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*What can ISFL teams expect from Anakin Skywalker? - Printable Version

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*What can ISFL teams expect from Anakin Skywalker? - ForSucksFake - 06-16-2023


Like everyone, I am very curious to see how the ISFL draft will turn out. While it’s far too early to start churning out mock drafts, I would like to (selfishly) highlight my player. It’s too early in the season to do an eye test so I’d like to give ISFL GMs an insight into WR Anakin Skywalker. 

A little background on me:

I first joined the ISFL in 2020 as part of the massive S22 class. The league entered my life during a crucial period. The outside world had just stopped and folks were looking to new avenues to maintain healthy social lives. My first go around was a learning curve and @Dewalt27 and @CLG Rampage probably have some funny stories to share from that era. In that stacked DSFL draft, my player, Daymond Brooks, was picked 208. Once I figured out what I was doing, I was able to jump up to 91 in the NSFL draft (ah, the NSFL.) From there, I had a nice career. A few pro bowls and one DToTY later, I retired two seasons into regression, but was able to cross 1K TPE. This was done to prove a point to @TheCC

I was devoted to my locker rooms and fought fiercely for my teammates. I love @thevoicelesscreator, @Bayley, @Muford, @Painted, @BenDover, @DarknessRising and @Net to death. There’s so many more wonderful people that I didn’t mention but I hope they know I love them too. 

I’m returning after a couple of years because my life had changed in ways that allow me to put more time into the  league again. I’m earning like crazy and hoping to be a better-versed user than I was. I love making graphics for myself and others. When I get around to it, I’d also like to do some podcasts. 

I would also like to say how much I appreciate the hard work that all of the wonderful users who work as jobbers do. I know it’s very time consuming and also very unpaid. But it’s the jobbers that make this league as robust and immersive as it is. So, thank you. 

If anyone has any questions, I’d love to answer them either here or on Discord. 

Thanks for the time and I’ll see you in gen chat, probably talking about movies.

RE: What can ISFL teams expect from Anakin Skywalker? - DarknessRising - 06-16-2023

ah ForSucksFake, this guy is back *groans in agony*


RE: What can ISFL teams expect from Anakin Skywalker? - zaynzk - 06-16-2023

This guy doesn’t even have the high ground

RE: What can ISFL teams expect from Anakin Skywalker? - ForSucksFake - 06-17-2023

(06-16-2023, 05:33 PM)zaynzk Wrote: This guy doesn’t even have the high ground

This guy underestimates my power!

RE: *What can ISFL teams expect from Anakin Skywalker? - Purpl3Spartan - 06-26-2023

Bro will tear through players on the field like he did those younglings