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*Last Minute S42 Mock Draft - Printable Version

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*Last Minute S42 Mock Draft - Chicken Lips - 06-01-2023

Oh sh--! What time is it? How much time till the draft? Only 20 hours?! I have to get my revised mock draft out! How else will people look back at me and call me dumb for clearly not seeing that the 87 TPE Offensive Lineman would go in the first round?

Anyways, I put out a mock draft a week or two ago that didn’t take much into account besides my own base analysis of the ISFL teams’ TPE tracker page. But I have since EVOLVED I now the nuances of position changes and team dynamics and have an in depth understanding of Draft Day Pro Sports Profession Football 2021 strategy (set blitz to 75). But really though this is just going to be my evolved interpretation of my original list with some added insight I gained during the scouting process. During my conversations with GMs and scouts I tried to ask about what positions the teams are actually looking for. In some instances there was a stark difference between what they told me and what I saw as a need for the teams. We also have the added benefit now of knowing the exact pick order so that may swap some things around.

Here is a quick summary of my first draft.

Pick 1 NOLA - @swoosh aka Dino Nuggets (CB) 243 TPE TIJ

Pick 2 BER - @Muford aka Blacksmith Andre (OL) 257 TPE BBB

Pick 3 NOLA (from BAL) - @shrub02 aka Reginald Shrubbery (RB) 258 TPE MIN

Pick 4 NYS -  @Chicken Lips aka Hank Mardukas (RB) 241 TPE MIN

Pick 5 COL - @firstfrayaka Heijajs D. Owidhuse (RB) 260 TPE KCC

Pick 6 AUS - @MN_Moosey aka Frederico Americano (LB) 253 TPE NOR

Pick 7 SJS - @oilmandan aka Stetson David (WR) 252 TPE NOR

Pick 8 CHI - @sburbine aka Dan Dandrews (OL) 235 TPE MIN

Pick 9 SAR - @DangWookie aka Ace Anderson (RB) 245 TPE DAL

Pick 10 NOLA (from ARI) - @WALDO aka Bread Bowl (TE) 177 TPE DAL

Pick 11 OCO - @tstols aka Brock Lesnar (OL) 200 TPE NOR

Pick 12 YKW - @Frostbite aka Keanu Calhoun (WR) 253 TPE DAL

Pick 13 NOLA (from CTC) - @Aleris aka RE #38 (QB) 247 TPE BBB

Pick 14 HON - @Martin.Bachman aka Martin Bachman (RB) 233 TPE LON

So clearly there are some things wrong with this first iteration. The order is wrong, at least one of these players has swapped positions already and TPE differences among skill positions has moved around a little bit more given the slew of TPE that came in at the end of the season. Also note HON has tossed out their first round pick for a ~900 tpe linebacker so they won’t be in the list anymore, but welcome back Baltimore.
Now by channeling everything I have learned from scouting and reading everyone else’s mock draft here is my crack at revising mine.

Pick 1 NOLA - @swoosh aka Dino Nuggets (CB) 243 TPE TIJ
Well some things don’t have to change. Swoosh is destined to go number 1 and I’ll be damned if he doesn’t deserve it. Swoosh is a max earner and GFX abuser. He has enough to bankroll a few ISFL teams on his own, so don’t be surprised to see him not care too much about the salary in his contract and rather demand ridiculous conditions. A little birdie told me he will demand NOLA stock the LR with ample amounts of barbeque sauce and honey mustard. Really there’s no way NOLA doesn’t scoop up this absolute gem at number 1 as Dino at any other pick is a steal.

Pick 2 BER - @firstfray aka Heijajs D. Owidhuse (CB) 260 TPE KCC
ALERT ALERT this is a new one. First Fray has swapped his player to corner back, probably in an attempt to steal Dino Nuggets 1st overall. Unfortunately that won’t happen but it will jump him from a humble fifth pick to 2nd overall. During my scouting conversation with Berlin I asked how all the mock drafts have had the team snagging an offensive lineman right off the bat. Turns out they aren’t gunning for an offensive lineman that heavily and instead are interested in CB or LB. With Owidhuse being the top earner of the S42 class I don’t see Berlin passing up on this corner back with the number 2 pick.

Pick 3 NOLA (from BAL) - @shrub02 aka Reginald Shrubbery (RB) 258 TPE MIN
This pick didn’t change from my previous draft. It makes too much sense for NOLA to just start grabbing the best earners for skill positions and with RB being a big need. Currently NOLA has 3 running backs on the roster but two are IA and one is regressing into retirement. So it is likely Shrubman is coming in hot as RB#2 at the start of the season.

