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*Duck, Duck, Hank! - Printable Version

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*Duck, Duck, Hank! - Chicken Lips - 04-14-2023

Draft Night Recap

The S41 DSFL draft just premiered last night, April 13. For a lot of us rookies it was the first time participating in this league and the energy in the DSFL discord was high. We had all spent the last few weeks grinding out Rookie Point Tasks and writing media to gain cash and buy equipment. Seemingly this freshman class had a lot of heavy hitters. Every time @somecoach drops an article full of graphs my eyes glaze over and I pretend like I know what he is saying. That guy is an excel wiz for sure. He is not alone. I even cranked out a last minute mock DSFL draft, that was poorly misguided and wrong. There has been a lot of activity from a lot of the rookies on the forums and discord, it has been great getting to know and sharing this experience with everyone.
Back to what I was saying, the DSFL discord was popping off, people spamming -hype and emotes left and right. The energy kept building to 8pm and the inevitable delay happened, love some technical difficulties. Spamming then switched to berating @negs, I wasn’t in on the meme but I definitely @ him a time or two. Then it happened, the stream went live! Back to spamming emotes and -hype, non-stop. Chat was moving so fast no one would know that :gumbabad:. The hosts came on, shoutout to all of y’all, and introduced the draft and didn’t waste anytime getting started. Obviously the biggest hype of the whole night was to find out who was going first overall. I had my bets on Suave Cruz, due to his high media output and TPE earning. Little did we know that it was going to be @CheekiBreekiDamkie Justa Ol’Shoe. The reaction was crazy! Shoe has been crazy active in the rookie discord and has been making some great gfx. The only downside is he is an MSU fan. Kansas really scooped up a gem in this pick. Second overall came my prediction of Suave Cruz, would have been an absolute travesty otherwise.

Then came the third pick by the Minnesota Grey Ducks, with their 1st pick in the S41 DSFL they took Hank Mardukas, me! The adrenaline rush when I saw my card made me feel like a kid again. Quick aside I had put the stream up on my TV in the living room and had dragged my wife in to watch with me, not sure how she puts up with mne. When they said Hank Mardukas I shot up and jumped around, giddy like a little school girl. It absolutely caught me off guard, I was not expecting to go in the first round. I am honored to get brought into the flock in Minnesota. I’d like to shout out @LtHudz who I spoke too during the scouting period. Not only did we have a great conversation related to the team, but he was also giving me some advice on media pieces. Unfortunately, now I have to crush him in my fantasy group, but I will do it graciously.  Bonus points, the Ducks have the best DSFL color scheme and Hank looks damn good in blue.

Fourth pick by the Dallas Birddogs was up next. With their first round pick they took @DangWookie Ace Anderson. I was also crazy hype for this. I told DW about this sim league right after I signed up, seemed like something he could get really into as well. We have hung out offline a few times since we both joined the league and we spend too much time talking about whatever media we want to work on or whatever the new point tasks are. I am starting to think our other friends are getting annoyed. We did try to get another friend to join, but he wasn’t able to get it all in before the draft. Maybe he will get picked up on a waiver (Turbo Gurbo). Either way it was poetic for us to get picked back to back, can’t wait for Minnesota vs. Dallas.

There were a lot of other great picks that came right after these first four, but really only wanted to cover to this point so I could talk about myself. Shout out to the rest of the active rookie class who have been hanging out in the discord and pumping out content for the league! @”swoosh” bout to get the biggest gfx payout, 30+ quality graphics btw.

Looking forward: If it Quacks Like a Duck

Since being drafted by Minnesota I have taken a deeper dive into the team history. The Ducks are the third most winningest team with 6 wins and 11 total appearances (>.500 win record!). The team has a storied history in the DSFL always being a strong competitor and stealing wins from some of the top teams. Even when they aren’t the top team Minnesota puts up a fight. Last year the Ducks put up a modest 6-8 record, tying for 5th in the DSFL. The momentum is here for us and I can’t wait to be a part of this team and carry them towards victory. A lot of solid picks for the Ducks last night should put us in a spot to be a top contender and hopefully take down our rivals. Also don’t sleep on the Minnesota locker room. Chat channels for everything, including a robust counting channel – have to pump those numbers up. Everyone I’ve talked to in the LR so far has been great and has a lot of pride in the team, which is very inspiring and says a lot about the team culture.

Hank was created as a tight end and based on some great conversations I have had he is going to stay that way. Minnesota has many hall of fame entries, but no tight ends have made it. That’s the goal. Hank is going to work his butt off to make a name for himself on the field and in the hall. With some guidance from the GMs already making progress to best utilize the TPE I have earned. 70 Strength is up next. Not sure how much field time Hank will be getting right away, the Ducks already have a pretty built up TE, but I can bide my time. A few seasons in the DSFL gaining and banking TPE and being the best Duck I can.

Time to make this Minnesota’s season and the next five too. Quack Quack!

Quick Look at the New Ducks

Hank wasn't the only new duck picked up. Minneosta had a strong s42 draft. With their second pick of the night they selected Dan Dandrews. Dan is a very high earning offensive linemen who will provide tip top protection for our quaterback. I expect to see dan be a top seasonal earner and potentially set some records. With the third pick Minnesota picked up Reginald Shrubbery who dare I say is poised to be the best RB in this class. Breaking through the barrier of 80 speed already. Reginald is foing to be putting up numbers and bursting through every DSFL denfensive lineman. With fourth pick came the aquisition of Chaos Vert. This guy knows what he is doing. Hes operating quietly making power and money moves. I am surprised he flew under the radar to the fourth round. He will be a monster at CB. The first and only QB pickup for the ducks came at round 5, Zisia O.. An outstanding and very active player that shows up in the locker room. A good earner and a recreate, he is set up to be a central piece of the Ducks offense. At the 6th round Minnesota picked up the safety The Redd Panda. Cute until he tales you down. Panda is going to hold the downfield in a vice grip, not much is going to get past him. Round 7 brought the ducks Shucks Mcshuckle who appeared more active after the draft. Shucks is another offensive lineman who will become part of the Minnesota Wall. No one is getting in the pocket with Shucks up front. In Round 8 the ducks took Crosby Terrell. Not much is known about this guy but he has a lot of potential. With a little bit more effort we think could be a star. For the last pick of the draft Minneosta rounded out its roster with running back Hingle McCringleberry. He brings a a hilarity to LR that was well received from the start. I would like to see him a bit more active in training but I have a lot of confidence in his ability. Overall the Ducks had a strong draft and really got themselves a good group of rookies to compliment the current roster. Some wholes were filled some depth was added, I can see the ducks being a contender for 1st this year. Look out Ultimini we are coming for you.

In closing I want to thank everyone that has made this experience so enjoyable so far. Can’t wait to build out Hank’s career and continue to contribute to this great community.

P.S. Right after the draft I spent 4 hours attempting to make a signature for my new team. I have no idea how some of you churn these out so quick. Doing the jersey swap and editing out logos and numbers takes ages. Overall it was a fun process but I am not sure that gfx is going to be my money maker, catch me in the casino with ridiculous parlays.

RE: Duck, Duck, Hank! - swoosh - 04-14-2023

Hank gonna do big things in Minnesota, stay warm up there.

RE: Duck, Duck, Hank! - LtHudz - 04-14-2023

It was a pleasure getting to know you and it will be a pleasure to whoop you in fantasy as well! Go Ducks!

RE: Duck, Duck, Hank! - TwoSocks - 04-15-2023
