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*How to Make the Hall of Fame - Printable Version

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*How to Make the Hall of Fame - lock180 - 10-26-2023

That’s right I’m back. This is a completely normal analysis that can be used by anyone and everyone who wants to make a Hall of Fame player. And if you don’t want to follow my directions and become completely irrelevant that’s cool too! Building the perfect Hall of Famer. What does this title mean? I’ve been thinking, analyzing, and studying these Hall of Famers from top to bottom and have decided there are certain levels that indicate a good Hall of Famer from a bad one. In total, there are 7 levels of varying importance that will help me help you pick and choose how to make the perfect Hall of Fame career and build a legacy that will last a lifetime.

Level 1 - The Stats
Yawn. Stats are overrated. This is a petty cop out of a way to base your Hall of Fame vote and anyone that bases their votes on stats alone is not looking at the right criteria. When you are building your player there is no need to focus on stats there are way more important factors to focus on. Trust me.

Level 2 - HOF votes
Just because you made the Hall of Fame doesn’t mean you are the cream of the crop. Many of these members have not been unanimously decided as Hall of Famers. On the opposite side of the spectrum, there are still a good number that have been unanimously voted in most notably Marquise Brown and Trey Willie who received the most votes in 16 to get into the Hall of Fame. The committee has shrunk to no fault of the other Hall of Famers but they should get an extra pat on the bat for receiving that many votes from such a large committee. With that being said, it does not amuse me or thrill me to talk about petty little HOF voters. But they should pay attention to this tutorial going forward so that they can more easily and accurately decide on who should be in the Hall of Fame and who should be kicked to the curb. And to those looking to get in, you might want to warm up the committee a bit you know, slip a couple of buckeroos their way but you didn't get that from me.

Level 3 - Position
The Hall of Fame committee is more partial to certain positions than others to no one’s surprise. But with that being said they do a good job of making it pretty even the only two that they need to look more into is the O-Line and Tight End. You may be saying DT as well but I combine those with DE and they are right up there with the rest of them. But really staring down positions should not be the main focus of the HOF committee.
[Image: image.png?ex=654d8e56&is=653b1956&hm=29d...2100d1929&]
Level 4 - College
The college you went to tells a lot about you and the competition you potentially faced while rising through the ranks. So looking at the 113 members of the Hall of Fame these athletes went to 84 different schools. Listed below are the colleges with multiple players in the Hall of Fame.
[Image: image.png?ex=654d8e84&is=653b1984&hm=63a...d96549eac&]
As you can see an unsurprising college in LSU is at the top but also with them is a college that hasn’t been good in a lifetime in Nebraska. There are also some surprising colleges with multiple Hall fo Famers most notably Pomona College who, according to my short research, combine their teams with another college just so that they can have enough players to play in D3 sports. So it is very impressive they have two players in the Hall of Fame. But that’s enough about college because who cares about that anyway? Sure it is a small building block but are we really relying on that to get us to the next level?

Level 5 - Birthplace
Birthplace is an interesting category for a couple of reasons. It isn’t a great metric of talent but can show how big of an influence football is in that general area. Population also has another big factor. The more people, the more likely they are to produce an ISFL level of talent. That’s just odds baby. And to no one's surprise, looking at the graph below Texas and California are way up there with 9 and 6 players respectively making it to the Hall of Fame. But the other top 3 birthplace to my surprise is Canada with 8 and two states that border Canada, Minnesota, and Michigan adding on another 9. 
[Image: image.png?ex=654d8ea3&is=653b19a3&hm=15d...a7287888f&]
What attributes to this? I’m not so sure. Canada does have an ISFL team and Minnesota a DSFL team but I’m not sure that accounts for the number of products coming out of those areas. Another thing to note is that there are 26 international players in the Hall of Fame not including Canada. The ISFL attracts talent from around the world and with 30% of their hall of famers coming internationally, that is quite the feat in itself. Another interesting tidbit is that there are still 19 states without a Hall of Famer. Some of the more notable being Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri, Washington, and West Virginia. But honestly, birthplace still isn’t a good metric to decide who gets into the Hall of Fame and who doesn’t. So let me introduce to you major factor number 1 of how to get into the Hall of Fame.