Pick 4 COL - @CeeKay aka Octavion Speedings (LB) 256 TPE DAL
I had originally chosen the Yeti to grab a running back here but based on my conversations with Colorado management their focus this draft is actually DE or LB. Speedings had previously been a wide receiver I believe but has since switched to LB and is the top earning one of this class, barely beating out Federico Americano (an argument of Americano can be made due to the size of his bank account). Another option at this position would be LHarm, the top earning DE of the class. However, I don’t see the Yeti giving up the opportunity to grab a great linebacker first.

Pick 5 NYS -  @Chicken Lips aka Hank Mardukas (RB) 241 TPE MIN
Another one that didn’t change from my original draft. NYS is in need of a tight end and they can get the best one in the S42 class by picking up Hank. He promises to bring a lot of energy and enough cupcakes to share with the whole locker room.

Pick 6 SJS - @Frostbite aka Keanu Calhoun (WR) 253 TPE DAL 
I had SJS taking a wide receiver the first time and I forgot to ask during scouting what their positional needs were so I am sticking to my guns. Unfortunately for Stetson Keanu Calhoun has surpassed him in TPE earning so that jumps him to the top for me.

Pick 7 AUS - @MN_Moosey aka Frederico Americano (LB) 253 TPE NOR
I think I may have gotten this one right from the get go. My scouting conversation was a bit of a speedrun with one question being “Possible LB switch in your future?”. Americano is next in line TPE wise here for our s42 line backers so looks like he is heading to Austin.

Pick 8 CHI - @Reno aka Aleksander Kovic (LB) 245 TPE KCC
3 linebackers in the first round? Believe it! Originally I had Chitown grabbing offensive line here, but I may have over valued offensive lineman as a lot of my scouting discussions seemed to indicate teams aren’t that focused on grabbing them early, perhaps because if worse comes to worse they can pay for the OL bots. My scout from the Butchers indicated that LB is their biggest need at the moment so with this pick in the first round they will grab the third (but not far from the tippy top) best LB in the class.

Pick 9 OCO - @oilmandan aka Stetson David (WR) 252 TPE NOR
I had originally given OCO an offensive lineman here which according to my scouting conversations is definitely a need but came second in their list behind WR so I am giving the preference there. Stetson David, who I really hope isn’t named after the 7 year college drop out, is the second top earning WR in the league, with Keanu slightly edging him out. Makes sense for OCO to pick him up here and bring him into the fold and build him into a deadly weapon. Slight chance OCO takes MouseMazing aka Aaron Jager here since Uptown and him are good buddies.

Pick 10 YKW - @Retuperkele aka Robert Rossi (CB) 234 TPE NOR
I had the Wraiths grabbing an offensive player first thing this draft, but apparently that isn’t even on their radar. They cited needs on defense and in particular CB or S. With two of the top 4 CBs already being taken the wraiths would make an error passing up on the opportunity to grab Rossi here, there is a good chance he won’t be around come pick 10 in round 2.

Pick 11 SAR - @LordEscanor aka King Leonidas I (S) 210 TPE KCC
Now I am not sure if Leonidas has gone a little IA as he definitely was more active in the discord in the early portion of S41. I haven’t seen him lately but it looks like he is earning decently well. SAR identified to me that S is a big gap they have now with one of theirs retiring and the other one retiring in the next season. If Leonidas is more IA than SAR likes, they may opt for the 4th ranked CB Luigi Numberone.

Pick 12 BAL (from HON) - @Aleris aka RE #38 (QB) 247 TPE BBB
Now hear me out Baltimore is not drafting a QB here, Beatz is in a great position. Baltimore is looking for a personality fit for their first pick and Aleris definitely has one of the best in the class. I am also aware that he is willing to position swap and is a proven league player. All that together makes me thing Aleris might be playing a different position up in Maryland come S42.

Pick 13 NOLA (from ARI) - @Tylertokesome04 aka Josh Patterson (QB) 239 TPE LON
With pick 13 NOLA is grabbing their QB of the future. Josh is committed to the QB lifestyle and is ready to play a few seasons in the DSFL and continue to set records, DSFL Offensive MVP anyone? Patty is a max earner and has started to pump out some media to pad his pockets so no fear of him not being able to afford weekly TPE. He is also just a hoot to chat with in Discord so he will bring a great energy to NOLAs young locker room.

