International Simulation Football League
*Season of the QB - Printable Version

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*Season of the QB - Thor - 06-27-2023

As many would already be aware, I retired my player Plant Based early in the season. My plan was always to use that career as an opportunity to make money and with close to 150 million in the bank I felt as though this was the right time to go ahead and look to start the journey on my next career. The logic behind building up a good bank account was that I wanted my next career to be a max earner again, but without the pressure of needing to earn money to cover equipment each season to avoid any burnout.

Once I had retired, the time came to decide what I was going to do for my next career, and the main option I wanted to look at (like so many have before me) was playing Quarterback. Knowing that through the league's history this has been a consistent surplus of QBs, I thought it would be worth exploring team needs at that position to see if there was going to be space for a QB without a pre-existing team commitment to come into the league and remain at that position. Since it's the kind of thing that's worth a bit of money when written up, and it's also something that might interest other people - I've decided to prepare my light research into a media format.

The analysis to follow here assumes a few things;
1. Teams without a send down QB do not already have a plan identified to replace their current QB.
2. The optimal time for a team to draft a QB is when their current QB is in their 7th season.
3. QBs currently in the DSFL and undrafted are unassigned and do not have predetermined destinations.
4. Unless I'm certain about their change, send down QBs are assumed to be remaining at that position.

Colour Key:
Green: In a good position currently. If used on current QB this indicates they do not need to plan for a replacement quite yet. If used on a send down, on track to be a starter.
Yellow: Time to start thinking. If used on a current QB this indicates they need to start considering their replacement in the next few seasons but is not urgent. If used on a send down, this player may be a little off track with their earning but not enough to be a concern yet.
Orange: Lets make a plan. If used on a current QB, this team will need to start planning for their replacement now in order to have minimal disruption between QBs. If used on a send down, this player is below the max earning standard expected of QBs and may need to be considered for replacement.
Red: Oh no this bad. If used on a current QB, this team should already have a replacement lined up. If used on a send down, they are either inactive, expected to swap positions or don't exist.

ARI Arizona Outlaws  ARI
Current QB: S39 - Donovan Winters III - 955 TPE
Send down QB: None

The outlaws are looking fine here, with Winters only a few seasons old now they wont need to manipulate the draft to get their replacement QB player on the team just yet. No send down QB, but that's to be expected given their starter.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S46

AUS Austin CopperheadAUS
Current QB: S35 - Queen Elizabeth II - 1206 TPE
Send down QB: None

Austin are right in the pocket to draft a replacement now (or ideally last season) and given their lack of send down QB I'd expect them to address that need in this draft if they haven't already got an alternative plan lined up.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S42

BAL Baltimore Hawks  BAL
Current QB: S37 - Preston Beatz - 1268 TPE
Send down QB: S40 - Rocky Franklin III - 254 TPE

Baltimore will need to start looking at their options over the next couple of drafts, and their current send down does not figure to be one of those options at only 254 TPE and currently inactive. They may not need to go in on this draft class but something will be in the works.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S44

BER Berlin Fire Salamanders  BER
Current QB: S36 - Rogue Santa Cruz - 1290 TPE
Send down QB: None

Another team finding themselves right in the pocket to draft a replacement at the optimal time, Berlin currently have no send down QB and will need to address the position this draft or the next.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S43

CHI Chicago Butchers CHI
Current QB: S38 - Painted Penguin - 1035 TPE
Send down QB: S41 - Jake Jefferson - 418 TPE AND S42 - Zisia Ojeisndiwoseodj - 268 TPE AND S42 - Not Edd - 126 TPE

The first and only team with more than one send down QB and they have THREE of them. I'm being a little harsh on the replacement grades for the Butchers because they don't line up well with the optimal replacement window of their current QB, and in addition to that, aside from Jefferson (who I have flagged as swapping positions), they have not met the max earning expectation of an ISFL QB.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S45

COL Colorado Yeti  COL
Current QB: S41 - Wolfie McDummy Jr. - 597 TPE
Send down QB: S42 - RE #38 - 354 TPE

Colorado with their early call up of Wolfie sees their requirements at the QB position solidified for many seasons to come. The youngest QB in the ISFL has a lot of time ahead of him in the league and despite having a send down QB, the Yeti will ask them to swap positions as their timelines do not line up as a replacement being only one season younger.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S48

CTC Cape Town Crash CTC
Current QB: S37 - Creg Jerrith IV - 1258 TPE
Send down QB: None

One of many teams with a S37 QB, the Crash will be starting to think about how they navigate replacing Jerrith IV in the next couple of seasons. No send down in the wings here yet, the reigning Ultimus champions are approaching the optimal replacement window.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S44

HON Honolulu Hahalua  HON
Current QB: S37 - Nova Montagne - 1343 TPE
Send down QB: None

