draft cap. And maybe buy some merch?

RE: Dino Nuggets Predicts Landing Spot - CROney3 - 04-12-2023

Haha, great read my man! I'm happy to see Tijuana at #1, Luchas 4 Life! And it's also see you become a dual threat cash money earner with your bangin' sigs and media.

RE: Dino Nuggets Predicts Landing Spot - Sizz - 04-13-2023

London GM's didn't talk to you because we like our nuggets irregularly formed. I'm kidding, this class was huge so we had to delegate some of the scouting. Dino nuggets, both the food and the player are top notch. Good luck in the draft!

RE: Dino Nuggets Predicts Landing Spot - Gadget - 04-13-2023

I would like to once again apologize for my grade 5 gamer goof.

RE: Dino Nuggets Predicts Landing Spot - swoosh - 04-13-2023

(04-12-2023, 06:43 PM)CROney3 Wrote: Haha, great read my man! I'm happy to see Tijuana at #1, Luchas 4 Life! And it's also see you become a dual threat cash money earner with your bangin' sigs and media.
Appreciate you, good lookin'.

RE: Dino Nuggets Predicts Landing Spot - swoosh - 04-13-2023

(04-13-2023, 07:33 AM)LeSizz Wrote: London GM's didn't talk to you because we like our nuggets irregularly formed. I'm kidding, this class was huge so we had to delegate some of the scouting. Dino nuggets, both the food and the player are top notch. Good luck in the draft!
Well I would argue dino nuggets are irregularly formed!

It's all good and makes sense, honestly I was just reaching for reasons here. Dallas had the same approach as well. Ultimately I feel draft order and where I stack up (or stacked up at time of the draft) will play the biggest role here and that was not considered at all.

RE: Dino Nuggets Predicts Landing Spot - swoosh - 04-13-2023

(04-13-2023, 01:24 PM)Gadget Wrote: I would like to once again apologize for my grade 5 gamer goof.
Lol I think it's funny and would be even better if I end up in Dallas. Wink

Who is this imposter swoosh?

RE: Dino Nuggets Predicts Landing Spot - Purpl3Spartan - 04-13-2023

I want me some dino nuggies

RE: Dino Nuggets Predicts Landing Spot - Chicken Lips - 04-13-2023

(04-13-2023, 01:24 PM)Gadget Wrote: I would like to once again apologize for my grade 5 gamer goof.
 Fire gadget

RE: Dino Nuggets Predicts Landing Spot - wizard_literal - 04-13-2023

(04-13-2023, 01:55 PM)Chicken Lips Wrote:
(04-13-2023, 01:24 PM)Gadget Wrote: I would like to once again apologize for my grade 5 gamer goof.
 Fire gadget

You rookies are catching on quick.