International Simulation Football League
*ISFL Positions as DnD Classes - Printable Version

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*ISFL Positions as DnD Classes - thewhovian - 10-28-2023

Hello hello and welcome to my breakdown of ISFL Positions, if they were Dungeons and Dragons classes. These are just my opinions, so I’d love to hear you all give your thoughts on why your position would totally be a different class than what I’ve suggested! I know we have some much bigger DnD nerds in here, so hit me with the experience and truth!

Without further adieu starting with the offense we have;

Quarterback: Cleric
Traditionally considered the main healer of a group composition, you might be confused why I’ve chosen them for Quarterback. Well, a Cleric is much more than just a healer. They are a divine WARRIOR, one who was specifically chosen for this purpose. Each team can only have one quarterback, making it a truly higher-calling. Higher beings don’t just grant their immense power to anyone. Cleric’s rely on wisdom, and can often be very insightful. This translates well to a QB who is the on field game decision maker.

Running Back: Fighter
A Fighter learns the basics of all combat styles. They can swing a heavy ax, fence with a rapier, and even use long range weapons like bows. That’s why I think a Running Back would definitely be a Fighter. Although Running Backs often *ahem* run with the ball, they can also catch passes. Going even a step farther, I believe that the Running Back archetypes, speed back, power back, receiving back, and full back, would play out like this among the fighting types of Fighters.
  • Speed back: Dueling, I picked dueling for this one, because of the agility that speed backs have. I imagine them being able to handle a weapon with much finesse and skill, juking out of the way to get the perfect shot.
  • Power back: Great Weapon Fighting, power backs are strong and built for endurance. As such, wielding a large two handed weapon seems like a made-for-them task!
  • Receiving back: Archery, This one is easy, receiving backs are the ones most likely to be tasked with catching a ball. Having long-range skills just seems like a given.
  • Fullbacks: Protection, A key part of being a fullback is blocking, of the 4 types, they are unparalleled when it comes to blocking stats, and are just as much part of protecting the quarterback as they are running the ball.

Wide Receiver: Ranger
Rangers are at home in the wilds, and if the field is our wilds, I’d consider Wide Receivers to be the ones exploring it the most. Having a favored terrain, and being great pathfinders, it seems logical that Wide Receivers with all of their routes would navigate the field well as a ranger. Ranger’s have access to some of the same Fighter types as our Running Back-Fighters mentioned above. Here is how I see those playing out among our Wide Receiver archetypes.
  • Speed Receiver: For this archetype I’ve chosen Archery, as they are going to be catching those balls deeper in the field, and thus a long-range weapon on the field.
  • Slot Receiver: For slot I’ve chosen Two-weapon Fighting. I’m imagining lots of slant routes and the ability to go either direction on the field, thus the two-weapon-ness.
  • Possession Receiver: As possession receivers are characteristically good at catching in traffic. I’ve chosen Dueling as their preferred fighting style, as they have that extra finesse to their play-style.
  • Return Specialist: I’ve chosen Defense for this archetype. As the lone man that everyone is gunning for on the field, during a kick-off return, I imagine this position and archetype would want to be able to defend themselves and take a hit or two.

Tight End: Druid
Do Tight Ends exist? Well, if they do, then I believe that they have to be considered druids. This is mainly due to a Druid’s ability to Wild Shape. With this ability a Druid can magically assume the shape of a beast that they have seen before. We see this happening often in the ISFL with Tight Ends magically assuming the shape of a Wide Receiver…

Offensive Line: Paladin
To round out our offense, I’ve selected Paladin as the DnD class that an OL would assume. Paladins are known for their righteous and to stand on the front line against the forces *evil*. They are fiercely loyal, and I see many parallels between the bond a Paladin’s sacred oath brings to their chosen higher deity, and the bond between an OL and QB. Paladins are strong first and foremost, but often with a hardy constitution, able to take multiple hits, heal themselves, and get back in the game –I mean adventure!

Linebacker: Barbarian
There was no doubt in mind when I started thinking through these classes, and positions, that Linebackers would be perfect Barbarians. I want to pull a direct quote here from the Player’s Handbook  “More than a mere emotion, their anger is the ferocity of a cornered predator, the unrelenting assault of a storm, the churning turmoil of the sea…. For every barbarian, rage is a power that fuels not just a battle frenzy but also uncanny reflexes, resilience, and feats of strength.” If that last sentence doesn’t describe a Linebacker’s potential domination on the field, I don’t know what does. As a linebacker, you need that crazy strength, and reflexes, but also the resilience (constitution) to be both effective, and efficient.

