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*CWII Retirement - Printable Version

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*CWII Retirement - woelkers - 07-27-2023

Cedric Wilkins II, the seasoned veteran nickelback for the Colorado Yeti, takes his seat in the press room of Yeti Stadium, members of the media buzzing with anticipation. Wilkins, once a popular target of columnists around the International Simulation Football League, has effectively been silent since he was traded from the Philadelphia Liberty to the New York Silverbacks, something perhaps nobody could have anticipated given his frequent squabbles with former Philadelphia Liberty brass, Lip Chap and Lip Stache.

"I think," Wilkins begins, a somber tone to his speech, "I think we all know why we are here today. I am entering my twelfth season in the International Simulation Football League, which I have officially decided will be my final season. I am grateful and humbled to have had the opportunity to play the game I love, the game my father loved, at this level these past twelve seasons, but I have to acknowledge that I am on my last legs, and I simply cannot continue to play this game at a level I could be satisfied with past this season".

Wilkins smiles as he catches his breath, his thoughts turning to fond reminiscence. "I have so, so many people to thank as I sit here today, so many people who have been vital to my growth and success in the International Simulation Football League. First and foremost, of course, I have to thank @Pat and @Cody, who brought me into this league, who helped me find my footing here, I know I caused them a great deal of concern, I imagine I was responsible for a handful of headaches while I played for the Philadelphia Liberty, but I am grateful to them for persevering, I could not be sitting here today if not for them. I also would like to specifically thank Xavier Walls, a critical mentor and a valuable friend from my time in Philadelphia; I am grateful for his guidance and support during what was a strange period of my life".

"I would briefly like to thank the New York Silverbacks, especially @zaynzk and @TheRocheLimit, for giving me the momentary shot I was given to be a Silverback. I did not ultimately find purchase with the team, but I am thankful for my time in New York nonetheless".

"I next have to thank the San Jose Sabercats, especially @ckroyal92 and @RussDrivesTheBus, for my time in California. I will forever be grateful for my years in green and gold, which gave me an opportunity to center myself and become the leader and the player I feel I am today. I have no reason to believe I played a Hall of Fame career, but if for some reason I am so fortunate as to find the Hall of Fame, I will be sure to include green and gold on the banner".

"I also have to thank the team I have spent the twilight years of my career with, the Colorado Yeti, and especially @SwankyPants31 and @Ephenssta. Many, many great defensive players have taken the field in red and white, and I am humbled to have played alongside some of them. I may be on my last legs, but I will give every last drop of sweat I have for this team in my twelfth and final season".

"Finally," Wilkins sighs, "I would like to thank my family. My father, who gave me my love for this game, I hope I made you proud, may you rest in peace knowing your son made his way in the world. My mother, who stood beside me through thick and thin these past twelve years and every step of the journey prior, your son did his job, you are covered for the rest of your life. Thank you both".

"I expect I will have roughly the same media presence for this final season as I have in recent seasons, but I am grateful for the time of every one of you here today, and if you can catch me, I am happy to chat with you on the field. Thank you".

RE: CWII Retirement - Ephenssta - 07-27-2023

Denied. Retiring is not allowed.

But seriously, we've loved having you around again

RE: CWII Retirement - zaynzk - 07-27-2023

Was a fun half a season when Wilkins was in New York! Excited to see the recreate!

RE: CWII Retirement - TubbyTim69 - 07-27-2023

Finally , thank god

RE: CWII Retirement - Cody - 07-27-2023

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Love ya!

RE: CWII Retirement - Urq660 - 07-27-2023

It was a pleasure sharing a secondary with you in San Jose!


RE: CWII Retirement - ForSucksFake - 07-27-2023

Nickelback rules!