Level 6 - Jersey Number
[Image: image.png?ex=654d8eff&is=653b19ff&hm=2a5...041b74e37&]
Now this! This is where legends are made. This is where you can start looking at a player and figure out if they are a hall of famer or not. Looking at the list of hall of famers there have been 66 different numbers worn but none as much as the number 13. So what makes the number 13 so special? Why does it call to people subconsciously? Voters don’t understand that they are really voting on these last two levels. The jersey number and level 7 which we will get to shortly. They look at stats and think they are basing their vote on that when in actuality the number 13 haunts their dreams and as soon as they see it they are immediately drawn to it.

They aren’t drawn to it for a good reason though, they are drawn to it out of fear for what it may mean. The number 13 has been worn by 6 hall of famers. 3 of them were quarterbacks, 2 were wide receivers and there was a lone running back wearing the number 13. But 13 is associated with BAD luck but it isn’t bad luck for those wearing the number it is bad for everyone that has to face that number. Take this anecdote regarding norse mythology for example “According to one of the myths, the primary 12 gods were dining together peacefully until the god of mischief Loki showed up. As soon as this 13th guest arrived, chaos and carnage ensued”. These 13-wearing players have been sent to the field with chaos and carnage in mind and had no second thoughts on their opponents besides smashing their heads in.

But there is an opposite reason for the hall of famers wearing the number 7. Four such members have graced the number 7 with their presence as it holds not bad luck but good luck. Instead of putting the fear of 13 into their opponents, these four players focus on their teammates. Holding the positions of 2 cornerbacks, a linebacker, and a runningback, these four rally the troops and are there for positive morale.

Another number dominated by players on the offensive side of the ball is the number 11. These titans of the football field hold this number because they are the leaders of their team. A force to be reckoned with, a voice in the locker room. Look no further than the incredible flight of Apollo 11 and the leaders inside that spacecraft. They also hold a reminder as to how many players should be on the field for each play because while football players are tough, they aren’t always smart so they use their jersey as a helpful reminder to the rest of their team.

The next number with four hall of famers is 17. This number is shared by four players across four positions but it is no mistake that our first kicker mentioned in this article has the number 17 as their jersey number. Thanks to Sarah’s Scoops who definitely wouldn’t lie to me, the number 17 represents “a need for spiritual healing or a deeper understanding of who you really are”. And this matches what a kicker is all about. The need to meditate and drown out everyone else and focus on yourself. This is why players with the number 17 play such a vital role on the team because while being excited and having high energy is important, it is also important to look inward calm those emotions and focus on each play at a time.

Finally, we come to the opposite of 17, 71. Another four hall of famers hold this number. This number is held by mostly offensive linemen and for good reason. You see according to Sarah “It symbolizes good fortune and is associated with psychic abilities”. Psychic abilities. This is the key for players wearing the number 71. They are able to visualize where the defensive ends and tackles are coming from, pick up on blitzes, and form gaps crucial to the offense.

These five jersey numbers 13, 7, 11, 17, and 71 are hall of famers every day of the week and are the first sign of a team that will be having success. None of that stat, vote getting garbage if you are wearing the right jersey number, you will have success. To all the HOF voters prioritize these numbers above all.

Level 7 - Numerology
That’s right we have made it to the most relevant way to choose a hall of famer and that is through numerology. You may have seen the 500 page report done by a Swifty talking about Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift's relationship and if you have….you haven’t seen anything yet. Numerology is way cooler and better than Zodiac Signs and is something I definitely didn't learn about 10 minutes ago and was totally trying to do Zodiac Signs but got side tracked and spent way too long looking at numerology which is arguably more confusing. Would have loved to do Zodiac signs but maybe I will leave that for another time

But before I continue, I need to make a PSA announcement for everyone to hear. TELL YOUR PARENTS TO STOP GIVING BIRTH ON APRIL 20TH. IF THE HALL OF FAME IS ANY INDICATION OF THE REST OF THE LEAGUE I’D SAY ABOUT HALF THE LEAGUE WAS BORN ON APRIL 20TH AND IT STOPS NOW. Even if a large number of Hall of Famers were born on April 20th does not mean that if you are born on that day you have a good chance. There is no correlation! Okay maybe there is some correlation but that isn’t the point. Let’s get into the final hurdle in building our perfect hall of fame player.