Another S37 QB team, almost everthing I said about the crash applies here for Honolulu as well (aside from reigning Ultimus champions). Montagne has a little more TPE than the others from that same class, so Honolulu may choose to push the replacement back a season based on that.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S44

NOLA New Orleans Second Line  NOLA
Current QB: S34 - Elessar Jones - 824 TPE
Send down QB: S42 - Octavion Speedings - 354 TPE

Oh boy, the oldest active QB in the ISFL shows his face and he is definitely well on his way towards retirement. NOLA are set up decently well here though with an S42 QB waiting in the wings to take over. This is a good example of a situation where a team has drafted a QB on the second season of the 'optimal' window which could lead to a drop off for a season while their aging QB wraps up, or while the new one develops as an early call up. If NOLA had addressed this need with a S41 QB, it would be one last ride for Jones before a well experience call up stepped in, but next season they will either have to field Jones' rotting corpse or a fledgling QB a la Yeti.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S41

NYS New York Silverbacks  NYS
Current QB: S39 - Blaine Falco - 920 TPE
Send down QB: None

The big apple are looking pretty good at the QB position, with their S39 QB still on the come up it'll be a few more seasons before they have to worry about bringing someone in to replace the replacements legend Falco. No QB in the wings as a send down tracks, and the Silverbacks may not even be thinking about that position at this stage.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S46

OCO Orange County Otters OCO
Current QB: S37 - Adrian St. Christmas - 1314 TPE
Send down QB: S41 - Lloyd Bannings - 463 TPE

This is a bit of an interesting one, St. Christmas is a known journeyman QB and is currently at his peak. The Otters have Bannings as a send down, and will probably be calling him up for S44 and hoping to retain St. Christmas' services until that point. If St. Christmas decides to move on for S43 OCO may find themselves in a tricky position of having to either field a single season stopgap at the positon, or call up Bannings a little earlier than what is ideal.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S44 (S48 for Bannings' replacement)

SAR Sarasota Sailfish  SAR
Current QB: S39 - Willier Miller - 887 TPE
Send down QB: None

Much like the Silverbacks, Sarasota are in a position where they do not yet need to address the QB position and will likely instead favour adding talent around their starter rather than planning for a replacement. No send down QB as is expected, and probably no need to think about drafting one for a few more seasons.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S46

SJS San Jose Sabercats  SJS
Current QB: S35 - Owen Farrell - 1307 TPE
Send down QB: S42 - Josh Patterson - 375 TPE

The shining example of a perfectly scheduled replacement, the Sabercats have Farrell lining up as starter for a couple more seasons before they bring up Patterson - allowing as much time as possible for him to develop before playing at an ISFL level. The only downside to this strategy is that the aging QB is replaced while still at a TPE range that for most positions would allow them to continue playing. This is where we often see the aging QB position swap to allow a few more seasons in the league.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S42

YKW Yellowknife Wraiths  YKW
Current QB: S36 - Absolute Unit - 1358 TPE
Send down QB: None

Yellowknife will be looking at QB and planning for the future now. The optimal class for them to draft a replacement from is this one, and while they could definitely kick that down the road another season I'd confidently say it's something they're thinking about and with no send down QB in waiting there will be a need for them in the near future. I will note that YKW's GM currently has a QB in the S43 class which barring any unforseen issues will resolve this situation for them.

Replacement Draft Class Window: S43

Total teams needing a QB in the next 2 drafts: 6
Total S43 Draft Eligible QBs in the DSFL: 3 (1 max earner)

With all of this said and done, this upcoming season is probably one of the best situations in recent ISFL history for new create QBs. I'd project a need for around 3-4 QBs from the S44 class, and that's not accounting for any potential disruptions to the current picture as shown above (early retirements, suspensions or bans, etc).

If you're one of those teams potentially looking for a QB out of the S44 draft, allow me to present to you my next player - a max earning QB from a league veteran that will gladly step onto the field for whichever team decides to make that draft pick, I am looking forward to future scouting discussions with GMs across the league.

For those thinking about creating a QB I hope this helps to alleviate some of the stress around whether there will be a position available for you, while we have for a long time advised players against that decision, maybe this will give a little guidance around those positional needs and may help you come to a decision about what's right for your next player in the league. (Please don't take my spot though)

RE: Season of the QB - zaynzk - 06-28-2023

Great media for those who are planning on going QB at some point

RE: Season of the QB - Thor - 06-28-2023

(06-28-2023, 12:01 AM)zaynzk Wrote: Great media for those who are planning on going QB at some point

like idk, maybe S46 or smthn?

RE: Season of the QB - UberBJ - 06-28-2023

Soylent QB is going to be excellent, I have forseen it.