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*Haruki Ishigawa Press Conference - Printable Version

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*Haruki Ishigawa Press Conference - ExemplaryChad - 09-14-2017

Thanks, everyone, for coming out today. I know you're all busy. Obviously, I haven't entered the draft for season 4 yet, but my agent thought, and I agreed, that it would be a good idea to let people know what I'm about before they decide to take a shot on me in the coming season. I'm excited to play in the DSFL and get my legs under me, so to speak, during season 3. I think I can be an asset, first in the DSFL and eventually the NSFL.

It really is my privilege to be here today. So with that being said, I'll take your questions now.

Welcome to the league! I saw you were born in Japan. What were your experiences there and what brought you to North America?

Yes, my birthplace is Tokyo. I only lived there until I was five, so it's not really where I was raised. I still maintain some parts of a Japanese household -- shoes off at the door, "itadakimasu" before I eat, stuff like that -- but for the most part, I was raised American. My parents both work in government, one as a translator and the other as an ambassador, so that's kind of what brought us over here. Lucky for me, there wasn't a whole lot of moving back and forth, and my childhood was able to be relatively stable. I like to think I've brought over the best parts of Japan and combined them with the best parts of this country.

Since you will be starting your career in the DSFL are there any teams you are partial to end up on?

Honestly, I have some preferences on where I'd like to live, and I've heard some good things about certain organizations, but I'll just be happy when somebody picks me up. I work hard, and I'm gonna be spending most of my time on the field, so as long as I can gel with the organization and in the locker room, I'll be perfectly content to try and bring them a championship.

What about NSFL teams, Where do you feel you would fit best?

I'm hoping to go somewhere that there's a need. I'm used to filling a captain's role: changing plays on the fly, reading the offense's tendencies, spending a lot of time in the film room. So if I can work my way up to a role like that, it'll be a dream come true. That being said, of course I plan to earn it the hard way. I don't want anything handed to me. But yeah, like I said, a team where I can really fill a need and find a niche would be great.

What baseline scheme do you prefer? 3-4 or 4-3?

Well, as you know, I actually come from a pretty interesting scheme as a Mountaineer where we ran a base 3-4 / 3-3-5 hybrid. Since I'm used to either a 4-man or a 3-man linebacking corps, I think I can fit into either role. I like having the extra Mike in the 3-4 and another guy to balance my play, but I also like the pressure of being the only guy out there in the middle of the field, "on an island" as they say. Ultimately, either scheme would be fine with me, so long as I can use my vision and my study to their fullest extent.

How did you perform on the Wonderlic?

I don't like to brag, but I think a 44 is pretty far up there.

If you were forced to play linebacker that wasn't middle, would your prefer to be strong side or weak side?

Hm, either side really has things that would cater to my strengths. Don't get me wrong; the middle of the field is where I live. I like to see the whole offense and make adjustments accordingly. But if I absolutely had to pick, I think I'd pick strong side. My pass rush isn't as developed as some of my other skills, but I think my ability to cover tight ends stacks up pretty favorably. So yeah, strong side for me.

Are you married? Do you have kids?

Nah, neither. I think it's a little early for me, personally, to be thinking about that stuff. I want to focus on my game first for right now.

How did you end up playing for an American sport being from Japan? (Did you immigrate as a child etc...)

I came here as a five year old, so playing American sports is really all I ever knew. Since Japan and the US do have baseball in common, I tried my hand at that as well, but football is where I like to be.

What teams do you like just based off of names/logos?

Oh man, it's really hard to pick. As far as mascots go, I'm a pretty big fan of otters. I like the idea of a mascot being something that's not necessarily scary at first glance but that will come out of nowhere and destroy you. For colors, I would probably say the Sabercats because green is my favorite color. I've also gotta give props to a lot of the other teams for sheer cool factor of their logos though. The Outlaws, the Wraiths, and the Liberty really jump out at me. Geez, I hope I didn't offend the teams that I left out, haha.

If you found out some of your teamates were using PEDs, How would you handle it?

Wow, that's a tough question. I hate to say it, but I think I would have to report it. I don't want guys endangering themselves by taking that stuff, and I don't want a culture of doing unnecessary damage to yourself in this sport that I love. I understand the desire to be the very best that you can be -- trust me, I'm hardly the most physically gifted athlete on the field -- but there is no excuse for creating an atmosphere where you have to sacrifice your health and your future so that you can succeed today. It's just not safe, not healthy, and not okay with me.

Of course, I do recognize the irony of some of my statements here, as it could be argued that we're sacrificing our bodies anyway to do what we love. But that's all the more reason to stay away from PEDs. We don't need that extra pressure and extra toll on our bodies and minds.

*Haruki Ishigawa Press Conference - Archon - 09-15-2017

Welcome to the league! I saw you were born in Japan. What were your experiences there and what brought you to North America?

*Haruki Ishigawa Press Conference - Anti-Hype - 09-15-2017

Since you will be starting your career in the DSFL are there any teams you are partial to end up on?

What about NSFL teams, Where do you feel you would fit best?

What baseline scheme do you prefer? 3-4 or 4-3?

*Haruki Ishigawa Press Conference - 7hawk77 - 09-15-2017

How did you perform on the Wonderlic?

If you were forced to play linebacker that wasn't middle, would your prefer to be strong side or weak side?

Are you married? Do you have kids?

How did you end up playing for an American sport being from Japan? (Did you immigrate as a child etc...)

What teams do you like just based off of names/logos?

*Haruki Ishigawa Press Conference - 7hawk77 - 09-15-2017

Follow up question.

If you found out some of your teamates were using PEDs, How would you handle it?