Defensive End/Tackle: Monk
I have to admit with only so many classes to choose from, I chose to combine Defensive End and Tackle (even though I myself am a DE) as I really feel they are cut from the same cloth, and in the DnD world, would mean they are both Monks. Monks are incredibly disciplined, and in tune with their bodies, able to harness their energy for impressive feats whether for combat or defensive ability and speed! I think this makes them a perfect pick for DE/Ts. Monks are high in dexterity, and wisdom, which is a good correlate for DE/T who are able to predict movements, find the holes, and stop offensive players, or put pressure on the quarterback.

Cornerback: Warlock
I’ve given both Cornerback and Safety magic wielding baddies as their classes. Although magic users are typically known as squishy or glass cannons, I think there can be a lot of similarities here with our secondary. Warlocks are driven by an insatiable need for knowledge and power. Cornerbacks need to also have a large knowledge base to anticipate the quarterback, and the power to follow-through on disrupting plays and tackling. Additionally, I choose warlock for a cornerback, as one of the things that sets warlocks apart from more bookish Wizards, is the fact that Warlocks aren’t just knowledgeable and powerful in magic, they supplement all of this with skills in hand-hand combat. While high charisma is typically needed for wielding their magic, a Warlocks second main ability score is typically constitution, again making them the more hardy of the magic users.

Safety: Sorcerer
For the last of our defense I’ve chosen a sorcerer. Sorcerer’s are characterized by their innate raw magic. Safeties are the last line of defense, and as such have the capabilities for making huge flashy saving plays, which I’ve also seen typical of Sorcerers in campaigns I’ve been in. Sorcerers have no use for spell books, or a patron to wield their magic, rather they harness and channel it to discover new ways to unleash that power at just the right moment. Since their magic is innate, they may not know as much about magic as the more scholarly wizards and warlocks, but they make up for this in the flexibility of spells they know. I see this in Safeties as they have the flexibility to cover not just down field as a free safety, but also cover closer to the line as a strong safety covering ball carriers.

Kickers/Punters: Rogue
Rogues are above all else, incredibly skilled and precise. They don’t rely on brute strength to make an impact, but rather cunning, and precise strikes. They attack where their hits will hurt the target most. As many in the ISFL know, a kicker can be the last-second difference maker between walking off the field winners or losers. Having the precision and consistency to hit those field goals, or having a team starting in near their own end zone, can wear down an opposing team unexpectedly. Kickers and Punters come out of the shadows, affect their pain on the other team, and quietly leave.

For our last two DnD classes that were not used, I have some off-field positions that I think they fit well with for funzies!

General Managers: Wizards!
As previously mentioned wizards are the more bookish knowledge seekers of the group. They literally have a spell book, while general managers have their own playbook. Choosing the right spell or play can have a huge impact on the rest of the team or party.

Discord Chat: Bards!
I love bards, and although I couldn’t find a good one-to-one with a player position. I feel like we all channel bards in discord, by providing entertainment, and general hype, to boost one-another both on and off the field. Bards also have a wide-ranging knowledge of many subjects, and that is seen in the conversations that play out in discord. I’ve never found a more well-rounded group of people that I can talk about obscure things with.

Well, there you have it folks ISFL positions, if they were DnD classes. Did I get it right? Horribly wrong? I’d love to know! In the making of this media piece I polled the Bondi Beach locker room (after I had formulated my own thoughts). BBB had the most consensus when it came to OL’s being Paladins (in agreement with me), and with DE/DT being Barbarians (not in agreement with me). There was the most disagreement on what RB’s (Monk, Druid, Rogue or Warlock), and CB’s should be (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, or Monk).

RE: ISFL Positions as DnD Classes - zaynzk - 10-28-2023

That moment when your GM is literally a wizard

RE: ISFL Positions as DnD Classes - wizard_literal - 10-28-2023

(10-28-2023, 02:26 PM)thewhovian Wrote: For our last two DnD classes that were not used, I have some off-field positions that I think they fit well with for funzies!

General Managers: Wizards!
As previously mentioned wizards are the more bookish knowledge seekers of the group. They literally have a spell book, while general managers have their own playbook. Choosing the right spell or play can have a huge impact on the rest of the team or party.


RE: *ISFL Positions as DnD Classes - TubaDeus - 10-28-2023

Now this is quality content

RE: *ISFL Positions as DnD Classes - slothfacekilla - 10-29-2023

I love this