To figure out the perfect hall of famer I have used a foolproof system. This system combines your name and birthdate and gives you a compatibility score based on the two. According to my very reliable sources they say that “If name numbers are not compatible with birthday numbers, it leads to problems in life, such as sorrows and misfortune”. Now I have wasted countless hours on finding each hall of famers compatibility scores and have found the average to have a 56% compatibility score between their birth date and name. This proves what was said earlier that the less compatible the more misfortune you have because all of these hall of famers combine to have a greater than average compatibility score and have all reached the Hall of Fame.

But let’s not just take my word for it let’s dig deeper into some of our over achievers and to do this we will start with a member from the latest hall of fame class William H. Harrison who scored a remarkable 91% compatibility score. Let’s dig deeper into this score and the importance of some of his numbers.
Life Path: 3
Compound: 50
Heart Desire: 3
Birthday: 3
Destiny: 5
Personality: 11
Listed above are the 6 numbers used to calculate the compatibility and as you can see there are a lot of 3’s. But let’s take a look at some of the other numbers. First I’d like to talk about Destiny. Harrison’s destiny number is 5 meaning he is a communicator, versatile, and multi-talented. As a safety, this is unsurprising as communication is crucial to get the information to the rest of the defense in time before the snap. Similarly, the number 3 represents cheerfulness and charisma. It is crucial for Harrison to be on good terms with other defenders otherwise they may try and take all the glory for themselves so by being charismatic he can pick and choose and build relationships with others. And finally, the personality number of 11 shows that Harrison is cooperative and that is obvious as he listens to other's opinions and allows freedom to his cornerbacks and linebackers he played with. Overall these 3 numbers provide a harmonious triangle that allowed Harrison to be as great as he was.

On the flip side, we have Melvin Murder-Moose one of just two hall of famers to have a <30% compatibility score. Murder-Moose is all over the place when it comes to his numbers but that may be the reason he was able to get into the hall of fame in the first place. Let me explain. Murder-Moose has a compatibility score of 23% between his name and birthdate but looking at his name alone we see some numbers that make a lot of sense. For instance, the number 1 is his destiny number. The number 1 means he is a natural leader and often independent and when things don’t go his way he often gets angry but as a linebacker these are all traits that one may expect to have. We go to the heart desire number of 9 to find courage as one of the headlining traits and the personality number of 1 includes courage along with aggressive. All of these traits despite being incompatible with the birthdate form a violent harmony with each other that is what a linebacker needs to be successful.

But wait there’s more, there’s also a location compatibility chart and when looking at it Melvin landing in Colorado provided an 88% match. So not only is it important for the numbers to align for yourself but also where you go and who you are with plays a crucial role. Interestingly the opposite was true for William H. Harrison who received a measly 33% compatibility score with his team in New Orleans. However, I believe his interconnectedness with himself and passion for helping others trumped the bad mojo down in New Orleans which is why he had success and reached the hall of fame.

So what is the final recipe for a guaranteed trip to the hall of fame. Some may say stats are part of it but I say you can skip that. Moving down the levels getting all 9 votes or however many is unanimous will show that you can tango with anyone. Now we get into the nitty gritty. You are going to want to be a wide receiver from the north or the south (Texas or Canada), go to LSU or Nebraska, wear the numbers 13, 7, 11, 17, or 71, and have a name that is compatible with your birthdate, and your future ISFL team. Those 7 level tips will guarantee you a spot in the Hall of Fame. No need to thank me now but I will be asking for a cut of the cake when you do make the hall of fame if you catch my drift. I was going to go even deeper but I started confusing myself so much that I had to stop before I opened another dimension and fell in from creating these crazy scenarios. Good luck to those that are participating in the lock180 “becoming famous” class and remember, STOP BEING BORN ON APRIL 20TH. YOU AREN’T ORIGINAL. AND IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE CHOSEN TO BE BORN ON THAT DAY I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE IGNORANTLY BLISS TO THIS TOMFOOLERY THAT 99% OF THE LEAGUE THINKS IS SO FUNNY. I AM NOT AMUSED.

*This is what 2.5x media will do to you.

RE: How to Make the Hall of Fame - Frostbite - 10-26-2023

As a member of the HoF committee my Venmo is @Frostbite729502

RE: How to Make the Hall of Fame - Yeenoghu - 10-27-2023

As a #7 wearer, I approve of this message.

RE: How to Make the Hall of Fame - DREAMSLOTH - 10-27-2023

I see how you've made $200M in three months.

RE: How to Make the Hall of Fame - honey - 10-27-2023

im going straight to the Hall