Pick 14 NOLA (from CTC) - @MouseMazing aka Aaron Jager (WR) 245 TPE POR
Really this is too many picks for one team for me to predict. I know NOLA would love to grab a tight end but it is hard to pass up such a strong earning WR. Even better Aaron Jager started out as a Tight End so perhaps he would be willing to swap back here for NOLA. Though as previously mentioned there is a good chance he goes to OCO due to his friendship with UptownCord if so I’ll wager Stetson David takes this spot.

Honorable mentions that didn’t make it into the first round that I do believe have a great shot and making the cut.
@LHarm the top DE in the s42 class, great guy, great earner and is very active in the discord.
@Martin.Bachman, @WildfireMicro, @Matteo all three of these guys are great RBs and are max earning, they just happened to not be the top two by TPE by the smallest margin. Based on how well scouting went they could make their way into the first round.
@platanocat Wang Kick Good.
I’m sure there are others, it is just late and I need to wrap this up!

Dishonorable mention that definitely won’t make it and will probably go as Mr. Irrelevant.

Comparing my new mock to my previous one there are some clear differences. The biggest one to me was that I now don’t have a single offensive lineman going in the first round, when originally, I had 3! Based on all my scouting conversations it really seemed like skill positions on offense or key defensive positions were the main focuses for the teams this draft. The drafting order also shook up a decent amount and made some players switch spots, but when the difference is a few TPE I am sure that the individual scouting conversations will take precedence. I had a lot of fun working on this and have REALLY enjoyed reading everyone else’s mock drafts. If anyone has time before 8pm, I would really recommend giving it a shot!

Before I leave you all I wanted to share a ChatGPT generated parody of Twas the Night Before Christmas in honor of draft day.
'Twas the night before Draft Day, when all through the league,
Not a team was sleeping, not even fatigue;
The jerseys were hung in the lockers with care,
In hopes that new talents soon would be there;

The fans were all nestled, with hope in their hearts,
Dreaming of superstars, ready to impart,
And I in my jersey, and cap on my head,
Had just settled down for the night's restless spread;

When out in the Discord there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my laptop to see what was the matter.
Away to the server, I flew like a flash,
Opened the chat window, joined the mad dash.

The chat was alive with excitement and zest,
Fans from each team, eagerly expressed,
Their hopes and predictions, their player wish list,
As they counted the hours, anticipation persist.

From Honolulu to Berlin, the chatter did grow,
Cheering for Hahalua or Fire Salamanders' glow;
The Outlaws, Otters, and Copperheads, too,
All yearning for talents to join their crew.

The SaberCats and Silverbacks strategized with might,
While the Secondline danced, all through the night;
The Crash and Wraiths, plotting their grand schemes,
In search of prospects to fulfill their dreams.

The Sailfish, Butchers, and Hawks, ready to pounce,
Seeking fresh talent, to enhance their ounce;
From Yellowknife to Sarasota, the teams in one place,
Awaiting the future, with anticipation they embrace.

The Yetis brought their cold, a chilling desire,
While the Fire Salamanders breathed their fiery fire;
Chicago to Baltimore, the teams stayed awake,
Dreaming of players, for their dreams to partake.

As I read through the chats, excitement did rise,
For Draft Day, the moment that mesmerized.
The simulations would run, the prospects would clash,
And champions would rise from the draft's thrilling splash.

The countdown was on, the hours slipped away,
With memes, gifs, and analysis in the fray;
The Discord buzzed, the forum came alive,
Until Draft Day arrived, bringing dreams to survive.

So, as the night before Draft Day came to an end,
I logged off the server, my messages send;
With hopes of new stars, the fans would sleep tight,
Knowing that Season 42 would shine so bright.

And I heard them exclaim as they logged off that night,
"Happy Draft Day to all, and to all a great height!"

RE: Last Minute S42 Mock Draft - Tylertokesome04 - 06-01-2023

Great stuff as always Hank!

RE: Last Minute S42 Mock Draft - swoosh - 06-02-2023

Chicken Lips stays delivering.

RE: Last Minute S42 Mock Draft - WildfireMicro - 06-02-2023

Good shit

RE: Last Minute S42 Mock Draft - slate - 06-02-2023


RE: Last Minute S42 Mock Draft - wizard_literal - 06-02-2023

Whose to say how accurate this is.

RE: Last Minute S42 Mock Draft - firstfray - 06-02-2023

Can't wait for Muford to go undrafted

RE: *Last Minute S42 Mock Draft - Aleris - 06-02-2023

Moving up in the mocks lets goooo

RE: *Last Minute S42 Mock Draft - Twenty6 - 06-02-2023
