International Simulation Football League
Tmoney6996 - Tampering - Printable Version

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Tmoney6996 - Tampering - woelkers - 10-07-2023

It was brought to the attention of DSFL Head Office that on September 27, user @Tmoney6996 tampered another user in violation of ISFL rule V.A.1.

DSFL Head Office reviewed past tampering precedent and found inconsistency and disparity that caused us to pause and revisit what appropriate punishment should look like moving forward.

It is the firm position of DSFL Head Office that tampering must be considered a serious offense and punished accordingly, especially an instance of tampering by a GM. However, we have reached the conclusion that a GM ban, as we have often seen in precedent, has at times been exercised arbitrarily and inconsistently, and we find it is not appropriate to make use of the GM ban for this offense.

Instead, Tmoney6996 will forfeit his GM pay for Season 44, a total of $12M, and will be placed on probation for a period beginning immediately and ending at the conclusion of S45. Any further infractions of league rules during this period will result in increased punishment.

As always, Tmoney6996 has the right to appeal this decision, and may contact @Attopax or any other member of appeals team to initiate that process.

RE: Tmoney6996 - Tampering - jollyjiggs - 10-07-2023

Obviously I have inherent bias, but I think a probationary period for a new user with no prior offenses that didn't know they were breaking a rule is incredibly fair and makes a lot more sense than GM removal. I appreciate HO treating this case uniquely as each tampering case is under wildly different circumstances. 12m is a hefty fine but worth it so the team can continue having a GM they love and so TMoney can continue having the opportunity to develop himself as a GM.

RE: Tmoney6996 - Tampering - zaynzk - 10-07-2023

No S44 is safe when are we punishing @katarn22 tho

RE: Tmoney6996 - Tampering - lordcoolcats - 10-07-2023

New video media idea. 

I'm going to make one of those late 90s/early 2000s corporate HR seminar videos, but in regards to tampering. 

For anyone who would like to join, I'll be taking applications shortly.

RE: Tmoney6996 - Tampering - BRNXB0MBERS - 10-07-2023

Let's keep this good thing going. I want to see 3 more punishments before the end of the weekend.

RE: Tmoney6996 - Tampering - GlimsTC - 10-07-2023

Like the approach taken on this one. Losing a GM is always incredibly hard on team, especially when it's a removal that comes out of complete nowhere. Glad everyone involved can just move past this one and learn from it

RE: Tmoney6996 - Tampering - UptownCord - 10-07-2023

Are we sure this guy should have gone 1OA? Truly the disappointing half of this ISFL couple

RE: Tmoney6996 - Tampering - Hydrium - 10-07-2023

I may have made a mistake.

RE: Tmoney6996 - Tampering - MikeWhiskey - 10-07-2023

That's not very cash money of them

RE: Tmoney6996 - Tampering - 18situaseans - 10-07-2023

No one can stop S44