International Simulation Football League
The Joe K "Holy Shit I've Been For SIX YEARS now" Podcast! - Printable Version

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The Joe K "Holy Shit I've Been For SIX YEARS now" Podcast! - JKortesi81 - 10-25-2023

Hey everyone! 

I've just passed my 6 year anniversary in this great league of ours! 

As a result, I'm looking to do a fantastic AMA on myself, the old days, my days as the Austin GM, my dog, where media may be going, and literally anything you can throw at me. I want ALLLL the questions to make this one last a long time. Hopefully, you can all take 5 minutes to ask me a bunch of questions! 

I'm VERY appreciative if you can. 

Here's the link to my Podcast Questions Thread, which is so old, it's still called the NSFL podcast thread haha: 

The Joe K NSFL Podcast Question Thread!

Thank you for an amazing six years here, and here's to six more! 


RE: The Joe K "Holy Shit I've Been For SIX YEARS now" Podcast! - wizard_literal - 10-26-2023

What are your thought's on media pressers?

RE: The Joe K "Holy Shit I've Been For SIX YEARS now" Podcast! - lordcoolcats - 10-26-2023

Would you say there has been a notable shift in the league's atmosphere/player attitudes between the early seasons (1-15) and the later seasons (35+)?

RE: The Joe K "Holy Shit I've Been For SIX YEARS now" Podcast! - zaynzk - 10-26-2023

Who do you consider the GOAT of the isfl

What is a forgotten piece of drama that happened in the early days?

What was it like moving from the dumpster fire early yeti too the dynasty OCO?

Will you every play as a defensive player or will you continue to be “that” recreate that only goes offense

RE: The Joe K "Holy Shit I've Been For SIX YEARS now" Podcast! - ValorX77 - 10-26-2023

What are some of your favorite moments from every season?

What are some of your least favorite moments?

What can the current HO do in your opinion to fix the league?

Top 10 users in ISFL history and why am I not on there.

Pick 1 team to rebrand or revive.

How does Bailey rank in a list of Users Dogs?

What is the rarest card that you have purchased?

RE: The Joe K "Holy Shit I've Been For SIX YEARS now" Podcast! - DeadlyPlayer - 10-26-2023

What originally made you look you the NSFL/ISFL?

RE: The Joe K "Holy Shit I've Been For SIX YEARS now" Podcast! - slothfacekilla - 10-26-2023

When was the last time you were super drunk?

Favorite sim league?

RE: The Joe K "Holy Shit I've Been For SIX YEARS now" Podcast! - WALDO - 10-26-2023

since we’ve shared this league for 5 years, what’s your all time favorite waldo moment?

RE: The Joe K "Holy Shit I've Been For SIX YEARS now" Podcast! - Weaves - 10-26-2023


RE: The Joe K "Holy Shit I've Been For SIX YEARS now" Podcast! - Repgnar - 10-26-2023

How do we feel about the Bills now that they've played 7 games this season? With some huge wins in Week 2 through 4 but a few questionable performances since then what would you like to see the Bills do better moving forward? Big favorites going into tonight's TNF match against Tampa.